The Pathway to Healing the Inner Child

The Pathway to Healing the Inner Child
By Ivy Integration
          The Inner Child is sovereignty, dignity and creativity. The Inner Child is soulful, clear headed and purposeful. When the Inner Child is denied, locked away, we cannot fully develop soulfulness. Soulfulness is having a talent, developing and using the talent and rhythmic intelligence, which are intuition, instinct, clarity and ingenuity/creativity. We require soulfulness to transform the human DNA into the authentic DNA. The Inner Child helps us clear out all the ancestral, karmic, scars from past lives, patterns of disruption (trauma, fear, low self esteem, etc.). The Inner Child clears out the sabotage to get us creative and enthusiastic. We Must be creative and enthusiastic to embody self initiated liberation, which is the highest goal for the human life.

The Pathway to Healing the Inner Child
1)    Meditate the mind BEAUTIFUL, playful and accepting.
Mantra for radiance and acceptance of the playful and big hearted self.
Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru
Meditation for healing the childhood and development of forgiveness.
Sa Ta Na Ma (Instruction in video)
2)    Cherish and preserve nature, Mother Gaia, which is you!
Place your palm and forehead on a tree and chant Akal.
Be spine to spine with a tree and chant God and me, me and God are one.
3)    Stand up for your authentic awakening!
Say NO to anything that belittles, shrinks or confuses your native trust in yourself.
4)    Create a creative practice.
Everyday must be a day of self-expression either through painting, singing, yoga, journaling, listening to an inspiration talk, going to a pottery class, learning a new language, reading a book on science. Get in touch with your natural desire to learn and know discernment and intuition/self-trust.
5)    Vision!
Allow the Inner Child to color your life with vision, which is also SPIRIT. Your spirit is your mission. Your ego is in service to your vision/spirit. Reparent your ego, adult self to be open minded, imaginative and aware of a soulful life.
          The Pathway to Healing the Inner Child is a remembering You are a Pioneer to Earth! You came with a seed of light, a soulful vision for your manifestation on Earth. The greatest block to awakening and growing this seed of light into life making is the denied Inner Child. Without the Inner child we lose 80% of our radiance, creative problem solving and innovation. We are left with 20% of manifestation ability. We require the fullness of our being to pioneer our making on Earth. We need to be happy, strong and healthy! To be happy, strong and healthy is never an Earth bound attachment to person, place or thing. It is to know how to heal, grow and excel within yourself. Within is the Inner Child. Everything the Inner Child experiences from ages 3-5 is within. Their senses are fully awakened but underdeveloped. They sense intuitively, instinctually, creatively, sensitively and subtly into everything. There is closeness, fondness and deep admiration for nature and a joy fully accessed. The Inner Child is our high self worth.
          The mind wants to allow the flow in but the Inner Child brings in the flow and if he/she is caged in our basement the flow is also caged or seeming withheld from us. We begin to believe we are caged to life or life is withheld from us. The Inner Child is a Golden Ticket! She/he gives us boundless reserve of energy, enthusiasm, ideas and creative innovation but without trust in the Inner Child we only use 20% of our boundless reserve of energy, enthusiasm, ideas and creative innovation. We want change, to transform but don’t have enough Energy to make, sustain and maintain the change, transformation and therefore, dwell in a low energy state. The Inner Child is the boost, the rocket fuel we require to reach space. A rocket will not make it accessing only 20% of its fuel. The rocket will try but doesn’t have the energy to make, sustain and maintain and falls back down to Earth.
          The Inner Child is practical! We are taught the Inner Child is useless to our adult life. We are trained to believe the Inner Child’s imagination, creativity, enthusiasm, love for nature and authenticity has not place in the “adult world.” We live in the “adult world” and feel caught by the “adult world.” We are Not a captured butterfly living in a bottle believing This is my true reality. We are the butterfly migrating the Earth as a pioneer! The adult lives as the butterfly in the bottle with no clue of the way out. The Inner Child is the meditation, hypnosis, self psychology that deconstructs the walls and builds a window and door to our freedom. Freedom to the Inner Child is enthusiasm, creativity and applied innovation. The Inner Child is seen as young and naïve but is very smart. The Inner Child is smart in the way he/she is clear headed, self trusting and has a sensory awareness of what is freeing and entrapping. The Inner Child always says NO to what is entrapping because the Inner Child has foresight and instinct. The Inner Child wants to free up energy. When energy is free within the body, mind and energy field more flow can come in. Adults live uptight! The flow has difficulty coming into the body, mind and energy field because the adult is entrapped, has trapped energy, sitting, dwelling, swamping and low.
          The Inner Child is about letting the flow in! The Inner Child wants more creative problem solving, more energy, more applied innovation and more pioneering manifestation. The adult wants to settle, settle down, settle in a job, settle in a mindset, settle in a relationship, settle in an image of the self. Overtime, the adult is bound to the settlement. The adult cannot move because pioneering movement is underdeveloped. We develop pioneering movement in this Ivy Integration. We develop inspired, motivated and energetic living to awaken the authentic code the Inner Child wants for us.
Why is the Inner Child important? The Inner Child is radiance, originality and native/free. In our current world, the “adult” energy level simply isn’t enough to manifest. The adult is bored, boring, empty and unsure/confused/uncertain with low energy. Our belonging isn’t to dwell but to use pioneering movement to excel, heal and grow. The Inner Child awakens soulfulness and with soulfulness we are awakening 100% of our generosity and receptivity to let Mother Gaia flow in!