108 Seconds from Waking

108 Seconds from Waking
By Ivy Integration
The 108 seconds after waking is when the portal to the subconscious is wide open. During this time we are crossing delta, theta and alpha wave lengthens. No other time throughout the day is the barrier between delta, theta and alpha wave lengthens thin enough for these wave lengthens to emerge into a single stead of consciousness known as the union of thought forms. We carry thought forms in each of the brain waves, delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma. For example, thought forms in delta are spacious and expansive, in theta thought forms are integrating ideas and imagination, in alpha thought forms are applying creativity into discovery, exploration and deeper understanding and in beta thought forms are energetic, sharp, precise and directive. All these thought forms come together during the 108 seconds after we wake. Imagine the delta, theta and alpha wave lengthens as rivers coming together to form a waterfall that pour into a massive body of water.
          Now the flowing wave lengthens, delta, theta and alpha, connect us to the subconscious (delta) which is our foundational thought form that conducts the other thought forms in different brain waves. For example, if we carry a subconscious thought form from childhood ‘men violate women’ (let’s say our father violated our mother or us as a child) our subconscious can create a thought form that, for example, wants us to hide our radiance from men due to fear of being violated. Therefore, the subconscious foundation affects our entire view on men in the delta, theta, alpha and beta. And if we carry a thought form of ‘men violate women’ our realized potential to receive (let’s say) a gentle male companion who is respectful of us could be restrained.
The subconscious is where we experience the shock. For example, we are in a car accident while in beta wave lengthen and may not feel the impact but overtime, notice our focus, imagination and dreamy state is off balance or shaky. Our focus, imagination and dreamy state is directly related to the foundational thought form usually given to us from childhood. If we are given a foundational thought form that is very confining, fearful, insecure our thought forms in the theta, alpha and beta will reflect this. Our delta state may be restricting and therefore, we cannot connect with restorative and expansive openness, our theta state may be limited in higher thinking and therefore, we have trouble viewing beyond our beliefs, our alpha state may be creatively fixed and therefore, we are a static person and our beta state may be disruptive and therefore, completing tasks provokes stress.
What we want is to fortify and amplify a subconscious foundation that gives us a deep delta state of openness and vastness to connect with a soulful essence, an intuitive and receptive theta state, a creative and innovative alpha state and a corrective and constructive beta state. But, for many of us our root thought form is still in a state of shock from a childhood memory. Either, we had to work at fourteen and carry the shock of providing for ourselves very young, maybe we had a first sexual experience that left us nervous–we are a sponge from 0-14 and everything we experience carves our moldable mind into definition. Therefore, if we are providing for our family at eight years old our subconscious has resistance to support from others and if our first sexual experience left us nervous then our subconscious may lead us into sexual encounters that feed our shock of being violated or lead us away from intimacy all together.
          We want to use this open portal to the subconscious to input a thought form that can construct ourselves around a new foundation. If the basement is the subconscious and our house is dependent on the basement or foundation for security then we require a subconscious foundation to secure our lives. During the 108 seconds after waking we receive a review of our root thought forms. We also can use an affirming meditation to repattern ourselves to fit more comfortably with the potential we are wanting to embody either it be a love relationship, career opportunity or good health.
          How we can alchemize the 108 seconds after waking is provided in The Childhood Subconscious, Introduction to Starting the Day Expansive and Day 1 of Starting the Day Expansive––

Decide your affirmation and affirm with command and compassion. During the 108 seconds from waking, we are receptive and unblocked. Therefore, our subconscious is flexible to new ideas during this time. We can solidify, fortify and amplify through our morning sadhnna, 4am-7am. Using the morning subconscious portal and early sadhnna can reorganize our energetics to align and synchronize with energetic structures that of abundance, good health, gratitude, etc. giving us the psychology we require first at the mental projection and then at application. For example, a mental projection of holding a yoga posse strengthens our application. But, if our mental projection of holding a yoga posse isn’t affirmed our endurance and capacity will not have the caliber to obtain the challenging yoga posse. Overtime, our application reforms our previous psychological state to be able to obtain the yoga posse. But, first our mental projection needs to be installed or our application lacks the self-concept, self-belief to remodel our psychology. 
Remodeling the self starts at the mental projection and is fortified and amplified with application. Application without a mental projection of victory in that which we seek to obtain in caliber does not have the orientation of thought forms to hold a new capacity required for the challenging yoga posse, for example, to be integrated. Integration is a process of reorienting the basement of our lives through changing the environment by reparenting our childhood memories and remodeling our foundational ideas of self giving us an expansion on what we are capable of integrating into embodiment.
Keys terms in obtaining a new psychological state are solidify, fortify and amplify. Our psychological state is directly related to our epigenetics. We carry genetic codes from childhood that place our energetic capacity and caliber into definition around age fourteen. After fourteen, we begin to solidify, fortify and amplify these definitions of self and life capacity but if these definitions do not give us the propulsion (energy) to orient ourselves according to our chosen victory than it encloses our psychology and does not reform our psychology. We must reform our psychology through the mental projection by solidifying a daily practice of self-concept, self-belief improvement through the 108 seconds from waking, fortify through the sadhnna of conquering doubt that prevents expansion and amplify through mantra, or reverence given to affirmation.