Evolutionary Destiny is a Guide Book for Humanity

Evolutionary Destiny
By Ivy Integration
Our evolutionary destiny is led by the planets of our cosmology. We each carry a blueprint for this incarnation like a guide book. Since human tends to forget and wander the Earth doubtful and uncertain, the universe gave human a compass. The planets revolve with us giving us subtle activations that awaken skills, talents, memories and strengths that revolutionize our making. We come to Earth to embody an authentic code held together by the inner child but the lectures, assignments and tests of Earth reveal to us our sovereignty, creativity and liberation. Earth without sovereignty, creativity and liberation is empty space like the negative space we call the universe. Where there is sovereignty, creativity and liberation there is light and polarity. These are universal laws. Where there is sovereignty there is limitation. Where there is creativity there is destruction. Where there is liberation there is friction.
The evolutionary destiny on Planet Earth is to take the lectures, assignments and tests of many generations before and ahead and complete them. We all belong to a family tree incomplete. The lectures, assignments and tests on sovereignty, creativity and liberty were intense maybe regressed, left on a shelf, and up to us to complete. For example, generations of anger incomplete in the family tree is our opportunity to revolutionize. More examples, generations of limited belief of intelligence is our opportunity to revolutionize; generations of shame is our opportunity to revolutionize; generations of oppressed emotion is our opportunity to revolutionize. Why must we welcome the sovereignty, creativity and liberation, the light and polarity, of our family tree? In order to live firmly on Earth we are brought to Earth as a tree and any sturdy, stable and secure tree has many generations of itself.
Our evolutionary destiny uses the family tree, its incomplete lectures, assignments and tests, as a catapult. The evolutionary destiny is visionary and requires much energy. The lectures, assignments and tests of the family tree may seem irrelevant to our generation, repetitive and tedious but is the way we take to burn our authentic code into every ring of the family tree. The evolutionary destiny wants to reform the human experience finer and wiser. Like school, we cannot become finer and wiser students unwilling to complete the journey of challenging progress. The challenge of evolutionary destiny is reforming the architectural view of the family tree into the archetype of our authentic code. The archetype of our authentic code is inside our guide book but without revolving the view of the family tree we see what has been architecturally set for us to see. We change the view by deconstructing walls, creating windows and looking out.
How the planets in our guide book assist is through evolution, amplification, broadcast, the unknown and remedy. Evolution is a quantum leap helping us advance our view finer and wiser quickly. Amplification is a prevalence helping us to overcome the heavily embedded patterns that limit our expansion. Broadcast is magnetism helping us to have vitally, grit and security within our authentic language. The unknown is mystic perception helping us view universal consciousness. And remedy is a haven helping us safeguard our innocence.
The planets that evolutionize our incarnation are Pluto and Mars. The planets that amplify our native talents and gifts are Jupiter and Venus. The planets that broadcast our impact are the Sun, Saturn and Mercury. The planets that reach the unknown are Uranus and Neptune. And the planet that remedies our human experience is the Moon. Depending on the collaboration between zodiac and planet reveals the path of evolution, amplification, broadcast, the unknown and remedy. For example, evolution of the incarnation, Mars in Leo, Pluto in Sagittarius––evolution is advancing creativity for higher education. Amplification of native talents and gifts, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Venus in Pisces––amplification is expressions of artistry for higher education. Broadcast of impact, the Sun in Aries, Saturn in Pisces and Mercury in Gemini––broadcast is a spiritual leadership of higher intelligence. The unknown, Uranus in Aquarius, Neptune in Capricorn––unknown is an executive of originality. And the remedy of the human experience, the Moon in Gemini––remedy is an inclusive understanding.
Now, in order to connect the puzzle pieces together we need to learn the basic zodiacs and the planets.
Evolution is velocity (light from fire).
Amplification is the ground (earth).
Broadcast is ethereal (cosmic).
Unknown is voyage (air/sails of movement).
Remedy is water (water to sooth).
Aries–Leadership, forefront, commanding
Taurus–Participant, self-responsible, establishing (home front)
Gemini–inclusion, collaboration, student/teacher
Cancer–Sharing, available to emotions, intuitively guided
Leo–creative, assertive, directive
Virgo–Helpful, insightful, clear
Libra–Relating, bring together, receptivity
Scorpio–Esoteric (beneath the surface), powerhouse, magnetic
Sagittarius–Higher education, playful innovation, out there in the world
Capricorn–Executive, pioneer, builder
Aquarius–Originality, next frontier, studying/teaching the universe
Pisces–Artistry, mastery, therapeutic expression
The Sun–Natural impact
The Moon–Natural rhythm
Mercury–Inner language directing outward language
Venus–Rhythm of gratitude
Mars–Velocity of leadership
Jupiter–Expanding knowledge (richness of knowledge)
Saturn–Discipline of refinement
Uranus –Discovery beyond the known
Neptune–The medium’s viewpoint
Pluto–Authentic rhythm
This is the archetype of each zodiac in the central premise. Placing the puzzle pieces together with evolution, amplification, broadcast, the unknown and remedy requires you to first know your birth chart (astro.com with birth time, date of birth and place) and combine the zodiac on the birth chart beside the planet to evolution, amplification, broadcast, the unknown and remedy sections as above shown. Of course, it takes an intuitive gut to make the connections between planet and zodiac in each of the five sections. This is a navigation system to learning the evolutionary destiny. With intuition, self-reflection and instinct the guide book can be deciphered. Guidance is never hidden or withheld. It appears hidden or withheld because in order to read the authentic codes beyond this Earth matrix we must be a universal mind and that takes intuition, self-reflection and instinct.

The Twelve Houses
By Ivy Integration
Diving closer to the authentic code, the twelve houses can activate the material and spiritual safety we are seeking in this incarnation for evolutionary destiny. The resonances of each zodiac in the twelve houses creates a unique merkaba. A merkaba is two triangles, four sides plus four sides is 8, plus the trinity is 11, plus the 1 consciousness is 12. The 12 facilities of the planetary wheel are lessons to balance our merkaba on Earth.

In image 2, you can see four arms and four legs. This is the eight merkaba or infinity energies that make up the gong existence from infinite to finite and finite to infinite.
1st house–(Aries) Native impact
2nd house–(Taurus) Material rhythm
3rd house–(Gemini) Shifting perspective
4th house–(Cancer) Haven for safety
5th house–(Leo) Creative impact
6th house–(Virgo) Life style
7th house–(Libra) Relating to others
8th house–(Scorpio) Esoteric revelation
9th house–(Sagittarius) Higher education
10th house –(Capricorn) Executive overseer
11th house –(Aquarius) Original creations
12th house–(Pisces) Gifts to offer
Aries–Leadership, forefront, commanding
Taurus–Participant, self-responsible, establishing (home front)
Gemini–inclusion, collaboration, student/teacher
Cancer–Sharing, available to emotions, intuitively guided
Leo–creative, assertive, directive
Virgo–Helpful, insightful, clear
Libra–Relating, bring together, receptivity
Scorpio–Esoteric (beneath the surface), powerhouse, magnetic
Sagittarius–Higher education, playful innovation, out there in the world
Capricorn–Executive, pioneer, builder
Aquarius–Originality, next frontier, studying/teaching the universe
Pisces–Artistry, mastery, therapeutic expression
Now, each person has a unique blueprint. Therefore, combining the houses with zodiacs is an intuitive, self-reflective and instinctual journey of trusting the authentic code to come through naturally. This is a foundational layout to initiations higher and more dynamic like a premise to the akashic record of your universe. For example, 1st house in Gemini––native impact is inclusion, collaboration, student/teacher, 2nd house in Cancer––material rhythm is sharing, available to emotions, intuitively guided, 3rd house in Leo––shifting perspective is creative, assertive, directive, 4th house in Virgo––haven for safety is helpful, insightful, clear, 5th house in Libra––Creative impact is relating, bring together, receptivity, 6th house in Scorpio––Life style is esoteric (beneath the surface), powerhouse, magnetic, 7th house in Sagittarius––relating to others is higher education, playful innovation, out there in the world, 8th house in Capricorn––Esoteric revelation is executive, pioneer, builder, 9th house in Aquarius––higher education is originality, next frontier, studying/teaching the universe, 10th house in Pisces––executive overseer is artistry, mastery, therapeutic expression, 11th house in Aries––original creations is leadership, forefront, commanding and 12th house in Taurus––gifts to share is participation, self-responsibility, establishment (home front).
The 1st, 10th and 12th houses represent the Holy Spirit or trinity within the merkaba. 1st house is our native light, 10th house is our earth energy and 12th house is our wholeness. 1st and 12th houses are the 1 consciousness and how we cycle this energy through us. For example, my native light is inclusive, collaborative and student/teacher, my earth energy is artistry, mastery and therapeutic expression and my wholeness is participation, self-responsibility, establishment (home front). For example, the 1 consciousness cycles through Gemini and Taurus. This moves me to be inclusive, collaborative and student/teacher and a participant, self-responsible, establishing (home front). May this Ivy Integration activate the authentic code.