Breakthrough Fear

Breakthrough Fear

By Ivy Integration
The Ten of Swords in Tarot represents the hold. In the image there is a person faced down in a dark and eerie environment with ten swords jabbed into their back. This person is bound to the swords, trapped by them, and unable to move. Sometimes a completion arrives either we are ready, wanting, accepting or not. The Ten of Swords in Tarot represents a person who thinks they are not ready, want or accept the completion. Maybe the completion is abrupt, harsh, negative, uncomfortable or uneasy. The Ten of Swords in tarot is a divination of letting what is dying die and embrace a new life cycle.
          Swords in Tarot represent thoughts, thinking habits, patterns and beliefs. The most challenging competition for humankind is usually a thought pattern, belief. When we take on a thought pattern for a long or short period of time we usually attach ourselves to that thought pattern and form a belief around that thought pattern. When a thought pattern disrupts, confuses or lowers our energy level the Ten of Swords is a death to the root belief that is sabotaging ourselves from a new life cycle.
          Humankind is destined to experience immense transformation and growth. Apart of transformation and growth is reinventing the root beliefs that limit our creative ingenuity. The human mind is capable of genius and insanity. The Ten of Swords in Tarot is a guide helping us eliminate the insanity beliefs such as “I Am not good enough to be loved. All relationships want to take advantage of me. I don’t have the intelligence to be financially abundant…etc.” For many the Ten of Swords in Tarot is a string, rock bottom, stuck in the rut, difficult time, major life challenge to AWAKE us to the root beliefs we are harboring that are limiting creative ingenuity.
          After the Ten of Swords in Tarot comes the Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords in Tarot is about fresh, spacious and clean thought stream. In life many times our thinking gets haggard, run down, dirty and stale. The Ten of Swords in Tarot is simply the universe giving us a chance to clean the stream for new energy to come through. During the holding period we are pressured or even forced to face the belief that is blocking or sabotaging ourselves from original, clear and distinct ideas. When we refuse, try to escape, ignore what we must face the Ten of Swords in Tarot becomes an even deeper jab into our back. The jab is to direct us out of the thought pattern holding us back, keeping us uncreative in a job, relationship, life style, etc. The only way to move beyond the Ten of Swords in Tarot is to face the difficulty, stuck in the rut or rock bottom with availability and willingness to move a new way.
          Many times roads appear blocked to us. We feel bound to where we are at. The Ten of Swords in Tarot does this because higher levels of abundance in career, love, health, knowledge, etc. are a reinvented mental state. The mind reinvents itself and the abundance follows. We want abundance to open and arrive but don’t want to face our root thought patterns, belief. Ten of Swords in Tarot says, “No, No, No, it doesn’t work like that!!!” The mind is commanded by the heart to project out into the universe a vision for greater abundance and the universe responses with guidance and a map for such intention. When the mind gets too heavy in a thought pattern, belief we are brought down. It appears we are being destroyed or torn apart. Sometimes in order for us to finally listen to the heart we have to be brought down by the thought pattern, belief we’ve carried for too long. The longer we’ve attached ourselves to a thought pattern, belief that limits the expansion of the heart the harsher the fall can seem.
          When we reach rock bottom what happens? We surrender our thought pattern, belief and embrace the heart. Sometimes it seems we are being forced to be true to the heart by the universe. Again, the mind is commanded by the heart to project out into the universe a vision for greater abundance and the universe responses with guidance and a map for such intention. The true vision for our life experience starts with the heart and is supported by the mind. But, when the mind overrides the heart the universe says, “Oh, no, we must correct that!!!” It is nature for the heart to manifest, the mind to serve and the projection to materialize. Therefore, when we reach the point of being boxed in by the thought pattern, belief we’ve carried it is the universe helping us to align with our natural rhythm. It is nature for the heart to manifest, the mind to serve and the projection to materialize. We may want to deny our feelings. We say our feelings are irrelevant but when the universe moves and shakes us, destroys what we thought to be true about ourselves and life, the heart is our only way of moving forward. We break the holding spell when we move with heart.
          To move with heart is to refine faith, enthusiasm, authenticity, creativity and intuition. When our thinking has become too dominating or superior to the heart the mind holds us down until we shake off the consuming thought pattern, belief and ignite the heart through every part of us. When we obey the instructions of the Ten of Swords in Tarot, we move with faith and intuition, which is extremely uncomfortable to a thought pattern, belief heavily instilled within us. For example, we have reached the Ten of Swords in relationships. We are at rock bottom, insecure, wounded, upset, isolated, etc. The Ten of Swords gives us a chance to discover the root thought pattern, belief that attracts unsatisfying relationships and release the thought pattern, belief that keeps us blocking a fulfilling relationship. When we don’t take the chance we remain in Ten of Swords. If we take the chance and awaken the heart of faith and intuition we move forward into new ideas for who we are, what life has to offer and how to be.
Of course, it is uncomfortable and makes us nervous to function more from the heart and less from the thought pattern, belief. But, in the Ten of Swords we have no choice. We’ve reached a point of absolute desperation, stagnation and grief. We must invite the heart to its proper place. The heart sits on the thrown, the mind is the spacious hall and the projection is gold shimmering tiles. When the mind rules we can get very confused, distrustful and lose our authenticity and high higher abundance. Allowing the Ten of Swords to be a breakthrough fear is welcoming imagination, innocence and authentic perspective to prevail and recreate the mind from inside out.
The universe wants us to have victory and knows when we are being dishonest with ourselves about who we are, what we are capable of and what is possible for ourselves. The universe will do its best to help us cut out the thought pattern, belief that keep us small and fearful of our own sovereign power to manifest, serve and materialize. Unfortunately, some people remain in Ten of Swords for years even decades because they simply don’t want to be honest with themselves and cut those weeds out of their thrown hall for more space and light to project out into the universe heartfelt happiness, strength and good health.
This is our chance! Take the chance and lead with heart. Growth starts with heart. The first creation of the fetus is the heart. Therefore, the heart created the mind. The mind did not create the heart. The heart is our home and when all falls apart or falls down the heart is always there awaiting our return and availability to be led, inspired, motivated and enthusiastic about change.