
Lines of the Soul across the Planet for Incarnation Improvement
By Ivy Integration
When we are born our energetic blueprint, which consists of our incarnation history, past karma/dharma, mastery, incomplete lessons and personal evolution, stretches across the planet creating lines of amplification. Usually, we are brought to these regions by intuition or chance because they enhance and improve our lives either through outward/inward experience, challenges and contemplation. All of us carry the influence of the planets and can alchemize their power by being near or on the line that amplifies the aspect of self we are needing to work on for self-development either in authenticity (Pluto), deeper meaning (Mercury), prosperity (Venus), emotional contentment (Moon), integrity (Mars), Radiance (Jupiter), Life style change (Saturn), discovery (Uranus) and visualization manifestation (Neptune).
Our incarnation is full of lessons, assignments, tests and mastery in the area of authenticity, deeper meaning (thought), prosperity, emotional wellbeing, integrity, radiance, life style change, discovery and visualization manifestation. The planets channel the lesson, assignment, test and mastery of the twelve zodiac. Pluto is Scorpio, Mercury is Gemini and Virgo, Venus is Taurus and Libra, Moon is Cancer, Mars is Aries, Jupiter is Sagittarius, Saturn is Capricorn, Uranus is Aquarius and Neptune is Pisces and Sun is Leo.
Briefly, Scorpio lesson is being honest to the soul, assignment is emerging with a spiritual essence, test is embracing the unknown and mastery is navigating the dark realms. Gemini lesson is learning the mind of self and others, assignment is recognizing judgment, test is transforming judgment and mastery is expansion of awareness. Virgo lesson is being of good health, assignment is sharing good health with others, test is self-protection and mastery is obtaining healing modalities. Taurus lesson is finding one’s talent, assignment is managing talent, test is including nature and mastery is security from one’s own efforts and talents. Libra lesson is encouraging others, assignment is helping others find balance, test is boundaries and mastery is a haven for people to feel cared for and accepted. Cancer lesson is emotional ease, assignment is healing childhood, test is overcoming emotional suppression and neglect and mastery is compassion brings rewarding friendships. Aries lesson is standing up for one’s self, assignment is facing injustice, test is not losing calm and mastery is ability to revolutionize. Sagittarius lesson is bringing the planet’s philosophies into one, assignment is bringing joy to learning and growing, test is following a true teacher and mastery is becoming a dynamic person. Capricorn lesson is perfecting the structured society, assignment is self-respect, test is never degrading self or other for achievement, mastery is providing greater efficiency to society. Aquarius lesson is learning the inner reality, assignment is trans-surfing inner realities, test is clearing false realities and mastery is originality. Pisces lesson is higher imagination, assignment is visualization, test is finding contentment with life and mastery is expression. And Leo lesson is creativity, assignment is assertion, test is being reverie and mastery is vitality.

Now, I am providing the planets and how by being near or on their line can help us better understand how we can manifest our potential. Looking at the lines on the Earth, we can see where we currently live, the places we are guided to and the growth our spirit is wanting for us at this time and the times since our birth. If we don’t have lines near or on the place we currently live or the places we’ve lived before that is okay. The lines simply amplify the planets in our birth chart and what we are encouraged to become for self-development. However, if we are aware of what we want to work on for improvement either in prosperity or relationship, etc. being near or on these places helps us amplify the growth in those areas.
Outward are the experiences and interactions we have with others.
Inward are the meditation, self-awareness and self-healing we embark upon.
Challenges are the breakthroughs and personal growth through either struggle, adversity or inner conflict.
Contemplative is review, refine, regroup and renew that leads to inner reality changes.

Pluto–ending a cycle, birthing authenticity through spiritual growth
Let go and Transform (Empowerment) *Challenging
Mercury–Expand thinking patterns
Expand and Evolve (Expansion) *Outward
Venus–Abundance for beauty and grace
Enjoy and Receive (Empress) *Outward
Moon–Emotional maturity and relationship harmony
Compassion and Friendship (Communion) *Inward is Outward
Mars–Adversity, inner conflict strengths integrity
Battle and Triumph (Warrior) *Challenging
Jupiter–Magnetism through higher understanding
Teach and Be Taught (Blessings) *Outward and Contemplative
Saturn–Life review encourages reinvention
Reflect and Reinvent (Character) *Challenging
Uranus–Seeking inspiration
Observe and study (Inner Reality) *Contemplative
In our totality, we are working on empowerment, expansion of thinking, express like The Empress in the traditional tarot, our beauty is so impressive the planet gives us everything because of how outstanding our presence is, communion is with our soul and finding a feeling of home with others and in life, warrior is standing up for our joy to lead, blessings is clearing the bad luck and bringing in good fortune, character is establishing dignity, devotion and consistency and inner reality is creating the purest and most authentic reality and clearing away the stale, junky and stagnant realities.

May these lines of soul be a guide and lead to self-development. Many of us need the extra boost or upliftment to help us reach our mastery either in empowerment, character, etc. and the lines are designed to amplify what is inside. We simply need to honor our intuition, trust our intuition and recognize anything that is not intuition is challenged, tested, brought to its breaking point and this is what I call the universe helping us get real about stagnation, rut, challenge, struggle, poverty consciousness, low respect, ugly attitude, ungrateful mood, anything we are or do that creates painful duality, duality that tells us we are broken we are broken, we are poor we are poor, we are healed we are healed, we are beauty we are beauty. Beyond duality we are broken and healed, poor and rich, beauty and foul but in the emergence with ourselves we are able to find healing to our broken, rich to our poor and beauty to the foul. By aligning ourselves with the authentic rhythm we are not the things of the world holding us back, broken, stagnant, poor, etc. We are the energetic blueprint that can alter energetics of the body, mind and energy field bringing us into the destiny we intent, command and perfect inwardly, outwardly through the amplification of our outstanding invincible joy conquered on Earth.