The Soul Belonging is Depth of Discovery and Mastery

Change is Freedom
By Ivy Integration
Resistance is stubbornness to follow through on the next phase of the soul belonging. The soul belonging wants to voyage deep and deeper into our lives but without our trust in ourselves and charisma we are left without depth of discovery or mastery. This is a forgotten excellence. The Earth challenges us to be a leader of our lives but leadership is a training and reverence. Reverence manifests through slaying, conquering and overcoming the negative attachments we have to the body, mind, spirit and Earth bound. Reverence is our character, creativity and courage children experience through fearlessness they have towards nature, the mind and spirit.
Resistance is judgment on our life experiences. It creates a holding pattern where we are overcome with over thinking to initiate ourselves into the medicine of our learned lesson. Every holding pattern is calling for a learned lesson and every entrance and exit to ourselves requires leadership. Life becomes limbo when a door doesn’t close and another doesn’t open. Limbo is the attachment we have to judgment on our life experiences. Attachment doesn’t want to accept the ending or beginning. It doesn’t want to accept and continue on because there is no self trust. Self trust develops through our charisma and meditation.
Charisma is a self esteem and meditation is a clear mind. This gives us the revolutionary spark on the body, mind and spirit that has the heart of the universe to continue on. The closer we are to the universe the more secure we are in self trust. Those with self esteem and clear mind are visionary in their pursuit of excellence because they are in communion with the universe flow. They are available and accessing a meditative mind and healthy heart that gives them determination to walk the valley and mountain.
We human want to experience our power but we also fear our power. The negative attachment to the mind, body, spirit and Earth bound oppresses the native power of the sovereign self because of the seeming overpowering force of judgment that demands its Godhood over everything. We human know the poor coward and the rich dictator. We’ve faced Godheads entrapping people to judgment and poor cowards giving up to low self esteem and a dirty mind. We human know judgment and the Godhead. But, we human also know the universe is change and nothing remains in limbo. A path is led for a while and then another phase arrives to reinvent the human making so that human making never loses its non-attachment. Non-attachment is our freedom because we are surrendering to a blessing of living wholehearted in our life experience today. We are not entrapped to a future or past but clean to the presence of now. Non-attachment is a holy bath we lay in to heal the body with spirit.
Mind and body without spirit is an unclean body easily dirty by the Godheads and poor cowards. The spirit is our way in and out of the mind and body and in and out of the many doorways we must walk through to reach depth of discovery and mastery. The elders are not old people without depth of discovery and mastery. Elders are the journey well taken in life through battle and peace, overcoming fear and enhancing spirit. Many old people are dwellers of limbo. Many did not follow through on the soul belonging to heal, grow and excel and became stubborn like a molted rock, full of too much judgment to revolutionize their life experience wiser. We are not molted rock. We are the elements flowing (water), gliding (air), swaying (earth), flaming (fire) and electrifying (cosmic).
The mind and body is balanced with the elements but the elements imply movement, change. There is no attachment within the elements. There is leadership, which follows the belonging of Mother Gaia for harmony. Harmony isn’t only a field of roses or still lake. Harmony is powerful like the snow storm or hurricane. Harmony seen from space is extremely driven and powerful. We human view harmony as something that should be handed to us and if it is not we are stubborn to move. Humanity with the poor coward and Godhead requires us to be as the nature of harmony to bring harmony. There is nature of stillness that heals all and nature of change that heals all. In order to know what depth of discovery and mastery needs is to have charisma and meditation or we are never at the right place at the right time. Nature’s stillness and change is right place right time because nature trusts itself. It trust its ability to keep depth of discovery and mastery well because it has the charisma and meditation to evolve through phases and cycles with a life review of the past, foresight of the future and the whole heart in the present. We human have such clean windows to the past, future and present we simply need to trust in ourselves to learn the lesson and continue on.