The Ancestors in the Aquarian Age

Rewriting the Code
By Ivy Integration
Coming out of the twelve thousand year patriarchal cycle, the Aquarian Age is asking us to rewrite the code. We carry an arrangement of DNA that belongs to the twelve thousand year patriarchal cycle. The Aquarian Age needs us to unlock the DNA sequence and reorganize the code. We are exiting out of a long period of hierarchal division, competitive leadership, domination and submission, slavery/poverty mentality and aggressive opposition. This was the model for the patriarch from Egypt to Rome, Rome to Medieval Europe. We’ve experienced organized religion, master and slave, withheld, discriminated and suppressed resources and resistance to our sovereignty and creativity but now the matriarch is offsetting the imbalances carried in our genetic code such as disease from self-hatred, bad fortune curses from self-belittlement, anger from oppression and a plethora more. The Aquarian Age is giving us full access, full disclosure to the secret societies of our ancient lineages before the DNA sequence of disease, illness, karamic dark cloud and unfulfillment. She is upleveling our structural DNA by vibrating its latch loose. DNA is like latches they latch to each other like a chain but can be unlatched and resequenced.
How do we resequence the thousands of years of genetic coding? It is the fearless who overcome the resistance and set the next frontier. In any great revolution there is resistance but those who steady their self-trust are victorious at setting a new framework for humanity either for politics, religion, ideology, culture or institution. Humanity is drawn to the planet mars for a reason. Mars is the planet of Aries. Aries is the warrior, fighter, stronghold and guardian of creative sovereignty. Mother Gaia has tested us again and again on Aries. Sometimes we fail and give into oppression of our personal power and other times we experience quantum leaps on Planet Earth because of our pioneering vision.
We ignite this resequencing of the DNA code when we set a new routine that doesn’t follow the same/same repeat of our legacy, especially if our legacy follows the patriarch model. How we stage the new routine is cultivating the matriarch to offset the heavily patriarchal DNA coding. The matriarch model is community inclusion and teamship, recognition of self in other, creative, healing or skillful modalities that enhance wellbeing, humanitarian and environmental leadership, emotional maturity and original thought. Any great visionary like Niokla Telsa, Da Vince, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Steven Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg share a commonality. These visionaries are tapping into a matriarch coding.
The matriarch is the visionary. The patriarch is the building. We require both to architecture our vision into reality but the patriarch through thousands of years lost its rhythm. Building became dominating to oppressing, imposing agendas to overpowering others into broken character. The Aquarian Age is targeting humanity through character. Any person with a broken character will be challenged because humanity needs regal characters to initiate humanity into the next phase of evolution.
We challenge our own character by reawakening the matriarch and her voice of reason. We all have a voice of reason. It is a prayer, meditation or sahnna. It opens our mind and body to an overview where we can make connections and understand our making from a wiser point of view. This is how we access the parts of self we cannot see looking in the mirror but are living out unconscious patriarchal coding. Once we look at our lives from the overview we can begin to sense healing, creative, skillful modalities that are everywhere around awaiting us. When we integrate the matriarch modalities we are able to steady ourselves against resistance and like Martin Luther King Jr. we are a warrior, fighter, guardian of creative sovereignty. This is a path of the regal character many visionaries captured and many leaders failed to capture. The regal character asserting wiser living is the sequencer to our DNA.