Medicine for Stagnation

Medicine for Stagnation
By Ivy Integration
Human is meant to be lively. Human is a voyager, pioneer to the next frontier. Since the beginning of the Paleolithic period, human has been on the move, hunting, searching, seeking and reaching. Human today may not voyage across vast lands as our ancestors have done but we are still hungry for the next frontier. Now, the next frontier is the next app, social media channel, TV show, commercial, video game, invention. What was once movement innovation is now technology innovation. The human body was the great invention. Human discovered Tai Chi, Qigong, feng shui, dance, Yoga, and a plethora more while on the quest for human liberation. Now, today many voyage the deep sea, climb the highest mountain, surf the wildest waves and study to beasts of the wild lands to liberate themselves.
Human is not a dwelling. Our ancestors may have established settlements to domesticate animals, grow crops and create strong family bonds but we are never meant to dwell. We are always learning the human making and how to better the human story. We discuss, share, care and include each other in tribal times. We meditate upon religion, ideology, culture and life style for evaluation and reform. We humans understand evolution is as magnificent as the soul. Human is the ambassador for the soul, eliminating what confines and inspiring what transforms. The soul on Planet Earth is transcribed as joy. Every method of movement leads to joy, ballet, soccer, rock climbing, African drum, Hindu dance––the body is a vessel for joy.
We become stagnate when dwelling fits us. Our true fitting is origami, shapeless forms changing with the rhythm of change like baseball, kit-surfing, gipsy dancing. Dwelling is a permanent state but human is not permanent. Human is neither here nor there. Human is the walk way. Human has never arrives or departs. Human is growing. To grow is to move either subtly or dynamically. Meditation is movement of the mind. Dance is movement of the body. Mantra is movement of vibration. Dwelling fits no one because there is no growth in dwelling, only accumulation, build up and tension to the body and mind. Dwelling causes depression, anxiety, frustration, agitation and, overall, a feeling of being stuck or in a rut.
People are in a rut or stuck because there seems to be accumulation or build up too high to surmount. This is can be financial, childhood emotions, rage, insecurity, unexpressed words, etc. We cannot move forward with a build up because human knows to voyage the next frontier we have to be clean. But, since the pile up seems too high we feel we cannot simply walk a new way. Origami is intelligence to reinvent. Origami is creative problem solving. When life is confined seeming fixed or locked origami is the mental and creative ability at taking a shape and bending it a new way. This is innovation, reinvention of a previous shape into a new way.
The Technology Age has developed our sense of mental information but undeveloped our sense of physical information. The body knows how to repair and heal itself naturally. The body knows how to reach equilibrium, balance and find its center naturally. Human has technostress. There is so much technoinformation coming into the human main frame. Human’s natural rhythm is off, therefore, the natural repair, heal and equalize, balance and center is hijacked. Movement, joy, is human learning how to origami information into an organized human main frame rather than a cluttered, scrambled and foggy main frame. Origami of the body delegates the body and mind. It eliminates the miscellaneous, cleanses the waste and consolidates the data into a more potent energy reserve.
Dwelling is becoming all time high and liberation is also becoming the deepest yearning. Dwelling is a state of uncertainty building. Dwelling is a state of anxiety building. Dwelling is a state of indecision building. Dwelling is a state of emotional grief building. Where is the release? Where is the transformation? A hoard house isn’t just a home. A hoard house is also emotional, psychological, mental and physical tension built up. A hoard house is heavy. We become dense and lack energy, lack this and that. We feel like sink sand or a swamp of sticky, stuck energy but never do we feel like a rock climber climbing a majestic mountain. This causes frustration, agitation and impotence. Creativity is low and self worth lowers and lowers. It is very depressing such dwelling and a perfect home for negative attachments.
Releasing and transforming is movement. We think we can think our way out of the heavy this and that but that only stirs the pot. What extracts the accumulated “stuff” is movement. Movement not only stirs the pot and gets things moving out of their dusty corner but massages the knots back to its natural clean position. Human is meant to be clean and in our global culture of waste this and that it is difficult to be clean with smog, random commercials, trash caught in the streets, etc. Movement is human’s way of cleaning and overriding the global culture of waste into creative intelligence.
Confidence, self worth and self assurance manifests in movement. We use movement such as dance class, horseback riding etc. for character development in our children. Movement is the way of the soul. Any movement that isn’t the way of the soul such as “get drunk twerk dance” we are less confident, lowering of self worth and a less self assured. We become more competitive, aggressive and animalistic. This is not human soul. Human soul is not nomad male apps competing for the top ranking. Human soul is closer to a pod of dolphins or killer whales than nomad male apps. Human is playful surrender like dolphins to the ocean. We use movement to help us along not to destroy or belittle ourselves and others.
Therefore, movement must be medicine for the human soul to awaken and clean up the dwelling. When human is liberty rather than sitting human is a pioneer. Liberty is challenge; test after test, with adversity and obstacles but gives human true power. Human is on the move, hunting, searching, seeking and reaching either that be financial, emotional, psychological, mental, physically, spiritually or creatively. Human wants to capture the vastness of soul in the journey of releasing and transforming.

Let’s journal,
“Do I have a daily practice of joy through movement?”
“Am I moving my body to create space or escape?”
“Am I learning my soul in the movements I create?”
“Am I equalizing, balancing and finding my center in the movement I create daily?”
“Am I sitting in time or moving with time?”
“What built up emotion, mental, psychological, etc. am I holding onto that is confusing, fogging and holding me?”
“Am I moving to be confident, raise myself worth and elevate myself?”
"What movement can I encourage for a daily routine of liberating my body and mind?"
Journal to these questions and explore how you can evaluate and reinvent the movement you create in your day to day life and align to movement that is character builds, mind/body cleanses and soul awakens.