Academy of Libations for the Reestablished Alchemy of the Twin Flame Template
of Libations for the Reestablished Alchemy of the Twin Flame Template
By Ivy Integration
twin flame template is a self initiation into the Akashic Record of the heart.
This applied science is a medicine for the DNA encoding mental, emotional,
psychological and subtle patterning of the self. The medicine instates
divinity, self worth and courageous living for quantum leap in thinking and
intentional play. The ancestors and the pioneers gather around the golden
temple doors of the twin flame template awaiting the arrival of our heart
frequency to prevail over fear, doubt and confusion. The golden temple doors
are mandalas, geometric shape shifting, color and form, folding and unfolding
as a multiverse of infinity and finite. The expansion and collaboration is
paramount elevation for the soulful jazz to be received. The academy is an
education of the heart and all its rhythmic intelligence. The heart is
visionary because of the dignity, creativity and character that develop the
warrior of humanity. The humanitarian is the heart of humankind. When the
golden temple doors are closed human is without feeling to liberate the human
limitation. Limitation is a systematic hold awaiting the re-inventive spirit of
the mind obedient to the heart to unfold shapes and forms like origami
revealing a new way for experience and study.
The twin flame template is a frequency broadcast captured
by humankind when suffering and liberation are two sides to one coin. The
frequency transforms judgment, systematic limitation and belief on the infinite
and its possibility. Krishna and Radha amplify the collaborative, celebratory
and native medicine of the community providing wisdom and paramount elevation
for the cosmic field to be invited into an Earth bound spectrum. Their
established alchemy brought talent and radiance through the breaking down of
shapes and forms. They carry the transcendence of suffering and liberation by
surrendering wholeheartedly to the miracle of their assured beauty. This
fearlessness evolved the twin flame template into higher levels of compassion
and acceptance birthing a community of humanitarian wellness and revolutionary
harmonics. The harmonics is a symphony where everyone contributes their sound
and light to amplify the overall sound current of humanity. Community is to
prevail and the twin flame template is a direction of prevalence, to fiercely
and gently follow through on the heart’s belonging on Earth regardless of the
shape and form of systematic limitation. This is a warriorship and an advanced
education on the wholehearted intentional play of the cosmic field available to
the Earth bound.
Igniting the twin flame template is a self revolution and
revelation. The template is a romance, security, expression and protection
developed for the self to fully bloom on the Earth. Apart of the inner
evaluation and persistence is developing the hypnotic or transcendental, vedic
mediation to loosen the subconscious, the royal gas stove blue to burn the
dissilience clean, alignment to access the cosmic field through the Earth bound
and amplification to widen the field for deeper integrative wisdom to come
through. Academy of Libations for the Reestablished Alchemy of the Twin Flame Template is a deep dive into the self for refinement and magnetic attraction.
Hypnotic Trance
The royal gas stove blue
Amplification of
confidence, instinct and self worth
start with hypnotic trance to loosen the subconscious to be receptive to new forms
of thought, feeling and expression. We then blaze the subconscious with royal
gas stove blue, the color of purification, protection and reinvention, to clear
the pastures for new seeds to take root. Then, we align the seed of growth
through bathing ourselves in the womb of rebirth. Finally, we amplify the
freshness to override any low self worth, fear and doubt that may be lingering
in our field to prevail the essence of this new seed into our environment. This
is a practice of relinquishing all shapes and forms in the mental, emotional,
psychological and subtle field that are obscuring the heart. By doing so, there
is availability to receive and give partnership that is evolutionary in the
plan that it wants to bounce back to us what we are resonating within
ourselves. Therefore, every pain, loss, grief, bad relationship, shame, guilt,
etc. is a frequency we carry inside ourselves that will continue to play out until we play with it by reinventing our view.
Practice 1, hypnotic trance, we are using the mantra I Am
the Grace of God or Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru in a loose and free
flowing way. We are seated straight up, spine is tall, shoulders rolled back,
chin tucked in, chest wide and eyes closed. This is a rattle to open our
subconscious loose of stubbornness and stagnation of thought and emotion.
Practice 2, the royal gas stove blue, we are using the tersula kriya in an
introspective and interstellar way. We are seated straight up, spine is tall,
shoulders rolled back, chin tucked in, chest wide with a specified hand
position, eye gaze, inner mantra and visualization. This is a burn to clear out
the spaces in our subconscious filled with memory, trauma, dialogue, etc. to
prepare the subconscious for a new stage. Practice 3, alignment, we are using the Long Ek Ong
Kars, Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru, in a fierce and commanding manor. We are seated straight up, spine is
tall, shoulders rolled back, chin tucked in, chest wide and eyes closed with
specified usage of mantra on the body. This is to synchronize the body with the
sensitivity of the chakras to develop velocity for harmonic magnetic impact
on the environment.
is a path of loosening the restraints in the subconscious, clearing the debris
out of the subconscious, igniting a new form in the subconscious and amplifying
this pattern into embodiment. Academy of Libations for the Reestablished Alchemy of the Twin Flame Template holds a space for stagnation, resistance,
death and low energy and overall, weak attraction on life to be reparented into
a form assured in beauty and strength. Overtime the alchemy of the inner voice,
voice of reason and vision, will become more prominent and the mental collision
less influential because the assured beauty and strength is seeded properly
deep within. Anything seeded deep within has the greatest vibration, for
example, childhood patterning. But, the Academy of Libations can clear like clearing a field of weeds and replanting with new seeds for life.
Follow the 444 coding during 4:44am or 4:44pm. The 4 is the
Earth Angel. Both Krishna and Radha vibrate the Earth Angel frequency through
their talent and skill. The Earth Angel frequency coded in this Ivy Integration
is to clear the field of weeds that are festering and entangled in the subconscious
preventing flowers from taking root and growing and planting seeds of assured
beauty and strength that will show up as talent and skill maybe regressed or
quiet but with space to grow gain pronounced prominence in our life. This is
the way to alchemize relationships from misunderstanding or confusion into a
look into the rooms within the self and how each room sends out a resonance
that is captured by the environment and how to change the frequency of the many
rooms for a new attraction on person, place and thing to emerge.