The Womb is the Temple of Earth

The Womb is the Temple of Earth
By Ivy Integration
When a woman has intercourse with a man the man is entering her temple. A penis enters the vagina not a vagina enters a penis. Therefore, a man enters a woman’s body. He penetrates her. This penetration to the vagina is walking through a doorway into a woman’s reverence, innocence and divine making. A woman holds in her cervix, in her womb, the death and rebirth of humanity. She carries the transition, insight, creative method and blueprint to the new generation and the old. Her womb is a giant library containing eras, ages and generations throughout time and space on Planet Earth. These memories, traumas, shapes and patterns develop the DNA code of humanity. She has the ability to rewrite the DNA code of the new and old generation by summoning the reverence of the womb to reshape the DNA code of the era, age and generation. Like a temple, we arrive to receive refinement, guidance, instructions and a method to healing, balancing, remedying and enlivening our lives. We pray to deities, saints, angels, ascended beings and masters to bless our lives with the talent of manifesting a fresher era, age and generation.
The woman’s menstrual cycle is the shedding of skin for a fresher life force to emerge. The menstrual cycle follows seasons. The red moon is a hibernation period, like the bear entering the cave to sleep. Inside the cave, all is quiet; there is an echo of the universe and a sensitivity that opens us to voices of the elders, spirits and wise ones on Planet Earth. Women use this reflective, meditative and thoughtful time to advance philosophy and innovation. Spring is a highly creative period, like the flowers at bloom. Inside the field of blooming flowers everywhere, all is enthusiastic and assertive; there is a gale of wind encouraging women to share her deeper philosophy through sound and light. Summer is a prolific period of leadership and quantum leaps forward, like an empirical eagle diving the sky to capture the moose, all is direct and commanding; there is a velocity of charisma in woman that takes the new path to its completion. Fall is a soothing period, like an owl slowly and gradually making its nest to rest, all is quieting; there is a peaceful night that steadies woman into a restorative and spacious thought and feeling. And then, winter arrives again for the cyclical nature of woman to repeat itself.
Woman carries the natural rhythm of Planet Earth inside her womb. She carries the heart beat of the eras, ages and generations of the new and old. These heart beats are first created inside the womb before the breach out into the world. Woman has the ability to create the heart beat of humanity by using her own heart beat to manifest the heart beat of the baby inside her. The death of an egg sheds its skin like a snake loosening its skin to slither through the old layer to arrive fresher with more original shapes and patterns on skin. The fresher and more original woman occurs during the hibernation period when all is sleeping and deeply healing. This is the temple of Earth. To enter the natural rhythm of creation, to learn the making of all Earthlings and understand a divine purpose is the temple we go to deepen our life experience.
When a man enters a woman’s temple, he is respecting the temple rules. Like all temples, there are rules. For example, take off your shoes, no talking, no disruptions, be clean, honor the deities or saints, be considerate of the people around you, etc. Sometimes there are thorough rules and sometimes basic rules, regardless, a temple is a place to enter a rhythm of pure creation where fear and doubt relinquish and love and courage prevail. When a man enters a woman’s temple he is learning the eras, ages and generations of her DNA code. But, a man who does not obey the temple rules and brings in his McDonald's animalistic hunger and cheapness he off balances the woman’s menstrual cycle like a person playing rap music in a silent temple during prayer. The reverence of prayer is devalued by such behavior. Reverence of the womb must be valued or woman is devalued. When a woman is devalued by a McDonald's animalistic hungry and cheap man her innocence, rhythm of wisdom and purposeful death and rebirth is off balance. Overtime this can desensitize a woman and without sensitive communion with the womb a woman cannot fully activate the seasons of her menstrual cycle. Therefore, there is difficulty receiving insight, enlivening insight, asserting insight and completing the insight (winter, spring, summer and fall).
It is important, as women, we recognize that the penis entering the vagina is a man entering our haven, sanctuary, place of refuge. Any place is cherished and preserved. No violates or aggressions are allowed. There are boundaries in place to protect the haven. Like a home, we do not leave our doors and windows open because safety is discernment and discernment is boundaries that safeguard ourselves from violators and aggressions. The womb is the first home of safety, comfort and protection. When we are a little fetus we are the purest image of our authentic self because we are safe, comforted and protected inside the womb in less the mother is inflicting or allowing violators and aggressions to disrupt the natural heart beat of herself and the baby. 
Intercourse is a fascinating experience for a man because he has the opportunity to look through the window of creation, death and rebirth. Man does not carry such window in his vessel. Man only has the fascination and curiosity for the window of creation, death and rebirth. When a man enters the woman’s haven he gets to see her art, poetry, philosophy, community of friends, angels, wisdom and beauty. It is like a man walking into a creative woman’s home and being in awe at all the paintings on the walls, books of poetry and wisdom, plants hanging on the ceiling, plants on the window ceil, plants forestlike on the floor and the inner child of exuberant joy like sound and light of nature. He is in awe and inspired by such wise magic. Unfortunately, many women devalue their femininity or even shame or hate their femininity because time and time again women experience the McDonald's animalistic hunger and cheapness of man that violate and disrupt her natural rhythm of beauty. Overtime, the desensitized woman understands sex like McDonald's, a way of selling cheap food for success. While the temple of woman, success or victory is the era, age and generation finer and fresher with knowledge, philosophy and wisdom. The dignity of the womb loses its trustworthy guidance when woman falls into the McDonald's animalistic hunger and cheapness. Without dignity there is no communion with angels, ascended beings or masters during the red moon because woman is out of rhythm with creation. Intercourse with such a woman is never satisfying for a man because he is always left hungry, hungry, hungry for what he may think is more sex but in reality he yearns for his heart beat.
A woman’s womb is meant to extend beyond her body into the field of her home, family, career and community. Her death and rebirth of her refreshing philosophy, wisdom and clarity is her natural expression on the Planet Earth. When a woman establishes her mystic, spacious, insightful, intuitive, creative and visionary inner most womb self out into the space around her, the temple called the home, family, career and community, there is safety, comfort and protection that helps her grow and develop like the fetus in the womb. Safety, comfort and protection is very important to women because we are the muse, wildly magical but without shelter the disruptions and aggressions of humanity can destroy us, as it has before and still does today. The temple is the safety, comfort and protection of woman, the place within her where she can connect with a voice of reason that provides a higher understanding on life. Living close to the voice of reason helps women navigate creation, the darkness and light, with established leadership over her femininity. With such establishment, a man entering a woman is entering his heart.