The Questions

In a relationship we must ask ourselves
Am I accepted as I am?
Am I challenged to be a better person?
Am I encouraged to be inspired and energetic?
Are we on a journey of depth?
By Ivy Integration
We all carry a true intention to heal, grow and excel. This true intention connects us all but the patterns of stagnancy, trauma, depletion and denial are our challenging lessons. Each generation is given a chance to reinvent the last, to breakthrough what was seemingly impenetrable. In the reinvention of our identity, character, self-esteem and authenticity we learn from our mistakes, innovate a better life style and triumph over the pull we all battle––the pull to destroy ourselves, to waste our energy on endless anger, judgment and suffering and to suppress ourselves. This pull is universal on planet Earth. We all know the face of our demon and its anger, judgment and suffering but we also hear deep inside the soul of unconditional love. Unconditional love is our sovereignty of mind, liberation from poverty, justice to our endless disorder and creativity to our mastery over unruly imbalance.
          Our true intention is to respectfully let go of what doesn’t serve us and spiritually align with that which gives us greater potential to discover an authentic beauty that is uniquely our own. We all wish to emerge with life that is why we yearn for companionship. In our busy chase to be the lion over the land, we fight, compete, destroy and slay each other for the position of lion over the land but without our community of lionesses we are without softness and gentleness of home. Home is not our entitled position to stomp over each other. Home is the community in which we care, share and include each other. This home is our haven, sanctuary, temple and place of healing. But many of us do not have such home and therefore, feel a great absence of home on Earth. This causes the troublesome feeling of loneliness and isolation.
There is seven plus billion of humans. We are nearly stacked ontop of each other in cities but yet feel irritated by the closeness of people sitting in our lap on the bus, subway or park. This irritation is from the lion in everyone trying to dominate. That lion in us and others isn’t quiet, gentle or sincere but restless and never satisfied. This lion makes us uneasy because when the lion roars he/she roars to bring others down from their worthiness to increase the distance between who is worthy and who is not.
          Sometimes we find ourselves in relationships that mirror the pattern that must go for us to fulfill our incarnation and not repeat what is not for us to repeat. Every person on this planet, man and woman, carries heavy negative patterns from the dark ages we are now cleansing from our psyche. These negative patterns demand to be fed but it is not for us to feed such patterns that do not fulfill the incarnation of the soul but the repeat. Societal pull to follow the repeat is a way but not the only way. We are the new way. We simply require worthiness to breakthrough the anger, judgment and suffering of our subconscious. The new way is always the way of finding what is special, rare, unique and extraordinary about us and practicing that because such things are a glimpse into the reinvention of our potential. But this requires worthiness because without worthiness we cannot hold ourselves strong against the overwhelming negativity of the dark ages lurking in our subconscious. What are the dark ages? It is our worst self, destroying for no reason but to put distance between who is worthy of joy and who is not?
          We can delay our incarnation. The delay is in the denial of what is true for us and what is not. Not everyone is meant to be with everyone. This is a respect. When we try to get everyone to be with everyone this is disrespect. But respect is an understanding that we are worthy of an incarnation that is our own and the other is worthy of an incarnation that is their own. But we do not know friendship. Friendship is honesty. Friendship is listening. Friendship is nourishing. But many of our relationships are an external attempt at persuading life that we are worthy of more. But this more we are yearning for is the depth of knowing life and its challenges and masteries. However, we delay this vitality of our awakening to life when we settle for the relationship that isn’t true for us but an unfulfilling pattern we carry from a generation long past. Living unconsciously in the past is stagnancy and we are the growth of a new flower. The past should be a rose brought into the Earth and composted into a new rose, uniquely its own and wiser because of the nourishment from the mother rose. But this is not human. We do not compost our negative patterns into nourishment but dump our negative patterns into the subconscious where it stays lurking about roaring for its demand to rule.
That is why it is important to question what is working for us and what is not so we can uncover the patterns unhelpful, unwanted and the patterns very helpful and true for us.
When asking the question…Am I accepted as I Am––is the befriending of our playful nature. We all have a unique essence that in a relationship should bloom brighter, lovelier and more alive. But this is a practice of self-love. The innocence of our making meeting the essence of our creating are the ancient roots we meditate or chant to know because in knowing we gain a strength. This strength is our self-worth able to know a true intention for us. Sometimes in order to know our negative patterns we must see them in a relationship but once we fully accept our responsibility to breakthrough them then relationships unfulfilling, stagnant and untrue for us become a worthiness called acceptance of what is true for us and what is not. Then, it is natural for us to be received and to receive because we are learning our way through the troublesome of what we must let go to refine our acceptance of joy and what doesn’t bring joy.
          When asking the question…Am I challenged to be a better person––is the friction that brings deeper self-reflection. Through the friction we can see our mirror and what is great potential unrealized, denial of authenticity and weakening health wrapped up in environment, life style and attitude. The friction shakes and rattles the image in the mirror providing a deconstruction and reconstruction giving us expansion of perception we need to see ourselves clearer.
          When asking the question… Am I encouraged to be inspired and energetic…is a remembrance, we are worthy to be elevated by a relationship not downgraded. Inspiration and to be energetic is a self-compassion and creative talent of the person that joins the self-compassion and creative talent of the other with discovery of how to expand into greater impact. But everything is a balance of the self that can spiritually align to the elevated state. For many it is the will behind decision to receive higher love that aligns the many aspects of self to a true intention that needs synergy to evolve and mature its expression.
          When asking the question...Are we on a journey of depth…is clearing out the habits, tendencies and negative patterns that do not want to experience the breakthrough, look in the mirror, command to improve and chance to know a true worth. Depth is the journey of empowering the way we decide by taking responsibility for the lessons we must learn to reach a depth of love that is limitless and an emergence that is clear of the blocks upon blocks that carry us nowhere but the avoidance of ourselves, leaving us shallow, leaving relationships shallow and broken.
          In the mending, cleaning, healing and softening we unravel ourselves from the weight of unfulfillment, stagnancy and what is untrue for us. The questions are not a judgment but an inward look in the mirror. No relationship is a terrible relationship but a look into the lesson we must breakthrough. It may be challenging and difficult but in the resurrection or reinvention of ourselves we know a self-worth that is our way and not the way of those before us. This way opens life to possibilities our challenging and difficult relationships could not see at its time but once the acceptance, betterment of self, inspiration and vitality and depth enters we are a true intention that is clear of what is obscured, weak, brittle, spoiled, destructive and low in worth. This is an empowered awakening that guides disorder into a joy we forget but return to when all is whole.