Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude Meditation
By Ivy Integration
          Gratitude is the highest human vibration on planet Earth. Gratitude is salvation! The road of life is neither a curse nor blessing but a challenge. Planet Earth is a test on liberty. Liberty has never been easy for humankind. Liberty, freedom and justice, is a consistent liberation.
          Gratitude is a reprogramming of limited thinking into creative ingenuity. Limited thinking is the cause for friction among nations, ethnic groups and ideologies. When limited thinking is too agitated there is a breakdown for a breakthrough to occur. This is liberation!
          Gratitude is a decision to turn the victim into the warrior. Without gratitude we are bound to a house with no doors or windows. We lose our creativity and stagnate ourselves into a fixed idea–I do not have the power. Gratitude reinstates human power. Regardless of the limitation, gratitude allows power to be self-empowerment. Where there is self-empowerment there is a human warrior with the will to think beyond the restriction on liberty.
          Limited thinking frustrates and angers humankind because human is designed to refine energy of consciousness within the self greater. But, the challenge is overcoming the illusion of limitation. Capability is what gratitude offers, a chance to cultivate BIG energy. BIG energy gives human a strong, high vibrational, self-concept. When life is too burdensome the weight must be uplifted. Gratitude transmutes the density, low vibration, into a doorway or window into more available high energy to liberate.
          Overall, gratitude sets us free from the chains in the mind. Gratitude commands liberty and empowerment. It demands duty to the self and returns control to the heart of the warrior. Gratitude unscrambles the mind from fear, doubt and confusion, a person locked in a house with no doors or windows, and reforms the mind into a mindful reserve of energy, a person seeing into many doors and windows. If human is to survive the burdens of limited thinking, patterns of poverty, and transmute the victim committing emotional suicide, human needs a way.
          Gratitude at first is irritating, frustrating and triggering because when human is victim for too long, raging at lack or fighting against lack, human is unclean, burdensome energy sitting in a swamp. To transform word soup or mind wasteland into a clear, concentrated and BIG energy person takes the journey of facing the agitation or friction with passion to breakthrough. Nobody can breakthrough the barriers or blocks in the heart and mind except the individual. Nobody can heal and empower seven generations of poverty or victimhood except the individual. Nobody can overcome the drainage on energy except the individual. When the individual is desperate enough or empowered enough to cultivate BIG energy the person will not settle or dwell in the word soup of sympathy or self-pity, regret or misfortune but take the marathon or pilgrimage again and again until person no longer complains about the challenge of life.
Gratitude takes the complainer wasting his/her time complaining about lack, lack and lack and forces the person to take the perspective of creator. Planet Earth is not easy! Liberty is not easy! We know this deep inside but continue to deny the participation in our creative destiny to rise up as a self-initiated master. We want to sit and do nothing except wait for change to set us free. We came to planet Earth to set ourselves and many before and after us free from limited thinking. But, the weight of this world steals out gut when we allow victim and injustice to be supreme authority and consciousness to be underdeveloped.
Gratitude is meditation, Yoga, self-hypnosis––in every  mantra of self-discipline. Gratitude is a warrior practice to strength opportunity, possibility and potential. Human without opportunity, possibility and potential is a trapped or stuck person with only facades and false personalities to keep them going. The façade, false and shallow personality never takes responsibility for their happiness and commits emotional suicide to survive. This is the life of the coward in disguise as the common person. Person is not a random, miscellaneous and low vibrational void. PerSUN is the light to ecstatic energy of mastery, talent and resilience.
Gratitude gives human the vision, visualization and visionary sight to support the development of consciousness. Gratitude is transcendence of duality, saint and sinner, good and bad, right and wrong, warrior and victim, and persistence to defeat the low vibrational thoughts such as judgement, shame and drained power. Gratitude breaks the disruption, interference and low integrity and gets human out of the effected and into impact, a stronger vibration.
For this Gratitude meditation, close your eyes, rest your body tenderly and allow yourself to receive…I summon Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Mother Mother, Mary Magdalene and Green Tara for divine assistance in extracting and eliminating limited thinking such as victimhood, powerlessness, drainage on power and karmic addiction. We rest our eyes inside an owl’s nest high in a giant tree with the sea breeze, ocean music and galling forest. Surrounding our body is golden white energy like a shimmering gold white robe. Our energy field receives the merkaba of the Holy Spirit as we transport the soul and subtle bodies, emotional and sexual bodies to the 10th gate of the Akashic Record for powerful healing and empowerment.
Traveling through the gold double doors, we are invited into a sacred circle with Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Green Tara. In the center of the sacred circle is a giant amethyst crystal within a burning royal gas stove blue bush. We take off our clothing and allow royal gas stove blue flames to snake up our legs, body and arms, consuming us like ivy. The cooling heat of royal gas stove blue energy burns through all low vibrations of limited thinking such as victimhood, powerlessness, drainage on power and karmic addiction. The low vibrational energy turns to dead skin as it peels off our energetic being. Radiance forms around our energetic being as a cloud of lightning and pure rain cascading down upon us, cleansing our energetic being. We receive transmutation of heavy judgment, shame and drained power. We allow the dead energy to rise up like dissipating dust as empirical eagle wings appear behind our back, giving us the impact of true power, intuition.
Under the soles of our feet stagnate energy is be sucked out of the body, from the crown of the head, through every organ, blood, muscle, tissue and bone to be pulled down into the Earth for decomposition and healing. We receive pure gold energy all around. We are inside a crystal sphere of gold, linking us to the knowledge of the masters. Our entire energetic being is transforming into the yantra of mastery. Within the crystal sphere of gold there is a mantra gonging our uptight thought forms and energetic limitations lose and reformed…Aap Sahaaee Hoaa, Sachay Daa Sachaa Doaa, Har, Har, Har. With the power of the mantra all negative ties, attachments and limiting beliefs are destroyed. So, it is!!!
Gratitude fills our body with emerald green energy as our skin turns soft pink and green with blue. We are removing the cloud of misfortune above our head and awakening our arcline of sovereignty and wise independent thinking. We gently whisper to our heart and soul Karuna Karuna Karuna, Karuna Karuna Karuna as we breathe in the Holy Spirit and exhale the Holy Spirit. Everything we are is crystal clear quartz energy of the deepest atonement. We amplify and broadcast the atonement of Jesus and Mary, Krishna and Radha to fully awaken our power to move and shake our reality into finer doorways and windows into opportunity, possibility and potential to be realized. We take the opportunity, possibility and potential to be a leader with assured confidence and resilience. We feed our body with Yoga. We feed our soul with protection mantra. We feed our heart with joy. We take back our power to be creative, divine and healed. So, it is!!!