The Twin Flame Initiation

Twin Flames
By Ivy Integration
I summon the orca frequency of majestic freedom, royal sovereignty and playful eternity to govern this transmission. May the ocean waves of purification, seashells of childlike wonder and coral reefs of exuberant collaboration seep into your mind, soak your body with sea salt and cleanse your energetic field with natural beauty. Mother Mary and Jesus are present, activating your inner knowledge of the Twin Flame through time and space. They are touching your heart now! Mother Mary gently presses her glowing regal pink palm into your chest while Jesus fiercely presses his radiating indigo gold palm into your back. Mother Mary stands infront of you staring deeply into the depths of your eyes. Her eye gaze is steady and unwavering. Jesus whispers into your left ear “You are awakening now.”
You are blanketed by their archangel wings. They tower like skyscrapers and arch over you like rainbows. Their electromagnetic field shimmer opal of divinity. They are imprinting their cellular DNA into yours, rewriting your human genetic code to follow the gold strains of compassion, dignity and sovereignty. You are receiving fearless light codes through your spine, soles of the feet to the crown of the head. Below your feet and above your head, you begin to sense roots and branches like a tree. Mother Mary smiles with her eyes reflecting white roses. Your essence is the tree and the scent of this memory is restoring now! You are touching the belly button. A sunflower grows out of the navel. You are touching the heart. A white rose grows out of the chest. You are touching the top of your head. You are crowned with opal flowers shimmering in rainbow. Jesus whispers from behind, “Accept your inner child. Bring her/him to the forefront.”
In the giant almond eyes of Mother Mary’s white lightning, is the reflection of a little girl/boy. It is your four year old self. She/he is the orca frequency vibrating the cosmos and the Earth with majestic freedom, royal sovereignty and playful eternity. This child is caged in the eyes of Mother Mary. Sadness and disappear grip your throat and belly. You look to Mother Mary deeper for insight. She is silent but her eyes send a light language through the ripples in your reflective eyes. Jesus whispers from behind, “You’ve left her/him in the cage when you gave in to fear and judgment.” You see your inner child content inside the cage and yet yearning to explore the Earth and cosmos. Jesus speaks, “Speak to her/him. Ask her/him to restore your life back to the rhyme it was inside the womb when your heartbeat was unique to your soul.” You speak out loud to the caged child inside the reflective eyes of Mother Mary, “I do not need to fear my life anymore. I recognize now that you are the key to my heaven on Earth. I need you because you are my voice of reason. You help me stay the course of my soul. I relinquish all judgments that cage you. I accept you as my true nature. You are my joy and I welcome you into my life now and forever.”
Suddenly, the cage doors open and the child streams out of Mother Mary’s eyes to be a child beside Mother Mary. Archangel Michael steps forward from behind her with interstellar deep blue wings pulling constellations down to Earth. Archangel Michael is brazen, directive and fearless. He sees through all dishonesty, fraud and imbalance and restores honesty, dignity and authenticity to humankind. He places a royal blue rob around your shoulders giving you protection of the universe as you awaken your orca frequency to live masterfully free. Archangel Gabriel steps from behind Archangel Michael to meet you. He bows in serenity with towering gas stove blue wings draped in gold/pure white. He is glowing in emerald with a steady confidence and assured endurance. He restores self-acceptance in those lost to anger and hate. He gifts you with an emerald necklace. He drapes it around your neck as he bows in unison, “I bless your evolution with emerald self worth. With such self worth you are capable of overcoming any obstacle that may try to strike down your confidence and destroy your uniqueness.”
Krishna and Green Tara step from behind the beastly extended emerald wings draped in leaves and moss of Archangel Gabriel. They smile with quiet and expressive eyes. Their colorful robes and turbans are decorated in crystals and gems of the finest alchemy. They wear crystal crowns of amethyst and have draped around their neck tantric necklaces of royal crystal. Their energy field is colored with spherical mandalas. They touch your belly button. The hole your belly button is opens into a white portal that connects you to a universal womb, the place you came from before Earthly birth. You are emerged with the spacious white and recall the gold indigo door that brought you to the body you inhabit now. You recall viewing your parents before birth looking through a crystal lake in the spacious white. You recall sending messages to your parents. You recall the friends, lovers and people you meet. You recall the experiences and life lessons you designed to awaken your soul’s evolution. You recall your star name. It rolls through the tongue as an honest sound. Krishna and Green Tara speak in unison, “You are remembering the larger you, the version of yourself invisible to yourself and others but your connection to everything beyond, below and above what the eyes alone cannot see.”
Amongst the amplified power of the wise ones, you are bathed in opal. Your opal wings take shape behind your back as Jesus joins Mother Mary infront of you. These wings are white feathered like a dove and expressive like the peacock. They are strong like the eagle and outstanding like the hawk. They are elegant like the owl and communicative like the raven. These wings are the doorway to mystery beyond, above and below Earth and the cosmos. You allow this mystic reality to materialize in the body, through the mind and the energy field. You realize the inner child as the person you are now. You are colorful, expressive and original, an original angel. This is the honesty of your alchemy. You receive it fully into your memory as reality.
Inside the depths of the wise ones gazing into you, their eyes reveal a traveling woman/man. She/he travels through Mother Mary, Jesus, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Krishna and Green Tara eyes. You are captivated by the ambience that is this secret person. The wise ones speak, “We reveal to you your Golden Age of friendship and collaboration long ago and in the future you know as the Twin Flame.” This woman/man appears behind the wise ones. She/he is silently watching. She/he comes forward towards you. Her/his appearance is a mirror reflection of you in polarity, your beauty and willpower but they are different. They have evolution and knowledge outside your own but somehow connected. She/he gazes into your eyes. Your eyes melt into each other. Your heart burns with ecstasy and love. You are in awe of each other and the journey that evolved your souls wiser.
You are restoring the ancient memory of each other now! You are allowing your fearless spirit to blaze through distractions, delays, escapism, low self esteem and ruptured sovereignty. You both become a white flame of the Holy Spirit. Everything that is disruptive to the native rhythm of the inner child is dissolving in the white flame. Everything that does not resonate at honesty, dignity and authenticity turns to ash and falls away like shedding snake skin. You are both left naked and as children. This version of you is fearless, brave in nature and capable of leading. You are a spiritual leader now over your reality. Your free will choices are aligning to a symphony of self-acceptance and deeper love for the self, Earth and others. The Twin Flame arrives to remind you of your symphony of sovereignty you come to ignite on Earth. So, it is!!! You are blessed by the wise ones to realize friendship, collaboration and freeing love in human embodiment.