The Metaphysical Education on Nothingness coming into Something

11 frequencies to nothingness coming into matter
This is a vertical pathway to the golden temple of emptiness coming into substance. 
Nirvana 1) Innocence––soul, subtle energy, most expansive, omega space, sacred, reliable
1 numerology–nothingness and something
2) Inner Child––talented, trustworthy, honest, faithful, devotional
2 numerology–love and teamship
3) Energy––enthusiastic, adventurous, coming into form
3 numerology–prayer and to realize
4) Dimension––learning, constructing/deconstructing, intention/agenda
4 numerology–student and teacher
Material 5) Experience––knowledge, understanding, discernment
5 numerology–vision and movement
6) Perspective––pattern, personality, ego
6 numerology–creator and creation
7) Duality––many selves, many realities, many ideal, many dimensions
7 numerology–reality and totality
8) Liberty––heal and excel, self-responsibility, self-respect, dignity
8 numerology–magic and possibility
9) Unity––nobility, wealth and power. Cleanse, review, reform, reinvent
9 numerology–intuition and awareness
10) Destiny––creativity, empowerment, wisdom, higher knowing, intuition. Transform
10 numerology–completion and mastery
Ascension 11) Authenticity (spiritual and material are in balance)––clear expression, mastery, mental clarity, creditable artistry, radiance, enjoyment, manifestation, alchemy, freedom
11 numerology–light, sound and dance
Story of the 11 Frequencies
          Out of innocence came something, an atom called the inner child. From the atom came energy of a 108 suns. This energy inside the atom built a planetary system, the first geometric mandala for the engineering of light, sound and movement. From geometry came experience to better learn and understand the realms constructed and deconstructed like a house with many rooms and windows. There came perspective out of vast and dimensional experience. Over time duality established opposition, competition and division through contrast, diversity and individuality. Liberty brought direction, purpose and efficient function to organize and deliver greater energy. Out of liberty came unity among the dimensions, realities, personalities and patterns birthing destiny. Destiny gave healing and freedom to the people for authenticity to prevail and talent to enlighten matter for ascension of matter into its purest form––the formless innocence of the soul.