11:11 11/11 Authentic Woman

Authentic Woman
By Ivy Integration
            An authentic woman is rich with aliveness, soulfulness and self-knowledge. She is captivating and captivated by nature. She preserves and cherishes nature by including nature in all her creative pursuits. She is mysterious and awe-striking. The authentic woman is extraordinary in the way she is mystically bold and courageous. Her spirituality is exuberant and active. She uses the wisdom of the ancestors and the strength of the linage to pioneer a way into healing. She is a medicine woman! She is a professor of culture, ideology, justice and religion. She decides the generation and the amount of empowerment possible for her family and children. She decides the good health and creative innovation capable for a generation and for humankind's great expansion.
            The authentic woman is the empirical eagle. She soars the ethers, dives down below the tree line, over the great river and snowy mountain as a guardian and observer. Her womb is cosmology, astrology and archaeology, a fertile soil with nutrients of the ancient past and divination from the remote future. Her prophecy is creatively supreme and her “gut” is ambitiously clean and brazen. The sword of truth is her discernment shined by the leadership of women supporting her prosperity and faithful divinity and holy safety. She is able to tap into the grand universe to receive higher imagination and greater creative potential. She channels the Mother Gaia for the great story telling, art, music, talent and joy of human gathering. In community with her people, she feeds, serves the people rich food, rich music, rich literature and rich access to beautiful synergy, mastery and artistry that reforms, evolves and inspires young people to be the judges, teachers, farmers and soldiers of honesty and integrity. Her balance, her heart, her soul is the muse that uplifts people out of dwellings, dirty caves and into study, education and persistence to reach mind/body/soul sovereignty, liberty and humanity.
Collecting healing modalities is her voyage through time and space, a journey into the ancestral past, a journey with fellow women and a journey into the elevated prophecy of human evolution. Her loyal devotion and consistent dedication is craftsmanship of the sharpest, brightest and invincible sword of truth. She cuts through destructive behavior and alchemizes abundance through her outstanding will. She is resilient! She is tolerant! She is worthy of wealth! She is the true protector of the united people of Planet Earth. She is the temple of peace. In her temple, people come to free their burdens, relieve their pain, release their suffering and transform into a fearless, brave and powerful HEALED human with total acceptance, forgiveness and clarity of one's creative contentment, true self-love, unconditional love and challenge that is standing wiser because of  compassion, a warrior for justice.