By Ivy Integration
The question we must ask ourselves is…Are We Expanding? Are We Maturing? Are We
Learning? We have a common fear. It is waking up twenty years later, maybe
in our forties or fifties, and look around to realize, yes, we have a spouse, a
job and possessions but there is a deep unrealized yearning called journey of
the authentic self we denied. And in our reflection we have no mastery, no
soulful understanding of the authentic self. This dulls us into a spiritual
power never experienced, never conquered, never empowered, leaving us without visionary spunk, creative niche, original
spark of the divine, soul intent, dynamic depth, brilliant range, native
alchemy and impactful elimination of what doesn’t serve us for the arrival of
the best of us. It is until we journey towards an authentic self that a
spiritual power awakens. This is why it is absolutely important for us to ask
the question, Are We Expanding? Are We Maturing? Are We Learning? Because life
is how much energy we can hold and how many things can we eliminate, cleanse
and purify for joy to find its home inside our breath, blood, organs and mind
Expanding is stretching like a newcomer to yoga. They reach for their toes but cannot. They practice, practice
until a day comes when they can. Or it is the person holding a difficult
meditation pose. They can only hold the pose for three minutes. They practice,
practice until a day comes when they can hold the pose for twenty-two minutes.
Or it is the person learning Spanish. They can’t correctly pronounce the words
and are tongue tied. They practice, practice until a day comes when Spanish words
flow naturally. Or it is the dancer who can only do a single turn but wants to
do three. They practice, practice until a day comes when they can turn three
Expansion is risk for manifestation or
greater understanding. We view manifestation as an external obtainment but
manifestation is first an energetic mastery before it is an external
obtainment. Like a ballerina who masters the art form through many years of
self-discovery and self-discipline before the day comes when her inward mastery
becomes her outward career of being a professional ballerina. Or it is the
teacher of meditation. First, they master the art form internally and then
through years of self-discovery and self-discipline they encounter their
meditation vision that becomes their service to others.
Expansion isn’t only finding our creative
niche and developing it. Expansion is
also rewriting the patterns of our legacy. Maybe our legacy, or family
history, is too small or limiting for us. We are a part of a generation that has
access to knowledge and resources the old generations did not and therefore,
gives us greater opportunities than the patterns we carry from our parents.
Expanding out of date or hand me down beliefs, identity and life style is risk.
The momentum of the legacy is powerful because it’s been solidified by several
generations, but if it does not give use the mobility and freshness to live vitally, than it is at the risk of eliminating the patterns and commanding ourselves a new
way that expands our possibility. But this requires courage and endurance to
hold the authentic self long enough to change the target. Like the teacher of
meditation before becoming a teacher. Their thoughts are full of trauma, doubt
and negativity and therefore, meditation is a constant battle but by conquering
the impurities that infest the mind, they are able to find their way. But we
need energy of self-esteem, self-image and character to be higher than any
trauma, doubt and negativity to look onto ourselves with deeper understanding
rather than a person easily persuaded to sense through others and not through
the eyes of the timeless visionary.
Key elements to expansion are
mobility, creativity and understanding. If we are to be creative we need to be mobile.
Mobility is our resourcefulness of time. When we are flexible in nature we can
adapt easier and therefore, are not caught in resistance that drains our energy
and wastes our time. We are efficient when our mind, body and energy are in a
constant update either through meditation, yoga or self-care. We give ourselves
a flame that isn’t bound to circumstance or obtainment to keep it going. It is
fueled by the mobility of its inner contentment.
Our mobility is able to act upon the
soul’s call for a new horizon, providing the vision, organization, application
and direction. But our lack of intuition or rigidness delays us into stale
bread because we lack vision, organization, application and direction to trust
our intuition or soul’s calling. We lose grit in denying the intuitive call and
slow ourselves down. When we slow ourselves down, time does not slow down. We
simply limit how many things we can get done in a single life by denying the
call. For some people they expand, mature and learn very little and that is the
person with vital life force dull and without wisdom.
Creativity is the opening of our
expression for character building. Character is respect and respect is
trustworthy. Creativity is a journey of finding our extraordinary expression
that becomes our tool, method and training that constructs a character that is
dynamic and captivating or capturing, meaning we are capturing our captivating
essence. Understanding is wise interpreting that we gather through
self-awareness or self-responsibility. Many adults are still thinking someone
is responsible for them and therefore, they don’t have to stand up for
themselves, correct or discipline themselves and are waiting for society to do
so for them. However, an adult without self-responsibility isn’t reflecting on attitude,
mind set and belief, thinking their mind isn’t for them to decide. These adults
usually are without sovereignty of mind and do not have high self-worth. When
our understanding is nourished by our creative expression and mobile
revitalization understanding is brilliant range.
For many of us, we view maturity as the
old man staring blankly, dully at the wall. We view immaturity or children as
vital life force able to complete many lessons and activities in a single hour.
Youth is our truest and purest momentum we slow down when we install judgment,
heavy shame, distraction and low self worth into our vital energy. Therefore,
it takes years to complete lessons, assignments and tests before we can move on
to the next phase. We don’t want this. We want to learn, grow and excel as much
as possible in a single life and not take a decade to learn one lesson. But we
need vital life force to keep up with the soul’s calling to change, improve,
eliminate and refine but our installed judgment, heavy shame, distraction and
low self worth resists.
Maturity, however, isn’t the old man
staring at the wall. This man is total denial of authentic self and eventually
through constant denial, slowed himself down into limbo. Maturity isn’t losing
the child inside but gathering tools, methods and training that can keep the
continuity of the flame very much alive. It is being very conscious of what we
install into our vital energy as a young adult that decides the mobility,
creativity and understanding capacity of our early twenties. If we are
installing person, place and thing that does not energize or inspire we are
inviting blocks into our mobility, creativity and understanding. But we live in
a planet with much discouragement and negative patterns. That is why creativity
helps us to shed the skins of what we take on to please the discouragement and
negative patterns of others so we are always wearing a skin that is most
youthful for us to wear.
Without maturity we cannot develop the
authentic self because without maturity we never know risk and risk is pursuit
of a manifestation power. As a child we are safe to take risks because we are
taken care of but as an adult we must have a strong character to be able to
repair our failings, fallings and difficult experiences. This is called
learning the art of risk, practicing the art or risk, mastering the failings of
risk and how it manifests our breakthrough. We need breakthrough that risk provides
to get into a velocity of lesson, assignment and test. Like in school, we get
so used to being pressured by lessons, assignments and tests that we are quick
to find the right question, resource and tool to succeed because we learn the
art of self-discovery and self-discipline. We need to apply this into adult
years because it will speed up our lessons, assignments and tests and give us
many breakthroughs in life. Remember we want to learn, grow and excel as many
times in a single life and never fall into the sluggish resistance of lesson,
assignment and test and delay the creation of new fluffy warm bread and settle
for the stale, moldy bread left on the counter for months.
Finally, learning is movement in newer
ways. As adults, our movements are bound to its patterns and uncomfortable with
newer forms but planet Earth is constant new forms. Like the sun, moon and
planets are always taking on a new form even though they appear to be in a
consistent orbit. The sun, moon and planets are consistent to fluctuation of
ritual. When we create our own fluctuation of ritual we have a routine but it
is evolving with a cyclical opening that brings in newer movements. Like the
seasons. They are consistent and repetitive but are never the same. They are
always in a state of renewal, reinventing and reestablishing its roots,
strengthening its connection to the Earth.
Learning is strengthening our connection
to Earth. In learning we are rooting ourselves deeper into the Earth by using
the many seasons of our being to renewal ourselves, reinvent ourselves and
reestablish ourselves. We have many layers to our growing seed and each must
strengthen for our total plant to have the endurance, tolerance, knowledge and
experience to be steady against the elements of time and strong with the
elements of time. This makes the planet timeless, growing and dying in a steady
alchemy with its beauty.
Are We Expanding? Are We Maturing? Are
We Learning? Journal the response and study the ways in which we embrace or
resist the lesson, assignment and test given by the soul’s calling to learn,
grow and excel as many times as possible in a single life. The sluggishness and
dullness of humanity is our disease, illness and dissatisfaction, the basin
that so easily attracts it’s like mind vibration. But vital life force is the
flame that keeps us energized and inspired enough to keep up with the pressure
of soul’s calling for us to meet life as the authentic self and elimination,
cleanse all that forgets what is yearning to be realized.