Expanded Living here on Planet Earth

Self Worth and the Universe
By Ivy Integration
The universe wants human consciousness to touch the divine, to move beyond the swamps of sabotage and into the playfulness of mountain wind. Humanity goes through the valley and mountain of consciousness to learn breakthrough. We are not low or high self worth. We are the breakthrough! Breakthrough gives human creativity and dignity. In the process and practice of breaking through sabotage, human develops creativity and dignity necessary to sustain and maintain the next level of worthiness to receive and give. Apart of being human is accomplishment. Accomplishment is taking the limitation of human making and pioneering a way for the soul. Accomplishment climbs the mountain and rides the rapids in the valley to touch the Creator. Human is a Creator. It is a pilgrimage that transforms, purifies and enlightens us. This way is nature gifting humankind the knowledge of the universe.
We set out to sustain and maintain a higher altitude of self worth. Some will make it and others will not. Who makes it and who does not? Everyone evolves in the timing of their willingness and ability to lead. Leadership is born in the swamps of sabotage and in the height of breakthrough. Leadership is what makes human. Self worth is a making not a destroying. Leadership leads the destroyed to creator and destructive to creative. Self worth is our true identity that cannot be faked, lied to or a fraud. Self worth is the most honest part of ourselves. It is our view into the childhood lenses, blocks in thinking patterns, limitations in the mind and possibility locked and unlocking. Self worth unlocks possibility and reinvents possibility. We all are given a possibility for our making and our possibility for making is constantly being reinvented with each inspired decision we make. Possibility can be small and expanded. Possibility for love, career, overall, opportunity to express our ability to lead is small and expanded. But, human is to touch the universe. Expansion is human making. Human is pilgrimage not a dwelling. Pilgrimage is a journey of expanding consciousness, creativity, spirituality and security. The Creator within human is an evaluating and reinventing spiritual alchemy manifested through the will of humanity.
Will is the sustaining and maintaining leadership given to human from the universe as a doorway into the universe of possibility. Walking through the door is taking the pilgrimage and becoming visionary. Human is visionary!!! We intend, seed, brew, ritualize, alchemize and grow!!! This is nature. The soul intends, the heart seeds, the body brews, the mind ritualizes, the spirit alchemizes and self worth grows. The revelation of our intention into growth is self worth!!! When we seed an intention we are summing the next level of self worth. The phases and stages towards growing expanded living is a school of self worth.
The school of self worth provides a lecture, assignment and test. Lecture is evaluating and reinventing the pattern, thought form and life energy. This is a practice of self reflection, meditation, journaling and self-awareness. We are asking our inner self in stillness what medicine can expand the pattern, thought form and life energy. Reinvention is applying the medicine, a self care practice we discover in self reflection. Self care practice is a daily ritual that supports the reform of the pattern, thought form and life energy. Assignment is following through on the vision of our expanded self. Daily practice of self care encourages expanded living, which is to manifest what is visionary to our soul. The assignment is to remain true to the vision of our expanded living. Expanded living usually never follows the common reached possibility. Expansion is the next level of possibility. The assignment is to stay the course of alchemy and strengthen the tool we use to help us sustain and maintain the higher vibration required to expand. Test is a given. Whenever, we are expanding beyond the common possibility we must go through many tests. The major test is self-trust. The test on self-trust will pressure us to either collapse, cave into a low self worth image of ourselves or strengthen our tool to elevate instead of collapse.
After the test we are brought into what we sought out to grow…creativity and dignity. The school of self worth gifted us evaluation, reinvention, self care and self-trust. This is the fabrics to creativity and dignity necessary to know Creator of our own will and the visionary to expanded living. Many will not walk through the doorway and meet their Creator within. But, vast majority are learning through sabotage and breakthrough their self worth to intend, seed, brew, ritualize, alchemize and grow expanded living here on Planet Earth.