Expanders, The Inner Child is our Method of Alchemy & The Life Partner

By Ivy Integration
Having four expanders that amplify the victorious realized potential we intend to embody is encouraging and revolutionizing. But, first it is a discovery of what makes us unique and dignified that navigates us towards the authentic code. The authentic code is our sovereignty and originality that is embedded deep within our cellular DNA awaiting all judgments to depart for its divinity to unfold for us to resonate at the spirit level. The vibrational frequency of the soul is our authentic code in human form. This gong of infinity, loving capability, self-acceptance/self-forgivness, wisdom and multi-dimensional reality is organized into geometry known as the physiology of the mind, body resonating at the spirit level (omega) condensed into a soul (mega) having access to a spirit level where the Akashic record of all lifetimes, wisdom of nature, authentic memory and wholeness of the Earthly and interstellar makeup can be integrated.
Expanders are a message from the spirit level (omega) what is possible given fierce encouragement. Expanders are a direction, contemplation and support system from the universe that what our intuitive compass is pulling us towards for mystic and pragmatic evolution in the yearning or commonalty of ourselves and our expanders is a amplification of our native archetype for full acceptance and development. We share with our expanders a native archetype that rhythmically swirls and harmonizes in a similar way. For example, my four expanders are Dr. Seuss, Mr. Rogers, Walt Disney and J. K. Rowling and the rhythmic swirl is that all these people and myself are highly imagination, embracing the inner child and have a playful, fun-loving creative touch. The yearning or commonalty is that my expanders and myself seek to encourage young people or children to be imaginative and visionary.
There can be envy, jealousy or frustration depending on how embodied we are in the authentic code or not. The more embodied we are in the authentic code, the more liberated, harmonic, enthusiastic and grounded we feel in our ability to share our creativity and realize our potential. The less embodied we are in the authentic code, the more unproductive and easily distracted we can be and therefore, suitable to victimization and self-belittlement because we aren’t following through on our creativity. Whenever we ignore the command for sovereignty or deny creative personal power and self-sabotage our encouragement to embrace our uniqueness/originality and high responsibility (dignity) and settle into outdated patterns of life style or thought forms, envy, jealousy or frustration is a awake up call to renew our touch of wonder and resurrect our sovereignty.
Creativity is the revelation that helps us connect with native talents and gifts that make us unique/original and dignified. Overtime through learning of our magnetic courage and beauty the spirit level naturally places expanders into our field to support and encourage our amplified soul. The spirit level wants us to reach victory and when we begin to vibrate at a higher level of potential through admiration, respect, appreciation for our expanders, the spirit level begins to integrate through the encouragement of inspiration. The spirit level (omega) wants us to be fully embodied as our authentic code because then we are true to the universal law of creation. We are Creators when we are true to our creative personal power and sovereignty to potentiate our vision into visionary manifestation.
Earth has much discouragement and therefore, the download of our originality, unique touch of the divine, gets scrambled, misread, mislead, judged and cannot successfully enter our nervous system and strengthen our courage and beauty to be the I Am Presence or fully develop the creative personal power in our cellular DNA. Therefore, through creativity, children use to balance and harmonize their sensitivity, we are able to encourage and revolutionize our patterns of life style, thought forms and limitations into finer creative solutions that potentiate sovereignty over discouragement.
Connecting with our expanders is relearning the childhood wonder and original expression for life, innocence–the jewel of our most refined making. This for many is a deprogramming of much judgment anchoring our native confidence, self-worth, emotional therapy, healthy self-development and encouraging personality into doubt, distrust in self, self-belittling projections and undervalued projections. Navigating through wonder and originality of the childhood before self-belittlement and judgment from unfulfilled sovereignty settling into unrealized intuitive potential is a fierce encouragement to use soulfulness to enliven the creative spark of playful sensitive perception.
Dr. Seuss, Mr. Rogers, Walt Disney and J. K. Rowling as expanders ignite the subtly and simplicity of my organic free nature. This is the question the expanders answer. What is my organic free nature? What is my healing modality I’ve used as a child to harmonize and balance my sensitive life? Finding the native rhythmic honesty is relearning the subtly and simplicity of the fearless wonder. In this vastness of openness with ourselves we are available and receptive to an amplified and impactful resonance we experienced as a child called the spirit level awareness. When the native rhythmic honesty of ourselves is trained, our insecurity, self-belittlement and judgment can remedy with the renewal of fearless sovereignty.
Fearless sovereignty gives us access to the spirit level. Our unique/original and dignified soul essence requires fearless sovereignty to unlock full participation and compassion to allow the spirit level to express itself without misinterpretation from filters of judgment. In the omega of our true identity we are fully alive, fully embodiment in the authentic code, innocent, wise, compassionate, dignified and sovereign to our invincible integrative and expressive self-love. The mega I Am Presence in this single reality is to reunite with the omega of our niche we carry in all lifetimes through time and space. This niche is our authentic code. In meditation, past life regression, self hypnosis it is the common thread that connects all lifetimes through time and space. It can be brought into a single sentence. My spirit level niche I’ve trained through many expressions, talents and realities of the multi-dimensional I Am Presence is “I Am a warrior to the children of Earth as a student and teacher learning how to express myself colorfully to bring joy to life experience!” This statement is subtle and simple and yet gongs wider and deeper than anything I’ve ever said about myself. It is like listening to a thirty thousand year old tree and hear a hum of divinity consistent throughout time and space. This is our spirit level awareness, to hear originality playing time and space in a multitude of ways in many realities having countless expressions of the I Am Presence and yet though all these expressions are vastly different and sometimes unrecognizable to each other, they share a yearning or commonalty in healing the sensitive life. This healing modality is our niche, our way of reaching compassion in life. For me, my compassion is living as a child in the most subtle and simplest version of my authentic code and that is why the spirit level brought me expanders with a passion for helping children be visionary because in the trinity of my I Am Presence or what heals duality and connects me to compassion is accepting that my playful and colorful nature is my haven.
The authentic code is our haven and without such sanctuary with ourselves we feel unsafe, ungrounded, unsure and never at home with ourselves and our life. We all come from many places beyond to collaborate with the Earth and our authentic code is our home but like any nourishment/nutrients called home it is a journey of discovery finding our niche, healing modality, creative personal power and sovereignty to ignite our will. When we discover such things our home is a place for the universe to speak to us and encouragement to trust in the vastness of openness awaiting all judgments to depart for the spirit level (omega) to be our playful sensitive perception trained through courage and beauty to be our encouraging and revolutionizing honesty with ourselves. Then, authentic becomes fearless sovereignty, a compassionate perception bringing us to an original embodiment of our soul essence for heightened and truthful manifestation well initiated by the I Am Presence.

The Inner Child is our Method of Alchemy
(An Activation!!!)
By Ivy Integration
Our most creative, sovereign, confident and enthusiastic version of the authentic code is in childhood when the inner child is fully alive, active and exploring the mysteries and mysticism in nature. The inner child is collaborative, sensitive, naturally compassionate and rhythmic to a loving interpretation. They carry the playful sensitive perception and that is why many adults cannot drop into their thread of consciousness because they have lost touch with their own web of playful sensitive perception. Adults who remain in touch with this receptive, sensitive alchemy with nature are misunderstood, even diagnosed with A.D.D., A.D.H.D., autism or any form of segregation that places them into groups of peculiarity (odd or out of the common thread of group consciousness). However, adults who develop the inner child through creative training can use the playful sensitive perception, most heightened from ages 0-5 years old, to be visionary in intentions, aspirations and revelations. They are odd or out of the common thread of group consciousness because they do not follow the herd of sheep missing sovereignty to direct their creative personal power into self-exploration and steady their authentic projection on a group projection. The group projection without sovereignty is a cloak that suits us into limitations, conventions and ideals that are shaped by a matrix of the mind and not the heart of the ancient Earth grid system that connects to a galactic web of ancient creation. The gateway the Earth and the galactic web of ancient creation reaches us through is the inner child because the inner child does not judge, deny, reject, doubt, resist or distrust wonder of Earth and creation beyond. The inner child is available, receptive and open to vastness of openness until the cloak of group projection herd them into a matrix of cyclical unawakened evolution with self and others. This lack of self-acceptance for sovereign leadership taking responsibility for liberation to awaken wisdom to elevate beyond entrapping, repeating suffering and attachment with the group projection and the people we cling to for a sense of greater projection than ourselves, is our cycling through karma with person, place and projection of ourselves and others again and again aimlessly like the sheep following each other without sovereignty to ignite their own creative personal power and direct their evolution into quantum leaps of authentic exploration.
The inner child trained through creativity inside the adult is our niche of visionary quest. Like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Da Vinci, Pablo Picasso,–many mystic, highly creative and visionary minds are accessing a authentic consciousness aware of the group projection but not interlocked with it such as many are. They give themselves sovereign leadership to explore the authentic code of themselves, which always lead to the authentic rhythm of the Earth and creation beyond. Great scientists, artists and quantum leap thinkers have a commonality in their thread of consciousness, they are vibrating at the most creative, sovereign, confident and enthusiastic version of their authentic code. They are alive!!! To be alive is to practice, train, initiate and encourage the authentic code to come into full embodiment. The reason the adult is a mechanical alive, which is non-reality, a matrix of the mind that cannot access ancient Earth and creation beyond, is because they have entrapped themselves into judgment either through shame, blame, victimization, distrust and overall a belief that the divine is imperfect and they are to suffer or live unhappy because of that. The inner child is the alchemist and what all quantum leap thinkers are is the alchemist. They use the playful sensitive perception to enhance their awareness and sensitize their access to greater levels of consciousness like opening themselves to a library of information bound to the Earth and infinite to creation beyond, while, many adults are bound only to a single aisle in the library. Quantum leap thinkers rewrite, refine and update human history because they are not locked to a single aisle of human history, narrative and projection. They have access to many dimensions of human consciousness throughout time and space on Earth and creation beyond. Accessing the Earth grid system gives them gateways to mystic and pragmatic teachings that are mysterious in nature and therefore, can only be accessed through an authentic initiation.
The Earth is available, receptive and sensitive to us but can be blocked to us when judgment prevails over sovereignty of playful sensitive perception. Everywhere, everyday Mother Gaia is speaking to us, touching us, comforting, serving, encouraging and empowering us to be true to the universal law. We are Creators when we are true to our creative personal power and sovereignty to potentiate our vision into visionary manifestation. Mother Gaia’s greatest intention is for us to be authentic to the universal law because then we are creatively dignified and open to her instructions for our great leadership. We are abundant with fierce encouragement, self-accepting and royal to our haven we came to construct on Earth for all to receive their courage and beauty. This initiation is the greatest, to be synergistic and synchronized with the abundant and divine sanctuary of the Earth and creation beyond. We are alchemists like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla. We are loving capability to revolutionize or blaze through the out of date, rusty, group projection into a finer more creative broadcast for the entire Earth grid system to have powerful stargate amplification.
Every planet is a stargate. It is the shimmering glow or ecstatic radiance around the planet through the electromagnetic field that determines how evolved, sovereign and creative the planet as a whole is through time and space. Earth is at a vibrational resonance of 7, which means there are seven dimensions integrated on Earth also known as 7 levels of heaven and hell, 7 consciousness projections from depleted creative poverty to high quality creative genius and additional higher dimensions are still being integrated from other stargates like Orion, Sirus, Pleiades and Arcturius through collective star groups that come to Earth as teachers.
The impact of Earth desires to be at the vibrational resonance of 12, which condenses to 3, the trinity. The trinity broadcast means that we on Earth have successfully navigated through duality, good-bad, right-wrong, saint-sinner, hate-love, fear-bliss, suffering-wisdom and have unified all multi-dimensions of ourselves into the wholeness of compassion and broadcast that out into our electromagnetic field elevating the electromagnetic field of our geographic area and the entire Earth grid system. The amplified soul through compassion and quantum leap thinking amplifies the playful sensitive perception giving humankind and all species higher kundalini energy to use for creativity, sexuality and divinity.
How do we awaken the inner child as an adult? Many adults on Earth are realizing that they are not indeed alive but a mechanical alive, living day to day with no jazz, emotional fulfillment or creative solution. They are stagnate, unsure, unclean, unresolved and out of synch with collaborative authentic code, the Earth and creation beyond. This is frustrating and irritating for many because they are not nourished properly by the nutrients of the soul, Earth and creation beyond. Judgment blocks nourishment/nutrients from flooding the DNA with healthy, holy miracle and happiness.
Many adults are living through their child. They are projecting their joy, sovereignty, bliss and creativity through their child. But, the adult is the amplifier of the child’s authentic code and when the adult is living through the child’s authentic code the child becomes the giver and the adult the taker. The adult needs to be the stronger force of amplified soul to help the child come into its quantum leap thinking. The reason many young people are not vibrating at the quantum leap thinking because they are caretaking the vibration of the parent or caretaker. They are the giver to the adult’s creativity, sovereignty and authentic code when instead they need to be receiving great nourishment/nutrients from the parent. The parent/child dynamic in utero reveals the parent/child dynamic in life. The mother feeds the child with nourishment/nutrients from their own DNA, electromagnetic field, heart chamber, mind wave and navel creative personal power giving the child a boost of energy to have a greater opening in their total self to receive higher energy for alchemy. Like any great revelation, it requires higher energy to manifest it and that is what children need from the parent–higher energy. As an adult many of us are drained because we were the energy reserve for our parents as a child and now as an adult did not fully develop our sovereignty, neutral mind and creative personal power and therefore, do not have the quantum leap thinking to solve the mysteries of life and instead get caught into dilemma, commotion and fantasy, a non-reality, a matrix in the mind, with no access to ancient Earth and creation beyond.
For the adult, we reparent ourselves from utero to teenhood in contemplation, meditation and self-hypnosis to reprogram the parent/child dynamic from parent (taker) and child (giver) to parent (giver) and child (taker). In synergy and synchronicity, thee summons all creative drainage, denial of authentic broadcast, lack of freedom, heavy judgment, belittlement from unrealized potential in parents/caretakers to be restored back to high creative encouragement from the parents, caretakers, freedom to explore the mysterious and mysticism of Earth and creation beyond and compassion and joyful inspiration from the realized potential in the parents, caretakers. This is the royal parent/child dynamic and so it is. Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!! We are free now to explore our creative personal power, authentic code through fierce encouragement and develop our quantum leap thinking with the Archangel’s golden royal blue from Micheal, rose quartz pinky deep red from Mother Mary, emerald citrine green form Gabriel, wings that enhance our angelic wings. We see our wings colorfully native to our soul frequency now given nourishment/nutrients from the archangels and saints that parent us now and forever.
I call in Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Mother Mary, Green Tara, Lakshman and Lakshmi to enter our hearts and nourish us with protection, emotional healing, unconditional love, spiritual leadership and courage and beauty to rewrite our mental projection NOW!!! Wahe guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!! I summon all discouragement from the childhood parents, caretakers, all belittlement from parents, caretakers, all judgments from parents, caretakers, all jealousy towards our high creativity from parents, caretakers, all memories of abandonment, neglect and violation from parents, caretakers, all resistance to love ourselves as the authentic code from parents, caretakers, all depletion on our creative wonder from parents, caretakers, all authoritative oppression of the authentic code from parents, caretakers, all negative patterns, thought forms taken on from parents, caretakers, all low self-worth, low confidence and weak charisma from the parents, caretakers, all sabotage in being our authentic code and sensitizing our playful sensitive perception from parents, caretakers, all cellular DNA memory of self-hatred, self-defeat, self-punishment, self-torture from parents, caretakers–enters the royal blue burning bush as we stand in the royal blue burning bush and allow the flames to transform our cellular  DNA by burning all blocks from being the authentic code into ash that falls away to our feet and is swept up by the ocean’s pull, pulling the ashes out to sea to be recycled and purified. So, it is!!! Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!!
We are now entering the appropriate parent/child dynamic with the archangels and saints as our most creative, sovereign, confident, enthusiastic guide and teacher as we give thanks to our parents, caretakers for birthing us and bringing loving awareness to us, the greatest gift. WE are blessed and lucky because of the loving awareness our mother gives us naturally at the spirit level!!
I Affirm with jubilee…Regardless of judgment, self-belittlement or denial of the authentic code, the mother blesses me every day of my life because Mother Gaia is her in essence and spirit and Mother Gaia loves me wholeheartedly. Mother Gaia gives to me everything I need to be the authentic code of my true and purest reality. Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!! It is done!!! I am forever elevated and uplifted by Mother Gaia healing my parent/child dynamic and bringing me to the generosity, appreciation, encouragement, protection and security of the MA, mother to my soul. I am now connected to the MA, mother to my soul and feel relief, ease and resistance dissolving as I recognize that I have support everywhere for embodying and safeguarding my innocence and joy. I can be creative, sovereign, confident and enthusiastic!!! I can explore my authentic code and be a quantum leap thinker in the total self-acceptance of my childhood memory, loving awareness given to me and access to Mother Gaia that is now available for me to receive greater insight to my true and purest broadcast to give to Earth and creation beyond. This gratitude is my remembered synergy and synchronicity given to me naturally to be true to the universal law. We are Creators when we are true to our creative personal power and sovereignty to potentiate our vision into visionary manifestation.
Now for the parent, we give our encouragement, support and upliftment to the child to activate and elevate their creativity, sovereignty, confidence and enthusiasm to the quantum leap thinking of divinity. We embrace and share our divinity, creativity and soul exploration to inspire the child to be his/her own unique touch of the divine. We sensitize the playful sensitive perception to be in collaboration with the soul, Earth, creation beyond and the child’s unspoken, telepathic message to us.
We embody self-acceptance and protection by creating a haven and sanctuary for our child to unfold his/her native colorful angel wings. We are sovereign and dignified, trusting the universe very closely and giving patience/tolerance to ourselves for embarking upon a great journey of child raising. We are colorful NOW in royal red roses, pure white lotus flowers and opal crystalline arcline, helping us to enhance our visualization to be more creative in our solutions and problem solving and revolutionary in our own quantum leap thinking. And, so it is through honoring our process of being initiated into a truly fierce, bold and brazen encouragement that awakens manifestation strong and courageous. So, it is!!! Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahu Guru!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

The Life Partner
By Ivy Integration
            As we collectively raise our vibration we are seeking emergence with the divine masculine and feminine. We yearn to harmonize our collaborative alchemy. In our wholeness, we are mystic and practical. We require visionary intuitive clarity and foundational methods of manifestation to alchemize our awareness. We all have a playful sensitive perception that as a child gave us hints at our potential to manifest. Either as a child we would write cute scripts on dolphins, interview plants in nature, drawl pictures of fairies on the playground or image the stars leading to other star systems, the inner child is hinting at our potential for alchemy given fierce encouragement and creative training. These jazzy wonders we have as a child are forgotten when judgment confines us to a group projection that may or may not support our natural niche to wonder at the stars or the oceans or the animals or the skies. As a child we are deeply contemplative and sensitive to our imagination but do not develop this as an adult and therefore, become imbalanced by an underdeveloped imagination leading to adult fantasy or unable to manage our practical lives. However, the person who develops the inner child through fierce encouragement and creative training transform elusive visions of stars in interstellar space into an applied science, a theory of realizing interstellar space in adult years. Our mystic mind as a child is valid but when our foundational method of manifestation is underdeveloped we are caught in a dilemma of imagination without organization, a generating force and delivery of ourselves in the applied science.
This is why we yearn for partnership because we know as women and men we need both the mystic feminine and practical masculine to alchemize our awareness fully. We want to be creative more than ever on planet Earth. We want to rewrite our codes of poverty, suffering and disease because Mother Gaia commands and demands it. We want to be whole. We want to unify with our multi-dimensional self and ignite our creative genius to imagine a world and have the caliber, skill and talent to realize it.
So, we are looking for a life partner. But, for many a life partner is a desperate longing to be complete and have the father or mother we never had. The father to the child is the RA, the sun God that gives life to all dreams. The mother to the child is the MA, the moon Goddess that dreams of new life. As a child when we aren’t given a father to help us give life to our dreams or a mother to support our dreams of new life, we yearn for that teacher in our partnerships, male or female. Instinctually, intuitively, the unconscious consciousness knows the Aquarian Age has arrived and we arrived to embody our originality. Aquarius is the Goddess of originality and authenticity and after twelve thousand years of being imposed upon by the matrix in the patriarchal group projection to be false to our authentic code, we now have the opportunity and freedom in a long time to ignite our authentic code and continue our initiation process on Earth of coming into our wholeness. Coming into our wholeness is ascension, to accept our multi-dimensional self through compassion and express our creative genius.
We all carry memories of Krishna and Radha, Lakshman and Lakshmi and marvel at their intimacy of divinity with everything. As our cellular DNA continues to awaken ancient Earth and creation beyond, we are recalling memories of total fulfillment in the family, community and creativity. We remember those ancient times as the Golden Age of personal power and spiritual leadership. We are hungry for this Golden Age of personal power and spiritual leadership to end our belittling defeat, slay our demonic entrapment to unconscious avoidance of our free will choices and elevate the poverty consciousness of painful and never ending suffering. Everyone is being awakened to the authentic code long forgotten for the patriarchal group projection but practiced by the spiritual leaders during the dark ages. The authentic code is calling initiation and we are being tested and pressured to regain our sovereignty through courage and beauty. Apart of our initiation is integrating the principles of RA and the principles of MA.
RA states “I manifest through persistence and determination! My navel and throat are gateways to my willpower to magnetize my physiology to birth through my birth canal institutions of application and participation! I organize, stabilize, sustain and deliver!!!
MA states “I visualize through contemplation and meditation! My heart and third eye are gateways to the visionary I Am and I use alchemy in my electromagnetic field to call in through my arcline updates of wisdom and knowledge! I amplify, lead, revolutionize and liberate!!!
We’ve been deprived of connection with ourselves and others during the patriarchal ages. We have underdeveloped imagination, creativity and sovereignty because of it and use sexuality/procreation as our only gateway to divinity. But, sexuality (intercourse) is one gateway of MANY! We are numb to sex because of the overuse, disrespect and dishonor we have given to our vagina and penis. We try to use sexuality (intercourse) to ignite our authentic code but since the gateway has been so deeply dishonored it discourages us more than enlivens us. It stirs our deep emotions locked away in the basement of the perineum. But, without the integration of heart creative expression for emotional articulation, skills and talents training inside the throat and personal power amplifying inside the navel, we do not have the teacher or teachings to know what to do with such heavy dense emotions and become imbalanced by the stir of ancient old emotions. Therefore, we need to develop physiology, mind/body, strength through nervous system training, heart expansion through therapeutic and revolutionizing articulation and navel security before we open the most convoluted and disrupted gateway, the perineum stimulated by intercourse.
Many of us want sex badly. We are hungry for sex. We are starving for sex! But, this reflects that we are so built up with unexpressed creative personal power, sovereignty and desire to be the authentic code and yet have too much judgment to allow ourselves to be initiated higher. We use intercourse to burn through our heavy judgments of low self-esteem, self-hatred, self-belittlement and discouragement. But, our starving for sex is a starving for union with the body/mind, electromagnetic field and courage and beauty to be a spiritual leader.
A spiritual leader is the mystic and practical organized in collaboration. It is the masculine and feminine of determination and meditation that brings synergy and synchronicity to alchemy. We think this teamship is a partnership - we much find in a spouse and it is but first we have to embody the authentic code of our finest broadest to vibrational realize the life partner, the person that mirrors the universal law we have accepted wholeheartedly. We are Creators when we are true to our creative personal power and sovereignty to potentiate our vision into visionary manifestation.
Connecting with the life partner is amplifying the authentic code and asking for the authentic code for harmonic teamship. Harmonic teamship is like a symphony. Everyone is resonating at the finest broadcast to amplify the overall vibration of the symphony higher. This is the life partner (a man or woman) like a cellist, pianist or violinist we practice, train and awaken creative touch of the divine to bring forth refined soul manifestation.
A good visualization is to imagine your life as a cello and your sovereignty, creative personal power and fierce encouragement as yourself learning to play. It is play!!! Play implies exploration, persistence, encouragement, discovery and charisma/beauty. This is the play we have with the body/mind and spirit. We are learning how to string our organs, blood, bone, muscles, thought forms, patterns, neutral mind, mental projection, electromagnetic field, rhythmic intelligence and authentic code into the finest cellist player that offers the amplified courage and beauty to the collaborative authentic encouragement called partnership.
Through play we discover intelligence, creativity, uniqueness and security. Once we capture this we can map out a harmonic teamship that supports these aspects of self that make the self strong. Follow my lead in mapping…
Intelligence–My life partner is integrating the quantum leap thinking because this supports my native joy for deep contemplation.
Creativity–My life partner is integrating playful and rhythmic creativity because this encourages my native spark of being childlike.
Uniqueness–My life partner is integrating a humble, generous and honest flow because this amplifies my native sweetness towards being like a tree.
Security–My life is integrating luxury, accomplishments and victory because this strengthens my native determination for success.
This is a basic map but helps us to contemplate on key words that support, encourage, amplify and strengthen our authentic code. A life partner is an integration of what we need to fully develop our native rhythm and we are the integration to what they need to fully develop their native rhythm. And, we can let our life partner know what we need and intend for this incarnation by broadcasting within ourselves the attributes that make us feel safe, loved and nurtured. Such as…
My life partner is protective because I feel safe when I have strong boundaries and a reliable person.
My life partners is affectionate because I feel loved when I have consistency.
My life partner is supportive because I feel nurtured when I have encouragement.
Looking at the map of words that arise when contemplating on what supports my authentic code, you can see the thick black underlined words as an example of an exploration of what teamship is for my authentic code. I can continue further asking my authentic code what supports, encourages, amplifies and strengthens my authentic code by asking myself the questions…
What are the intelligence, creativity, uniqueness and security I am developing and intend to evolve wiser?
For example, if I desire higher education in science it is supportive to have a partner who values and respects science. If I am highly productive with creativity it is supportive to have a partner who is organized and tidy with creativity. If I am childlike with uniqueness it is supportive to have a partner who is protective towards innocence. If I am very ambitious towards security it is supportive to have a partner who is resourceful with security.
If you study the pathway I have laid out for you, you’ll discover many mysteries about your harmonic teamship, which is very dynamic and yet organized clearly when looking in at our development of the finer self, intentions and evolution. But, first we must have a close fondness with ourselves before we can join the symphony of harmonic teamship. We must learn how to play our instrument rhythmically and get clear about our intelligence, creativity, uniqueness and security and how it collaborates with the Earth.