Elimination Process

Elimination Process
By Ivy Integration
Elimination process is clearing out what does not inspire or energize. Elimination is natural as we support freshness, circulation and revitalization. In order for us to meet the new horizon, we must greet the sunrise but our emotional constipation makes us too sluggish and moody to obey the command of early awakening. We find ourselves in a rut inside our dwelling and rotting emotions. That is why the elimination process is absolutely important for purification of the old and outdated feeling and thought for receptivity to the new horizon.
Many of us are interlocked with persons, places and things that do not support our authentic expression or tidy simplicity. Our constipated feelings and thoughts clog our heart expansion and block the creative fluidity that wants to inspire and energize us. Elimination is tiding our feelings and thoughts by reorganizing our home, environment and life style to improve our feeling and thought pattern. We will practice standing up, standing out and standing empowered to create healthy boundaries and practices of enjoyment to support the growth and development of our heart expansion.
We must get comfortable with detaching ourselves from excess and randomness that does not encourage us to flow with the changeability of our unique tattvas, which are the five elements, earth, fire, water, air and cosmic, extraordinarily combined into an embodiment that is you and I. Our life is meant to be a dynamic discovery that brings us deeper into the essence of our most natural rhythm but many times we must stand up for ourselves because the duality in the mind requires it for us to evolve beyond duality.
Duality is the domination and submission, the master and the slave, the orchard and the apple and most of us know domination as control and submission as powerless, master as resourceful and slave as unknowledgeable and the orchard as abundance and the apple as poverty. These dilemmas play out in the mind frequently and cause our victimization and suffering that stuns our self-responsibility to rewrite our destiny through standing up, standing out and standing empowered. Beyond duality, we understand the perspective of domination and submission and that master becomes slave and slave becomes master. It is a game of polarity, a hierarchy in which we are not the set position but the mobility of positions reorganizing constantly with the change of time. Therefore, our greatest gift is how to change our time.
How do we change our time? Time is life imagined possibility applied into life style and environment. Timelessness is our growth developing rapidly under the most corrective and creative pattern. But the darkness of time is our battle with time. The darkness is our destructive hardwiring that must be directed by a soulful command that brings sluggish and moody time spilling into sameness, madness and disillusionment into an elimination process that tidies our assumptions, fantasies, dilemmas into a concise target.
We wish and want for victory in our heart’s desire but the home, life style and environment does not inspire or energize. Our home, life style and environment support our wishing and wanting but not the target that is wish and want. Wishing is an adjective which implies movement and action but wish is a target. We can be wishing for years but without a target we are not the vibratory field we wish. We must get into the vibratory field but our home, life style and environment must command target “wish” and not wishing because our subconscious is a sticky sheet and the images in our home, words we say and attitude of friends burrow into our energetic field. Wishing needs to be a consolidated wish. Then, our inner world can interact with person, place and thing and know the energetic effect. If the ability to change time is our greatest gift, then, moving of time in our favor is the method. This is done through the tidying of our basement (subconscious) where we battle ourselves, that also decides our foundational vibratory field.
Our home, life style and environment very much aligns with our basement which is given from childhood, parents and common beliefs either limiting or expanding, until the authentic expression reshapes our already shaped piece of dry clay under pressure of heat. What is heat? Heat is the deconstructing or melting of our basement foundation now able to reshape into the authentic expression. Therefore, we cannot build an outstanding and complex house on top of a mud foundation or a poorly developed foundation. No matter how hard we try and try the basement or darkness of our subconscious, unconscious energetic will always decide our caliber in which we can build upon. Therefore, we must shape our basement or foundation to be timeless to the mobility we require throughout life to always be fitted right to the energetics of our authentic expression and not the energetics of our childhood, parents and common beliefs that are always limiting because they are time stamped and not time progressive.
A time stamp is a possibility already experienced and not a possibility opening the new horizon. We wish and want to open the new horizon but without timeless mobility, our foundation cannot flex with the authentic expression pressuring us to change our home, life style and environment to fit us better. But the support is the support of a foundation that knows risk and manifestation through standing up, standing out and standing empowered.
We will focus on standing up and tidying the home. First, we must clear what is childhood, parents and common beliefs limiting and entrapping, meaning they capture us in the pull to reach a possibility already experienced, to support the risk and manifestation of possibility of new horizon. This introduces us to a time outside the time of our childhood, parents and common beliefs and into an authentic expression of time. I call this tidy simplicity because it encourages spaciousness, creativity and magic. Your home should be a magic shop at Harry Potter World, a place to experience solitude, discovery, compassion and inspiration. If it does not resonate with such things, it is time to ask the question what inspires and energizes in clothing, item, furniture, piece of art, pillow, blanket, you name it––Everything must be asked the question to drain out the excess and randomness to bring in the new horizon. When entering our home we should be entering a temple where deities, mantras, healing scents, herbal teas, expansive art, and wise script vibrate the walls with risk and manifestation. This is our way of charging magnetism in the aura and clearing randomness that doesn’t support attractiveness of our aura.
When our home is tidy, simplistic, a safe haven, creative study, authentic resonance this gives us the encouragement to stand up for ourselves without needing commotion to open space for ourselves to be ourselves out in the world. When we are living in a home that is open for us to be our brightest selves we are opening it in the world and therefore in the battle with person, place and thing that wants us to degrade ourselves we have the inspiration and energy to hold the space extended outside the space of our home.
Now we will focus on life style and standing out. This is our routine culture, our daily journal. Key words for our day to day life are ritual, reverence, study and joy. We must awaken our vital energy and spiritual power everyday and many of us do not but without vital energy awakening daily or spiritual power to overcome challenges, we lose the momentum to stream time in our favor and sluggishly are pulled by time out of our hands. We require prayer, yoga, meditation and healing modality to shock our spirit lively every day or our physical survival forgets the survival of the flaming heart which may seem ethereal and unimportant to keep active but is our spirit for life and without such thing we lose risk and manifestation.
For example, my daily practice consists of waking up early 5:30am or earlier depending on how much activity I have in the day…Ritual is my herbal tea I drink early morning while journaling my thoughts for discovery and compassion, my reverence is early morning kundalini yoga for amazing vitality, my study is teachings of the healing arts or esoteric wisdom through book reading for knowledge and my joy is creating art, writing poetry, making music, playing piano, nature walks and storytelling for carving my attitude.
People without a ritual, reverence, study and joy tend to be very entitled, malnourished, conflicting with self and other, desperate, poor attitude and victim to time out of hand because they are not moving time in their favor by carving spirit into their survival. Therefore, they lack intuition, changeability, synchronicity or opportunity for life to be a miracle rather than a challenge that leaves us bleak.
Standing out is expanding our home into our outward lives. Our home is our inner sanctuary full of discovery, creativity and spiritual power. Standing out is the energetics we carry from our home into our careers, friendships, overall outward life. When our home is extraordinary to the flaming heart of renewal of possibility our energetics desire to share this in our outward world giving us an interesting and unique aura for coworkers, friends and social environments to interact with. With a life style that keeps the continuity of spirit we are a honest risk taker and not a fake it until you make it but have no energetics to actually impact the generation.
Finally, the environment and standing empowered is very important. This is where our practice of impenetrable innocence consolidates our wish and want. Many of us feel entrapped to the drinking friends, gossip family, overall, environments that are dull and dulling called zombies, vampires, leeches that use people’s vitality to sustain their physical survival. With wishing and wanting we are always seeking guidance, support and direction from environments but with a wish and want known in the home and life style of ourselves environments are a lesson and test, testing our ability to be straight forward, discerning and effective. Therefore, our time in environments isn’t a missed opportunity or boring experience. It is our chance to learn how to improve our giving to create environments that are open to our wish and want and how we do this is through the prolific inspiration and energy we give to environments.
The standing empowerment is our doubtless practice of holding the opening for our new horizon by waking up to watch each sunrise and its changes through time to learn the natural changes of Earth is always available to new horizons. This practice is the ultimate encouragement because it implies that with patience, tolerance and endurance time always evolves human brighter. If we hold a new horizon, the Earth does too and is rotating her sunrises to align with us and us with her because visionary and vision are the same. The visionary is directly influenced by the sight or vision of the sunrise sending a message asking for risk and manifestation.
The survival of our spirit is our assured beauty and greatest challenge. The battle of Earth is keeping the renewal of possibility alive because possibility can get same, mad and delusional and these are the games of the matrix. What is the matrix? It is the duality of a hammer and a nail. You are either controller or the abused but beyond duality perspective opens and time opens. Time isn’t an out of control or too complex trickster but a favorable creative force pushing us to get more dynamic to understand the cycles of time. This is the spiritual power of suffering turning master and slave, bound to each other in time, into a flaming heart too deep to be blown out by the forces that pull us apart. It is a game we learn, a test we pass in the total integration of our authentic expression. And risky as it seems, the risk makes the sunrise just in time.