Meditations for Activating Creative Pathways in the Brain

Meditation (The Royal Blue)
By Ivy Integration
            This activation is a purification of beliefs that lower our vibration! I call in Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Mother Mary and the glorious gong of Brahman. I summon thee in full fruition for the majestic and exuberant creative personal power and sovereignty to be restored. In the womb of thee, we give ourselves wholeheartedly to thee as we rest our spines on the soil of Mother Gaia. Beside a tree we are protected by the giant guardian of the ancient Earth with shade blanketing us with a coolly shimmering emerald leafy green…
The tall swaying grasses underneath my nesting gentle body become nectar that lowers me into the Earth. The Earth lowers me further, further and further into the ancient Earth. My body decomposes like a caterpillar inside a cocoon. My muscles, tissues, organs, bones, blood, everything I hold to my human vessel dissolves into ash. The Earth digests my vessel, my everything physical, and I become a composted pile of pure nutrients. As I lower deeper, deeper and deeper into the ancient Earth, my pile of decomposing ash join to become seeds of new life.
          I sense the sunlight like a worm, with only two senses smell and touch, I sense the warmth of the sun high above me seeping into my vast openness through the dirt that is everywhere around me. I begin to sense my heart as a giant rose quartz radiating cave, my gut as a citrine crystal amplifying cave, my solar plexus as a stargate to interstellar space, my throat as a opal crystal shimmering cave, my third eye as a amethyst glinting cave and at the top of my head and at the bottom of the soles of my feet and palms are roots like royal blue lightning electrifying for miles everywhere around me.This mystic revelation, that my true I Am Presence is magnificent and full of infinite potential, rewrites my cellular DNA, the code for my blood, bones and organs. I Am innocence of Creation! I Am subtly of the universe.
          Inside the womb, the cocoon, the nothingness of my physical body turning to dust, I am now and forever open to the stargates, portals and realms of wisdom, sovereignty and creative personal power inside the caves, stargates and portals in my mandala of the soul. My soul has organized a sophisticated grid, map, for my great awakening. Now that I recognize this inner compass, wings begin to unravel from my back. My wings are my electromagnetic field, my aura. They are giant ten feet across in all directions. They bless me with courage and beauty to be a spiritual leader for humankind. In the fertilization of my seeds, millions, billions of seeds fill the soil of my electrified lightning, I Am levitating through soil towards the surface of Earth.
          These seeds join like ivy, intertwining, collaborating. Like roots they are a web of consciousness connecting me to every seed that is a stargate, portal, cave and activated multi-verse inside me. My levitating consciousness of roots and growing stems from the many seeds I Am, a royal gas stove blue begins to burn through Everything I Am like lightening, passing through me at the speed of light. It burns me with heat of pure alchemy!!! It enlivens, revolutionizes and liberates me. The extreme pressure and velocity awakens all hidden memories of my ancient divinity. I Am a omega giant being with creativity of the almighty creation. I Am the almighty Creation!!! I Am the distant star and nearby star. I Am the seed of new life and the eldest, fullest tree to the East, West, North and South. I Am the black hole and the white hole!!! I Am the universe of science and the universe of art. I Am the RA, the sun God of manifestation and MA, the moon Goddess of the visionary.
I Am remembering my true authentic code NOW!!! My authentic code is embedded within my cellular DNA NOW coming into a new form. I have left my old body behind inside the soil, the womb of ancient Earth, to be remade into the courageous and beautiful image of my authentic code. As I sprout through the soil to join the tall swaying grasses into sunlight, I Am a child with gold skin, a gold indigo electromagnetic field like Northern lights to the Earth, gold blood pumping through my giant gold pink heart, gold organs illuminating through my skin, gold nervous system of electric-ecstatic exuberance, gold soles of the feet, gold palms, gold tongue, gold eye lids and I have a gold royal blue arcline. I resonate at the level of my soul, I Am That I Am!!! It is a most profound and pronounced amplification of my Oversoul in my magnetic caliber of the ancient Earth.
I know infinity in the finite now and forever. I never forgot my infinity and access to such manifestated visionary. I simply needed to reignite my authentic code at the cellular DNA of my nothingness before I came into physical form to remake my birth from the perspective of ancient Earth. Now, that I Am in the mirror reflection of Mother Gaia having been born directly from the dirt of her ancient Earth, my connection, synergy and synchronicity is fiercely encouraged, sovereign and clear to the winds, oceans, royal blue flames, forests and the interstellar of my creative personal power. I Am alive as Mother Gaia intends me to be. I Am full of wonder for the natural world. I Am full of expression and creativity I give to myself to heal myself. My vessel carries codes, frequencies and fractals of the universe, multi-verse and I can access such wisdom in summoning of my innocence. I consolidate this journey inside me now to be forever inspired by this alchemy. So, it is!!! Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!!

Meditation (The Life Partner)
By Ivy Integration
I activate the life partner frequency within me now! I summon Archangel Raziel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Mother Mary and Jesus Christ, Krishna and Radha and Lakshmi and Lakshman for immense emotionally healing, authentic code initiation and higher self worth. I give my wholeness to these wise, liberating and helpful creations of Earth and creation beyond. I welcome their arrival now with ease and self-acceptance of my true nature. I allow their amplified soul to encourage my total self-love and courage to be my I Am Presence in human embodiment.
I call in the royal blue rob of striking protection. Archangel Michael places the royal blue rob around my shoulders as he bows to my renewed brazen discernment. The royal blue rob is my fierce safeguard, angelic guardian and boundaries that protect my precious pearl in my heart of innocence. My mind, heart, body and energetic field now have a royal gas stove blue shield of protection. This is my haven, sanctuary, home for me to feel safe to ignite my creative and sovereign leadership. I see clearly everything with discernment and trust in myself now and forever. I am invincible faith in embodying my I Am Presence.
I call in the emerald citrine green tantric necklace of immense healing. Archangel Raziel and Archangel Raphael place the regal emerald citrine green tantric necklace gently around my neck as they bow to my renewed self-love and self-acceptance. It drapes around my heart and belly bottom. The emerald citrine green tantric necklace blesses my heart and navel with healing powers to express my divinity in talent and movement. With the royal gas stove blue rob, from Archangel Michael, I am safe with invincible self-encouragement to be a spiritual leader with Archangel Raziel and Archangel Raphael as my teachers, initiating me into my restored healing powers on Earth. I am blooming at the heart a giant white rose with a rose quartz growing in the center as a seed/stargate to higher frequencies of teamship, collaboration and synergy/synchronicity. I am blossoming at the navel a marigold flower with a citrine crystal growing in the center as a seed/stargate to higher frequencies of persistence, willpower and creative impact. I am blessed by the emerald citrine green activation, rooting my heart, navel, the soles of the feet, palms and the crown of the head with bolts of lightning webbing me to the Earth and creation beyond.
I call in the bold deep green crown from Archangel Gabriel. His compassionate and strong spirit places the crown on my head as he bows to my renewed spiritual leader of sovereignty and dignity on Earth. The bold deep green crown expands above my head amplifying my spherical aura, giving me velocity of starlight to channel higher energy for alchemy, manifestation and miraculous healing. The bold deep green emerges me into the depths of the sea, land and ancient stone, helping me face the darkness of my mysterious eternity on Earth and creation beyond with creative solution. I now have a luminous crown of bold deep green, swirling and spinning at the speed of light above my head opening the massive funnel at the 10th gate linking me to the Oversoul frequency. This gives me visionary magic and practical application to alchemize my thoughts, visualizations into finite manifestations.
Mother Mary and Jesus Christ, Krishna and Radha and Lakshmi and Lakshman meet me on a beach of pure white cooling sand with a turquoise ocean gleaming waves of sparkling universe under a glowing blue moon, massive with electromagnetic amplification of the Northern Lights rippling in the sky with violet, lavender, magenta and boysenberry. Behind me is a snowy mountain with an ancient forest of vibrant trees humming through the ringing ocean breeze. The gale of angels singing Om So Hum turns on my radiant body. In the darkness, my body becomes an amplified glowing pure vessel of blue energy. I Am in mirror reflection of the moon, MA. I am mystical, insightful, intuitive, imaginative and visionary now and forever. It is awakened in my cellular DNA the lineages of power meditative practices. I have the radiance and magnetism to dream and realize the dream in finite possibility.
The angels, saints and wise ones amplify the frequency of the life partner as they stand in a mandala crystal grid around me. They place their hands on my heart, head, gut and palms activating the worthiness to receiver true love––true in the resonance of fierce encouragement, sovereignty and creative personal power obeying the universal law…We are Creators when we are true to our creative personal power and sovereignty to potentiate our vision into visionary manifestation. The wise forces of empowerment sing Om So Hum to trigger my memories of true partnership I’ve experienced on Earth and creation beyond. They fully initiate me into a playful, collaborative and energetic harmonic teamship with the universe. I am Now remembering creative, helpful, dignified and encouraging partnership from lifetimes on Earth and creation beyond. This ignites my belief, I Am Worthy of fun, supportive and easeful partnership with myself and others.
The wise ones’ opal rays for eyes penetrate the fearful layers of my human consciousness with command language to rewrite my codes of unfulfilling partnerships with fierce encouragement now and forever. They summon in me…all codes of self-belittlement, low self esteem, discouragement, judgment, distrust in myself to be lifted. All violations, negative attachments and destroying/aggressive forces are lifted now. Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!! I Am lifting through time and space all bad luck in love, unsupportive interlocks with people, karmic attachments that deplete my radiance, self-hating cords with people that lead me away my authentic code, sabotaging cords with people that delay my quantum leap thinking––Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!! So, it is!!!
I Am uplifted and restored back to my authentic code of rhythmic high self-worth that is never broken or destroyed in me but awaiting my sovereignty and fierce encouragement to ignite fearlessly. The wise ones’ shimmering opal rays for eyes strike fiercer with royal blue lightning. The bolts are intense with nervous system strength, raising my caliber for what I’m capable of holding in my arcline. The lightning bolts move through my blood, bones, organs, spine, muscles and tissues, electrifying everything, with rattling vibrations. The snake rattle, the snake sound, dissolves the past off my back. Memories of dread, doubt, violation, destruction, disharmony that disrupt the white rose of pure courage and beauty turn to ash as they fall off my back to the ground. They are swept up by the ocean to be pulled out to the depths of the sea for purification. Shedding the attachments to suffering in partnerships is goo dropping off my spine creating more space for my heart to open wider and deeper.
The wise ones continue to chant Om So Hum, as my heart becomes so giant my entire body and energy field become the rhythmic play of the heart, my true self. I Am at ease because I see my reflection in the moon. I see my electromagnetic field of the heart so giant, I Am the biggest and brightest tree of divinity. My life partner is sensing my amplified soul over the mountain through the valley as a powerful gale of spiritual leadership. He/she is inspired by this activation and initiated into his/her wings of sovereignty and creative personal power. My upliftment with the wise ones is a fierce encouragement now and forever to be I Am That I Am. I’ve raised the vibration of both myself and my life partner. The wise ones give me a final activation. I am given a mandala map inside my heart of my revolutionary creativity as a guide towards my harmonic teamship with everything!!! So, it is!!! Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!!

Meditation (The Inner Child)
By Ivy Integration
          I set free the inner child! I summon Archangel Metatron, Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary to restore my inner child back to playful enthusiasm. I recognize my inner child locks itself into a cage when I judge myself, try to prove my self-worth to others, compete with myself and others to be the best, compromise my emotional fulfillment for ego status, engage in superficial or shallow partnerships, belittle myself or allow others to belittle me, disrupt my creative process by overly criticizing myself, do not take responsibility for my choices, do not empower myself to be native or soulful, speak negatively about myself, shame myself, project unforgiveness towards others, withhold unforgiveness towards others to have the upper hand, discourage, shame or judge others, disrupt other’s creative process with negative attachments, entrap myself in patterns of stagnation, ruts or rock bottoms–I Am a child of God and summon these patterns of living and expressing myself to the forefront for immense healing and repatterning. I am Not discouraged or the discourager! I Am summoning the caging judgment that rejects or shames my authentic code and others to be remedied by the Wahe Guru! I am not the entrapper or the cage. I Am the revolutionary!
          I call forth the inner child! She/he sits infront of me in perfect harmony. She/he is brave, creative, sovereign, dignified and true to her/his authentic code. I allow Archangel Metaton, Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary to swaddle me with a blanket of lavender, marigold and royal blue. This is a blanket of compassion, higher understanding and unconditional love.
My inner child and myself are seated across from each other in a vibrant field of tall swaying grasses with a ancient forest of whispering lovely trees and a snowy mountain of gonging majesty. My inner child is colored with the light of the amplified soul. She/he is radiant with an electromagnetic field of starlight, courageous and beautiful. I am in awe at the wonder, joy and stamina of the child. She/he is energy of the speed of light. She/he has velocity of divinity and endurance of Mother Gaia to be a spiritual leader. And yet, I sense apart of myself confining, withholding and restraining myself from the majestic alchemy of my inner child.
I allow memories of the childhood to arrive as Archangel Metatron, Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary stand in a mandala crystal grid around my inner child and myself. They gently sing to me, Karuna Karuna Lakshmi Lakshmi, as I receive the memories of judgment, shame and discouragement that placed my inner child into the cage. I relax into the breeze of singing wise ones as I open the cage to my heart and set free a white dove.
          I sing Karuna Karuna Lakshmi Lakshmi with the wise ones receiving a marigold flower inside my belly button with a citrine crystal growing in the center. The blossoming marigold flower hums sweetness of persistence. Mother Mary touches my heart. A white rose blooms at the heart with an opal crystal glowing at the center. The opal crystal radiates blue moonlight. The frequency of mystic mystery awakens inside me. I restore the meditative thanksgiving my inner child gives constantly to Mother Gaia. The marigold flower blooms wildly, beastly bold with tender and strong pedals and a lioness frequency charges fiercely through my navel. The white rose blossoms joyfully and confidently with gleaming soft pedals and a leadership frequency enlivens my heart.
Archangel Metatron and Archangel Raphael place a clear quartz crown on my head. When it touches my head, I immediately feel my thoughts being cleaned by the scent of sage, ocean and nectar. I Am sensitive to nature and able to learn friendship and collaboration with Mother Gaia. Mother Gaia is awakening inside me. The seeds of creation are alive inside me now and forever.
          Under the soles of my feet and out of the top of my head are roots like lightning bolting to the universe and deep into the Earth. I Am alive in the mirror image of Mother Gaia, cultivating wind, ocean, royal blue flames, the tree system and the multi-verse. I remember Now my spiritual leadership. I Am to embody the universal law. We are Creators when we are true to our creative personal power and sovereignty to potentiate our vision into visionary manifestation. I affirm this true self inside myself by embracing my inner child with total acceptance. I state to my inner child, “I accept thee because you are the path of my authentic code. You are my courage and beauty. You are my true self. You are the encouragement and sovereignty I need to enliven my creative personal power to energize my will to be.” My inner child dissolves into my body through the gateways of the navel, heart and crown. My inner child restores my self-worth back to holy worthiness, my grit back to invincible encouragement and sensitivity back to visionary quest.
          I Am now and forever available to my inner child and her/his map of creativity. I understand her/his creativity is my assured pioneership. I need this pioneership to resolve my life and discover my niche. I need my inner child collaborating with me because she/he has access to an inner knowing, a self trust, that can refine my life. What is life without the intuitive trust in creativity, Archangel Metatron speaks? It is missing the bigger picture. It is disconnected, out of synch with Mother Gaia. Your sovereignty and personal power is your inner child, Mother Mary speaks.
          Wings unfold from my back as my inner child is set free in my heart and mind. Wings of lavender gold paint my aura with angelic frequencies giving me enthusiasm of the multi-verse to energize my embodied divinity. Activated by my inner child, I Am more accepting, understanding and nourished by my amplified soul. The nutrients of my inner child flood my blood, bones, organs, muscles, tissues and nervous system with nectar and honey, replenishing my body with soul resonance. In the recognition of my inner child as the spiritual leader, I Am brave to accept my imagination, intuition, playfulness and authentic code as my refined reality.

Meditation (Become Fearless)
By Ivy Integration
Soaked in a royal blue gold womb of cosmic endurance, I awaken the courage of creative revolutionary of Aries and discipline leader of Capricorn inside my astrological blueprint. I enliven the charisma of the fearless masters who liberated the shackles that torment and enslave humankind. I am available and ready to receive the full self-empowerment of my creative personal power to encourage myself to be the authentic code. I recognize the authentic code as my birth right to come into the fullness of my heart through embracing and healing the inner child and opening the luminous stargate of the heart.
Krishna, Lakshman, Green Tara and Mother Mary join me in a crystal mandala grid made of beautiful flowers gently swaying on the grassy ground. They hold my hands in a spherical circle of royal blue gold starlight as they uplevel my consciousness with higher velocities of fierce and bold leadership and revolutionary stamina. The wise ones now activate my command by opening the marigold stargate at my navel, now swirling with electric-ecstatic vibrations like a funnel taking in the universe through my belly button. I close my eyes and see my astral body like high volts of lightning strike the ground and the universe with electric-ecstatic power.
I am standing in a dark tunnel. The dark tunnel expands to be a cave of whispering fears, entities, worst nightmares and destructive patterns of humankind. It is pitch black and I do not feel the soles of my feet or the top of my head. I am desensitized and numb. Inside the whirl wind of negative emotions, my energy is depleted, cloaked, suffocating  and stifled. The demon voices carries a dense decay smell of judgment from cowardly victimization and careless aggression towards myself and others. I realize these sounds are the voices of my shadow side. The shame and blame behind their irritation triggers my lack of courage to be sovereign and dignified. Instead of ignoring, denying or repressing the demon voices, I embrace them with full self-acceptance. I allow myself to receive the wise ones through my thoughts. I hear low chanting vibrating my heart fiercely open–Aap Sahaaee Hoaa, Sachay Daa Sachaa Doaa, Har, Har, Har.
Krishna, Lakshman, Green Tara and Mother Mary are present with me in the green lotus flower at the heart. I am swaddled by a gentle and tender mossy rob that gives my protection and bliss. I am crowned with a clear quartz crown made of pink roses. My skin glows gold as the soles of my feet become gold/silver roots and the top of my head become gold/silver branches. Green lotus flowers grow everywhere in my energetic chamber of the aura through the ivy of my nervous, central and lymphatic systems with rose quartz radiating at the heart, crown navel! I see this in the darkness of looking in on my astral body.
I begin to chant Aap Sahaaee Hoaa, Sachay Daa Sachaa Doaa, Har, Har, Har with the wise ones. I feel twinkling tingles at the top of my head and on the soles of the feet as a white light opens inside white roses at the palms, soles of the feet and illuminating inside the heart. The white roses burns through me as I become a white flame from the soles of the feet to the top of the head. A inner royal gas stove blue electrifies my body as thunder and lightning strikes inside the darkness, turning on the opal crystals sleeping patiently in rock. Their shimmering rainbows of starlight arch everywhere through darkness, creating a angelic mandala grid, a map of higher dimensions, that webs constellations through my astral body triggering the multiverse inside my Oversoul. I view my multi-dimensional self in the infinite colors transfigurating within me. I realize the higher dimensions are wholeness with the infinite of my repatterning, forming and formless colors of consciousness. A silhouette materializes on the cave wall of my Holy Spirit temple. It is a flaming, silky wave of pure white energy so peaceful, serene and graceful. I am in awe with tears of forgiveness towards myself and others. The silhouette transforms into a white triangle stargate.
I receive the trinity activation!!! I am healing duality by accepting my wholeness in time and space. I emerge the animal, human and angel within me as I summon the demon voices to the trinity portal. I state to the demon voices I’ve entrapped in the cave and left to dwell in my shaming judgment…
I realize the truth of your nature. You are the parts of my multi-dimensional reality I have shamed, blamed and hated in myself and others. I am available and ready to uplevel my negative, fear based, relationship with you by healing the imbalances you are. By recognizing you are imbalances within myself and humanity, I restore sovereignty to enlighten your misery. You are suffering! You are without light awakened inside to uplevel your suffering consciousness. By the grace of God within the trinity of my personal power, I command these fragments of myself to join together in a manadala of self-love NOW! You are bathed in the Holy Spirit of forgiveness and innocence. You are no longer trapped in the cave of my neglect. I give you now to the white flame of divinity!
The triangle portal pulls the demon voices into its funnel of ocean royal blue gold, spiraling deeper and deeper into a purified state of consciousness. I chant bravely with Krishna, Lakshman, Green Tara and Mother Mary, Aap Sahaaee Hoaa, Sachay Daa Sachaa Doaa, Har, Har, Har. A gong within my navel, heart and crown vibrate the cave walls. They dissolve and collapse into pure white sand as opal gleams underneath thick layers of dirty swampy slim falling away. The cave becomes an infinite white space of shimmering opal rippling like the Northern Lights of majestic lavender, brazen violet, kind magenta, soothing turquoise and regal emerald.
I view myself as the snowy mountain through my astral body as I hear the gong of my heart as the mountain with a sky of Northern Lights rippling above me through boysenberry, opal, marigold, indigo and gold. My heart roars Karuna. A courage is restored in me now and forever. I honor the darkness as a chance to restore all judgments back to compassion. I realize the mountain is my most encouraged sovereignty and divinity. It is my towering evolution. My darkness is the path to my evolution, a journey I must take to know the towering height of the mountain meeting the Northern Lights of opal and reach my victory–totality of wholeness. 
I Am energized, charismatic and fearless now by the sovereignty of my emerald and lavender self worth. This activation rinses my depletion and stagnation with the visionary Norther Lights of violet, marigold and indigo blue. I Am roaring my heart fiercely like a pouncing lioness. I Am the entire mountain gonging my divinity to the East, West, North and South. I Am the crystalline cave of clear quartz amplifying opal intelligence to restore my fear consciousness back to universal consciousness of my fearless manifestation impact. I Am available and ready to direct my personal power towards compassion. Compassion is my evolution!!! Compassion is karuna and I Am awakening this sleeping tiger to give myself the courage to step into any dark cave inside my being with clarity to my multi-dimensional being. All judgments are an opportunity for me love myself and learn the wholeness of duality in the sovereignty of union with my innocence always available to me. So, it is!!! Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!!

Meditation (Trinity of White Roses)

By Ivy Integration

I summon the self-belittlement, self-discouragement and self-doubt to the gold emerald rose door of the heart chamber. I now summon Mother Mary and Jesus to assist with uplevling all self-belittlement, self-discouragement and self-doubt that coded the cellular DNA with patterns that do not support the evolution of the soul and the miraculous reality of living in a human body. This transmission is a quantum leap in thinking.

Now, we join our hands in prayer at the heart as we breathe deeply like the rise and fall of the ocean tides. We visualize the ocean living inside the heart chamber as a realm of our own. This realm is our haven, sanctuary, the holy temple where we are most supported, encouraged, elevated and activated. The sand is pure white shimmering in opal. The ocean waves are regal and steady, colorful with turquoise, sea weed green and angelic blue. There is a forest rising to the snowy mountain and an arching Northern Lights gonging through constellations of mystic darkness. The sounds of angels hum in unison with the glinting stars like lighthouses to the dark. On a hilling cliff there is a lighthouse made of opal. It shimmers rainbows as it dances the light of the blue moon through its spiraling structure streaming lavender white out to sea.
We breathe deeper as we dive into the heart chamber to transport ourselves to our haven. We open our pressed palms in prayer posse at the heart opening energy between the palms creating space. As we do, we visualize opening a golden emerald rose door to a vast field of white roses. Brought into this majestic ocean of swaying white roses whirling with the gale of rustling vibrant green tree tops, we are wearing white with a white spherical aura with a clear quartz crown made of white roses and necklaces made of shell and pearl.
In the field of white roses are Mother Mary and Jesus as opal white silhouettes. They are translucent radiating starlight of lavender white. Drawn to their broadcast we are called to them. They extend out their hands to hold ours. We hold hands with Mother Mary and Jesus in a circle of friendship. Within the trinity of Mother Mary, Jesus and ourselves, a indigo lavender materializes in the empty space between Mother Mary, Jesus and ourselves. It is spherical mandala of our Oversoul chanting into us the talents, gifts, skills and wisdom we’ve gathered through thousands, millions, billions, infinite lives on Earth and creation beyond.
We are given what we need now to be a spiritual leader to the current dimension we live in on Planet Earth. Vibration channels up the soles of the feet from roots of our being, up the spine, through the nervous system, the blood, into our cells, all the way out the crown of the head into a web of energy like lightning extending above and far beyond us. We are linked to a secret society of the soul. We now have full access to the innovation we require to pass the tests of this dimension on Planet Earth and embody the spiritual leadership of our fearless sovereignty. We are the next frontier. We are the shaman, teacher and guide to a dimension on Planet Earth in dire need of refinement.
Being soaked in lavender white from Mother Mary and Jesus, we begin to chant the resonances of their broadcast, Ong So Hung. The field of white roses amplifies into a beastly gong of power. We become aware of our physical body as we press our palms into the chest, consolidating the energy into our body, into our blood, spine, nervous system, cells, down the soles of the feet, above and beyond the crown of the head. We are available and ready now in one powerful inhale and exhale to relinquish all self-belittlement, self-discouragement and self-doubt that deny or judge the innocence of our fearless visionary spirit.

Meditation (Green Tara Activation)
By Ivy Integration
I summon the inner heart chamber to awaken. I allow the white pink rose of my inner divinity to rise like a lotus flower out of dirt through clean water into the freshness of air. I breathe deeply into my belly button as I image an umbilical cord connecting me to a cosmic womb of soulful nutrients that renew, replenish and refine my cellular DNA. I open this portal of funneling mystery of my making. I receive the transmission of my regal self worth now in the presence of Green Tara.
Green Tara’s leafy emerald green spirit, foresty/mossy green hair, beastly fierce almond eyes, honey gold radiant skin draped in royal red and lavender deep green with opal, amethyst, citrine and emerald crystals and gems. She stands reverently opening the emerald rose door to my heart chamber welcoming into the mystic mystery of my rising sovereignty.
I am activated by Green Tara’s fearless captivation of joy. Her rhythmic dance, eagle elegance, lioness relentlessness is my breakthrough, paramount revelation and interstellar alchemy. I give myself fully to the Green Tara’s activation now as I open my own unique eagle wings, lioness heart beat and liberation dance. I am the cosmic temple of gold sovereignty. I surrender to my regal self worth as I breathe emerald rose flowers everywhere inside me. My entire vessel is a container of sweet nectar and white roses. I have a honey hive full of soulful nutrients. I drink from the nectar of my flowering insides and bath in honey of my haven.

Meditation (Healing Heartbreak)
By Ivy Integration
I summon the resistance to let go, shored in the body mental unresolved narratives, resentment or unforgiveness for abrupt, disharmonious or aggressive endings and emotional triggers to accept and transform to the forefront of the emerald rose heart chamber. I now summon Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Sandalphon to transmit frequencies of self-acceptance, forgiveness and regal self worth. This is a transmission for rinsing compassion through all emotional, mental and physical tensions regarding failure in love, destructive mistakes, aggressive, fear based endings in relationships and unexpressed wounds bottled up in shame. The giant wings of emerald sea weed green shimmering in eagle like gold from Archangel Gabriel and the majestic wings of marigold violet lavender twinkling in sunflower brightness from Archangel Sandalphon place me in a field of angelic supreme authority.
I state wholeheartedly now, “I Am available and ready to release built up emotions, mental chatter and physical grief that clogs my heart chamber and makes me defensive, aggressive and prideful!” Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Sandalphon begin to chant Karuna the Wise Women of Unconditional Love Swaddle Thee to return Thee to the Self-acceptance of Nature. I am nesting in an owl’s nest of moss and clover. It is fluffy like cotton and firm like a bed of hay. Everything is quiet under the blue moon bathing the whispering forest with shimmering, revolving constellations. I am blanketed in warm cooling moss and clover high in a tree listening to the queendom of hooting owls fly through the Northern Lights of lavender, violet, boysenberry, magenta and emerald green. They sing to the ocean of color waving the sky. I am content, subtle and innocent in the simplicity of nature. I am naked and as a child watching the constellations blink mandala arrangements like fractals forming through fractals forming through fractals. The stars are lighthouses to the dark eternity guiding a path for evolution.
The tree I rest in speaks, “It is time for you to renew your heart. Your heart is heavy with grief, aggression and unexpressed emotions. Let me enliven your heart so you may remember your regal self worth. You are not the judgments of failure, mistake and shame. You are not unloved, hated or attacked. You are creation of your self-acceptance. What you don’t accept with love becomes your nightmare, attack and deadly shame. You must receive the owls into your heart chamber now and enlighten your dark cave with royal lighthouses!!! You can navigate through heavy judgments of Planet Earth with wisdom. I give you wisdom now!!! Karuna the Wise Woman of Unconditional Love Swaddle Thee to return Thee to the Self-acceptance of Nature.”
Shockingly, like bolts of lightning, owls from the Northern Lights like silhouettes of tiny angels dive into my chest. The emerald rose chamber of the heart is wide open receiving the current of lavender, violet, magenta and indigo fiercely into the heart chamber. It is overwhelming, intense and fills my heartbeat with a wise strength. My heart burns beastly as my shoulders roll back, chest opens deeper as my breath expands and contracts fully and glows emerald rose pink. My heart is a moon to the dark forest. It beams like a lighthouse through the forest.

A gale of rustling tree tops breeze like a theater of applauding children. I am enlivened, encouraged and supported by all of nature. Suddenly, I fall out of the tree towards the ground but do not fall to the rough ground. I fly onto a bed of fluffy cotton naked bathed by the ocean and renewed with layers and layers of skin beside us. I shed pounds of emotions, mental chatter and physical tightness. I rise out of the bed light like the wise owl. I smile to the glowing emerald pink rose now radiating through my unclogged heart. I am now and forever available and ready to relinquish all judgments, shame, aggression towards love and welcome self-acceptance as my true path of freedom from the broken heart. So, it is!!! Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!!