Authentic Code: The Child and His/Her Formula for to be Wise

Authentic Code: The Child and His/Her Formula for to be wise
By Ivy Integration
The authentic code is woven by the child. As a child we are natural, psychic, aware of ourselves and others and soulful. This is our native rhythm BUT brought into the Earth grid we take on the skin of ancestral, collective and individual conventions. We fit ourselves to these conventions and become Earth bound––bound to conventions in the mind. The child is boundless. Children do not view the conventions in the mind on ethnicity, ideology, culture, religion and social norm the way adults do. The way of adults is serious, judgmental and dwelling. The way of children is playful, seeking deeper understanding and pioneering. The authentic code is the Earthship that carries us through life. The child weaves the fabrics of the authentic code into the human vessel through craftsmanship. Children are architects and mediums to their destiny BUT the conventions many times do not fit the fitting of the children’s craftsmanship. Therefore, children learn to “fit” the conventions rather than expand conventions to fit the Inner Child.
Adults are confused, uncertain, a hungry ghost searching for depth and apex of soulful meaning but unable to reach beyond conventions because they distrust themselves. Children are creative alchemists. They are able to solve problems through imagination, visualization, senses and intuitive awareness. Children are the enthusiasm able to take the harshness of human undertaking and learn brilliancy. As an adult many times the Inner Child is locked in a bird cage in the basement. But, never does the Inner Child leave us. The more distant we are the shallower and empty we become but never does the Inner Child die. The Inner Child is the closest version of the self to God, the universe, Brahman, higher self. The further and further we travel away the more serious, judgmental and bound we become. Serious and judgmental is enclosed energy unable to perceive beyond the known conventions. Children use their natural talent to strengthen craftsmanship they instinctual know they will need to fiercely expand themselves beyond Earth bound conventions. Children are open energy, explorers of the unknown realms to learn the wise soul rather than the mute soul.
For this Ivy Integration, we are going to tap into the shadow and childhood to reparent ourselves into brilliant craftsman, craftswoman. The purpose of childhood is for the parent to give the child what he/she needs to be a master craftsman, craftswoman. The childhood is highly active, adventurous, collaborative, cultural, in tune with nature and philosophical. This helps a child form their craftsmanship called applied self esteem. The sorrows, pains, challenges and disruptions are a part of the child strengthening their applied self esteem and bigger self-trust. The children learn through adversity, diversity and problems how to tap into a creative problem solving and their unique formula for to be wise with time and energy.
Children who establish their formula for to be wise as an adult are less bound to “fitting” the conventions and sovereign to transform them wiser. When a child has the formula for to be wise as an adult is evolutionary in the practice of learning and growing. Apart of learning and growing is craftsmanship or applied self esteem. To be gifted or talented a person requires applied self esteem to keep going with the many failing, fallings and barriers to enhancing learning or gets stuck, stagnate and same/same. Children enjoy enhancing learning through study, discipline and persistence. Adults complain, contrast and seek reward. Children are natural craftsman, craftswoman in the way they know intuitively brilliancy is earned like the formula for to be wise is a constant study, test and assignment.
Many children have parents who have lost touch with enhancing learning and dwell. As a child we are told to “fit” conventions because our parents or caretakers do not know how to nourish us outside their dwelling. Adults conform the child to understand their mindset rather than the adult enhancing learning to understand the child’s mindset. In “fitting” the parent or caretakers’ bound ability to learn and grow the child does not develop craftsmanship or applied self esteem. Apart of craftsmanship is expanding the mind through many active forms. When parents or caretakers neglect to provide the need for a child to learn his/her formula for to be wise the child grows not into a pioneer but another dwelling adult.
There are many reasons why our Inner Child is hushed, oppressed, ignored, denied and shamed but we can all agree the foundation stems from inability to develop our craftsmanship as a child. Without applied self esteem evolving into bigger self-trust we take on the shadow of our low self esteem. The shadow has sister such as self-hate, low intelligence, lack of energy, insecurity, emotional and physical numbness, escapism, abuse from self and others, negative thinking, belittlement, desperation to “fit” in, lack mentality, poverty consciousness and overall, dwelling in self neglect. The shadow manifests from the Inner Child denied in childhood. When a child is taught to “fit” the conventions of the adult mind and never encouraged to establish their formula for to be wise the child never learns strength to enhance learning. Everyone requires strength to enhance learning or we easily get caught in the problem of our lives with no way of learning a way through. This is the greatest shadow, to not have one’s own formula for to be wise.
The medicine for this Ivy Integration is nourishing the Inner Child with craftsmanship to strengthen enhancement to learning for challenges to be an opportunity to practice the formula for to be wise rather than more confusion and pain to the heavy dwelling. Embracing the Inner Child is the medicine to the shadow. The Inner Child teaches the shadow how to accept and forgive the ache and pains of humanity with surrender instead of regret, shame, hate, belittle, etc. By nourishing craftsmanship and healing the shadow we are more able to deal with life rather than dwell in life. Deal is getting real with the enhancement of learning we require to breakthrough the life challenge. Dwell is swelling in life, which slows us down makes us too weak to learn something new. When the Inner Child is in conversation with the adult the authentic code is a special, unique person with a universe of intuitive awareness to the alchemy of life. The authentic code is the manifesting force of reform, revolution, revelation and reinvention of the self again and again for the craft to refine and improve the formula for to be wise with each fall and rise.
The medicine is a Kundalini Yoga Kriya for the playful pioneer to enliven the body and mind with bright energy for craftsmanship to prevail over flat line learning ability. Craftsmanship implies enhancing learning and evolution to what it means to have a craft or trade. It implies adversity and challenges are met with innovation and self esteem.