The Aquarian Age speaks to Twin Flames

Twin Flames
By Ivy Integration
          The Aquarian Age is reigniting the ancient practice of twin flames. Long ago before the accepted chronology of human history there were several Golden Ages on Planet Earth, three to be precise. There were four extinctions of the human race and we are the fifth attempt at not extincting the human race. Academia does not accept these mystic teachings but there is a vital realm of possibility below the surface of life. Few people explore this realm, mostly shamans, Yogis, Gurus, those who suffer greatly and survive, liberators, near death experiences, etc. These people are known as female witches in North America. These people are known as unorthodox healers and visionaries. These people posse a childlike openness that makes them unique compared to the awareness that is bound to beliefs, limitations and identities. These people break through beliefs, limitations and identities to capture an essence that cannot be found in the surface of life but hidden in plain sight. These people created secret societies to preserve and enhance their mystic knowledge but overtime humanity slowly, gradually entrusted in the belief, limitation and identity instead of their own instinct. What this has done for humanity is weaken the inherent right to create reality from within. Vast majority have no clue how to manifest, alter, shift or transform realities and feel bound, interlocked, tied and victim to realities whirling around them. Those people who walk the realm underneath the surface of life, Shamans, Yogis and Gurus, have studied well and have not forgotten what they’ve learned over thousands of years through multiple dimensions in human history.
          Twin Flames are the recapturing of the ancient white tantric practice of male and female, yin and yang, lee and chi, RA and MA. Everywhere these forces are collaborating around us, inside us and govern universal laws. There is first a moon, an egg or generating force and then there is a sun, an organizing force and together they are a deliver or destroyer. We are all equally apart of this GOD frequency, Generating, Organizing and Delivering or Destroying multi-universe. The white tantric practice is the highest union with this multi-verse. We are now beginning the long journey back to this embodiment divinity, sovereignty and empowerment. There is a longing and yearning to emerge back with the GOD frequency. Organized religion has ruled the patriarchal age for a reason. We humans in our instinct know we are manifestors of reality and ache to reinstate ourselves as wise humans.
What is life without being wise, pain after pain after pain, everything is misunderstood, weakness of the mind is easily seduced and we are losing character to innovate our freedom. This path is great suffering. What is wisdom?? We are all on a voyage to learn something, to improve our learning and evolve our learning. The collaboration of male and female is the Generating, Organizing and Delivering force we require to enter the white tantric of pure energy. Pure energy isn’t a male or female. Pure energy is the total union of both like the Holy Spirit frequency. Archangels are a gold/silver arch of their crystalline electromagetic field, egg shaped and spherical depending on the angle. Humans have the same evolution of Archangels. Humans become more angelic through consciousness maturing its perception, interpretation, limitation, attachment and agreement. Through liberating humanity in multi-dimensional studies, the polarity of Earth no longer disrupts the angel. Angel becomes an Archangel through thorough tests, assignments and graduations inside a plethora of realities to realize the white tantric of pure energy where duality, polarity are staring each other in the face with dignity.
          Apart of Twin Flames is participating in mission, overcoming anger, removing distraction (disappointment, escapism, denial, avoidance) and revolving self worth. The collective subconscious of humanity is unworthiness. The greatest challenge of humanity is overcoming unworthiness. It carries an aggressive, negative, self-belittling and self-sabotaging arrhythmic frequency. Through thousands of years inside a caste system or hierarchical scale where majority is poverty and few are royalty, humanity has shattered worth. Like a broken vase it cannot hold any substance and like our shattered worth we cannot hold any substance. This is the great failure of the patriarchal age. To live orderly, structured and disciplined and yet to not have a container of the mind, heart or spirit able to hold any substance. This is a life of constant hunger to hold paramount invention.
Pure energy wants to be of use not stuck on a dusty shelf. It moves through the human vessel when human has a vessel or container, which is worth. To not be worth is to devalue the body. Once the body is devalued pure energy cannot come through because the vessel is shattered and unable to hold the pure energy together. Like white tantric yoga, pure energy is holding of a posture for a long time. Through holding the posture for a long time a container is created and the pure energy can be sustained. Practitioners hold the meditative pose for a long time to revolution worth. Worth is a test, a dignity. Worth liberates belief, limitation and identity into something wiser. Like an athlete breaking the belief, limitation and identity on what is capable for the body to achieve. Athletes practice for years even decades to revolutionize their vessel into a proper alignment to hold pure energy of the intentional manifestation either it be to run the Himalayan Mountains in marathon or hold one’s breath in a deep swim.
Apart of revolving worth is participating in mission, overcoming anger and removing distraction. Like any great visionary who captured in their vessel pure energy created a vessel of worth to be able to hold the intentional manifestation. The great anger of humanity is being aware that pure energy exists but not having the vessel to hold it. This anger is frustration, greed, dissatisfaction, impatience and stubbornness. Anger is buried in the subconscious of humanity. Having a shattered worth from suffering without wisdom to remedy, restore and reemerge has left humanity victims of its unresolved suffering. Everyone is a participant of this. Anger is a fire like the planet Mars. Anger has fighting spirit. It is aggressive, tough, stubborn and powerful. Anger is one of the most powerful destructive energies on Planet Earth. But, it has a polarity as all energies do. The polarity of anger is liberation. Liberation is anger’s companion. Time and time again where there is anger there is liberation. Liberation during Mosses' time is realizing sovereignty through taking responsibility for the warrior leadership to direct the path. Anger becomes a fire of creative innovation rather than a fire of unproductive impulse. When anger reconnects with liberation a person has great stamina, endurance and vitally for a warrior leadership over worth instead of a heated hot boiling energy with no vent to create a direction.
When anger has its companion, liberation, vision begins to open. Participating in mission is a vision. Mission is the planet Pluto. Pluto is embodied empowerment, a sovereign and soulful alchemist who alchemizes realities on Planet Earth to evolutionize the quantum leap of humanity. The vision, imaginative and practical, ignites pure energy through the gradual progress of enhancing the vision. The vision needs worth to sustain its original view. Like when a child, we have an original view but then through belief, limitation and identity that view transforms into the view of parents, caretakers and collective. Worth is the sustained original codes of the child that assist with adult vision. But, without worth everything imaginative and practical is shattered like puzzle pieces that do not rhythmically fit with integrity. Shattered worth puts things together but there is always something off balance, out of sort and unstable until the alignment of worth takes in pure energy and holds it steady.
Once we have vision, removing distraction leads playful concentration. Intentional manifestation is a playful concentration. It is playful because we must be patient, present, joyful and flexible. It is concentrative because it requires a willing mind. The vision of our intuition comes through but anger and distraction cannot find balance to receive the full original view. Distraction is allowing time to revolve without revolving with it. Time revolves but our own denial, avoidance and stubbornness can be pulled with the undercurrent of the revolving time and get imbalanced without fins to direct the movement with the current. Everyone has fins to swim with the revolving time to uplevel with the educating moon, sun and planets. When we are caught in a non-reality or undercurrent whirling and whirling in the same whirl either through excess TV or social media, blame games, resistance to follow the heart, aggressive anger, alcohol, drugs, impulse, etc. we can lose our alchemy potential of the moon and planets to learn and refine our vision of our embodied worth.
Embodied worth are the twin flames. Embodied worth has the vessel to hold pure energy through the mission to liberate anger and the education from moon cycles to enhance the vision wiser. Embodied worth isn’t a fake or a pretend. It is a sustained posture of receptivity. Like in white tantric yoga, in sustaining the posture receptivity largely opens and pure energy arrives. This is an alchemy journey of every twin flame on Planet Earth during the Aquarian Age. It is a gradual initiation process of alignment with the ancient mystic practices of the GOD frequency alchemizing the Planet Earth.