How to Clean Sacral/Pelvic Sexual Block
How to Clean Sacral/Pelvic Sexual Block
By Ivy integration
Our sacral/pelvic energy can collect sexual energy of others. In
our western culture, mindless sex or miscellaneous sex is
common. However, our sacral/pelvic energy is impacted by every sexual partner
we have. We download the Icloud of every sexual partner we have. We can collect
their habits, behaviors and mind sets. We can gather their blockages in our own
body. Overtime, our sacral/pelvic energy can get clouded, clogged by the sexual
energy of others. We feel burdensome and low in energy.
Our sexual energy is high because we need to move our chi. Many
think high sexual energy is a sign they need to find someone to have sex with
to release the energy. Sex is an outlet for many. Sex is not an outlet. It is a
sacred bond between two kindred souls. It is an expression of authentic love
not a one night stand to release stuck energy. Sex is a desire
to be healed and to share deep levels of passionate, loyal and loving healing
for greater openness, intimacy and friendship between two kindred souls who are
deepening their partnership.
In our western culture, sex is random, numbing and dissatisfying
for both men and women because it is not kindred, sincere or passionately
soothing. Men release high sexual energy through sex or closeness with his
woman’s heart. Women release high sexual energy through creativity. Men who
have sex without heart turn to flesh. Women who have sex without respect turn
to low self-worth. Men must elevate to the heart for satisfying sexual
experience. Women must develop her divinity, creativity and spiritual destiny
to express her soul in sexual experience.
Sexual block in sacral/pelvic energy is sexuality experienced with
unworthy people. We interlock with the pheromone of our sexual partners. We
think we can get away with having sex with unworthy, unfeeling or low self
worth partnerships but our creativity as a woman can be misled and maturity of
man can be disrupted by unworthy or unfeeling sex. Interaction between man and
woman from a place of unworthy or unfeeling leaves a man dissatisfying and
woman disheartened because we know sexual experience is for joy and joy is
clear worthiness. There is no joy in unworthy or unfeeling sexual connections.
Firstly, a man must earn a woman’s creative majesty. A woman must
be supremely creative, divine and empowered. When a man is emotional mature, he
recognizes his sexual energy heals his woman. When a woman is spiritually
strong, she recognizes her creativity satisfies his physical body and provides
him emotional fulfillment. A fleshy man is selfish, conceded, self-important
and pleasure seeking. This man is unable to water a woman’s flower because he
is not generous. When a man is elevating his primal power into emotional
maturity he understands his openness is her passion. A woman wants to be
passionate but wants to be nourished by a man’s emotional maturity.
Cleaning the sexual energy is sexually fasting. People harbor the
pheromone of their sexual partners and don’t realize low self-worth creates a
dilemma. It dulls and drains the sacral/pelvic energy, making it difficult to
attract high self-worth opportunities. We create and make through our
sacral/pelvic energy. If we create and make low self-worth bonds we are
blocking the path to a higher creative experience. In order to clear out the
weight of burdensome and stuck energy from flushing our psyche through
another’s, we sexually fast to reclaim our sexual balance. A person, male or
female, who is sexually balanced, is more rhythmically magnetic/radiant and
able to attract high self worth opportunities.
Sacral/pelvic sexual energy is our self-worth. If we give this to
Tom, Dick or Harry archetype of men (for women) we are dumbing down our
potential and stating to our own creativity, “I am not worthy of emotional
fulfillment!” We start to feel unworthy of other things like job
opportunities, friendships, good fortune and prosperity. If we give our seed
(for men) to women who bind us to flesh and do not elevate out heart, we
are dumbing down our potential and stating to our own ego, “I am not worthy
of harmony!” We start to feel unworthy of other things like supportive
friends, happy careers and easeful partnerships.
Men who sexually fast emotionally mature because they’re not
scattered, confused or distracted by their own flesh. Women who sexually fast
spiritually bloom because they’re not feeling down about themselves due to giving
their sacred pearl to someone unworthy. Women must spiritually bloom for her
prosperity to water her fertile land. Men must emotionally mature for him to
experience the ecstatic play of a creative woman. Men want harmony naturally.
Women want emotional fulfillment naturally. When the birth canal of the woman
is fruitful soil without the pheromone of unworthy men and when the ego/flesh
of man is evolving into an emotionally mature man, there is a clear connection
without dilemma that comes from unworthy, unfeeling energies lurking around in
our psyche.
Sexual fasting or celibacy is raising the self-worth of sex and
potential for fulfillment and harmony as well as cleaning the channel for
brighter and more brilliant energies to come in. It is like feng shui. We clean
the home, mind and spirit through feng shui for more clear space to inspire us
to be great. People can block circulation of chi like things in the house can
block circulation of chi in the feng shui tradition.
Sex is the highest connection we have with another. It imprints on
us, leaves residue and alters our vibration. The ghost, haunting called
pheromone of a person can make us unhappy. Sexual fasting or celibacy is a
command to the universe, “I am worthy of emotional fulfillment! I am worthy of
harmony! I am here now charging my sexual energy for worthy opportunities that
water my beauty!” This command clears out the weeds in our soil and helps us to
focus on meaningful and big opportunities for us to be happy and big happiness
requires our clear worthiness.