What is the Life Partner???

The Life Partner
By Ivy Integration
Sharing ourselves with another is learning our wholeness, wisdom and want/wish (the three wise men). The three wise men, wholeness, wisdom and want/wish, is the way of authenticity that ignite a humanitarian purpose. Life and partner is partnership with life. In order to partner with life we navigate wholeness to learn our talents, maturity and excellence, wisdom to restore balance, remedy the crisis and understand our making and want/wish to encourage and challenge ourselves to evolve. As a woman and a man, we are all partnering with life to capture our evolution as a human and a soul. Therefore, a partnership with a mate brings us closer to life, wholeness, wisdom and want/wish. We may not want/wish a partnership that destroys our wholeness, oppresses our wisdom or belittles our personal evolution but life is polarity. Life is more dynamic than the conscious, wake mind can decipher but the meditative mind can piece by piece place life into a bigger picture.
A mate, in the destructive or creative side, brings forth our shadow and light for us to recall wholeness, wisdom and want/wish in the well-rounded view. Therefore, each impactful encounter, either short or long, is helping us ignite the humanitarian of life partnership. We came to Earth to offer our wholeness, wisdom, want/wish to the Earth. Apart of the journey is living out a multitude of faculties that makeup the human experience. Piece by piece, life to life we are experiencing the multitude of life in our free will choices and decisions. The Earth gives us mates, people who encourage and challenge our limited awareness for expansion. The mate is an expansion of our awareness. They invite an encouragement or a challenge that reshapes what is known to us into something collaborative. In the excellence of our mystic making we are collaborating with the Earth. It is collaboration with the destructive and creative faculties of human nature we explore to have a thorough view of the human experience. Our wholeness, wisdom, want/wish becomes a symphony, endearing because it has learned the many, many, many instruments that create the mystic making of the symphony.
The life partner is a celebration of our collaboration with life. It is a revelation from encouragement and challenge inside the partnership with another that evolves our wholeness, wisdom, want/wish. Everything is an evolution, an internal revolution that shapes and reshapes us. Earth provides humanity to transform the human into humanitarian for humanity to collaborate with life and learn its evolution. Every mate activates our understanding in the negative, positive and neutrality for us to view our inner most self. The inner most self is hidden, esoteric and like a secret society we tap into through the revolution, breakthrough in understanding from the mates, friends, lovers, etc. that awaken what is buried and now breaking through the surface to be revolutionized. As we grow and mature what is buried many times are talents, memories, traumas, low self esteem, confidence, etc. that is apart of our soul’s evolution but first needs to resurface from the depths of our inner most self. Therefore, every impactful mate is an opportunity from the Earth for what is buried to come to the surface for us to apply intentional direction to reshape ourselves whole, wiser and the want/wish visionary.
Many are seeking, some desperately, for a life partner because they yearn for revolution in their life. We all yearn for what is buried to resurface for us to improve our life. No one wants to live without human and soul evolution because that brings stagnation and immature motion. We desire a partner to spark alive what is dormant inside awaiting to be realized. But, without partnership with life, many cannot decipher the purpose of the destructive and creative mates. We dwell in the unresolved, confused and misunderstood partnership with another for too long because we cannot decipher what was buried and now to the surface. Therefore, we try to suppress it because we aren’t ready to evolve it. When we are available and ready to evolve that is when life partner showcases the embodied humanitarian we are receptive and prepared to meet.
We think sex, marriage, friends, etc. isn’t a humanitarian interaction but as we become more human, whole, wiser and want/wish visionary the impactful mates that come and sometimes many times go is a evolutionary necessity that we decide to spark the stagnancy or fear to evolve back into its fearless emergence with life. This is transcendence of duality. We call this Twin Flame or divine partnership like Krishna and Radha because the individual partnership with life evolves the personal wholeness, wisdom and want/wish to be available and ready to receive the buried polarity, shadow and light within. When we are prepared to receive the shadow and light of our buried self the life partner like Krishna and Radha becomes a quantum leap revolution for expansion but expansion isn’t for the fearful. It is for the fearless. Therefore, the unresolved, confused and misunderstood mates we attach ourselves to is a reveal of the shadow, the shame, guilt, fear, denial, overall, judgment, that must resurface and evolve for what is incomplete with a person to transform into personal growth. When we begin to view mates as encouragement and challenge to evolve what is buried and yearning for finer wholeness, wisdom and want/wish we use partnerships to deepen the meditative mind and learn humanitarian in the insight on human experience.