Direct the Course towards Authentic and Liberated

Direct the Course towards Authentic and Liberated
By Ivy Integration
            We all have a shadow and a childhood. This is our path to the authentic and liberated embodiment. Many suffer in the shadow of bad habit, addition, negative pattern and overall, self sabotage or self neglect. Also, many suffer in the childhood trauma, low self esteem, burden and judgment. Pluto is the planet of shadow and light, suffering, enlightenment or grand revelation of suffering and the liberation that leads to an authentic and soulful embodied alchemist mission. Pluto challenges us to breakdown the course of shadow and childhood to birth the soul course. Pluto will do Anything to move and shake our self sabotage or self neglect into a grand revelation because Pluto wants humanity to be on purpose.
Purpose is vibrating the cosmos with soulful, talented and divine expression and that can take many forms. It can show up as artistic, logical, musical, rational, etc. Pluto is about the unknown realms beyond the Milky Way. It is the gateway into the open vastness of the universe beyond our known territories. When we make contact with such expanded possibility we are a receiver of fresher, original and pioneering thoughts, expressions and life energy. Pluto is guiding our evolution by encouraging us to face and embrace the shadow of whatever "sin" we are allowing to self sabotage and self neglect our divine mission and childhood that  belittles and cages our sovereignty to lead our soul mission. The definition of sin is a person who does something they know they should not be doing but keep doing it anyways.
We can live in our shadow and childhood or we can breakthrough to the other side. Many never breakthrough to the other side and remain unaccomplished. According to Yogi Bhajan, accomplishment is happiness. Human needs victory and triumph to feel ALIVE! Apart of victory is breaking through the shadow and childhood to rise up as an authentic and liberated life line. We must take full ownership of the shadow we are allowing to rule our unconscious lair. For example, we may carry a negative pattern of constantly shaming ourselves, or an addition to loud TV, or an insecurity that prevents us from moving to the next level, whatever the self sabotage or self neglect is we must take ownership for. If we do not take ownership we are avoiding, escaping or denying the shadow, which only turns the shadow into a boogie man or haunting because the shadow wants to be heard and will do Anything to make itself known. Without ownership of the "sin" we are victim to the shadow, bad habit, negative pattern, anxiety, insecurity, overall, self sabotage or self neglect. 
Ownership is responsibility, ability to respond. Lack of ownership is owner lacks control of the ship. Therefore, when we are able to respond to the shadow we can direct the course of the ship. Of course, this isn’t comfortable but it is a lot more uncomfortable to have Pluto harshly destroy whatever attachment we have to self sabotage or self neglect or to suffer through the shadow our whole life is even more greatly unfulfilling.
Ownership of the shadow isn’t easy because the shadow is our greater life lesson, test and mastery. Therefore, it isn’t flipping on a light switch on and expecting the light to remain on without a consistent power source. Redirecting the shadow requires a consistent power source to keep us on the road of breakthrough. Many step onto the terminal of breakthrough but do not have enough power source to keep going and give up or turn back. We require a power source to keep the torch lit as we walk into the unknown called breakthrough. Breakthrough is never comfortable because it challenges us to move and create in a very different way. It can be so different that we can be frightened or resistant because we are unsure if it is good for us to be deconstructed immensely. Those who stay the course, keep the torch lit by their power source reach the other side. The process of transforming the shadow requires a lot of determination and concentration. Self sabotage or self neglect is one of the most dense and heavy vibrations on humanity and therefore, requires a lot of fit muscle to lift up. (Depending on how much we’ve allowed the shadow to spread into our consciousness decides to amount of strength we require).
I provide a daily medication and daily self hypnosis to install a very powerful power source that can quickly direct self sabotage or self neglect back into the course of breakthrough. We need A LOT of support when we are breaking through the shadow. It is very seducing and temptating to give up or go back when we are walking through unknown darkness with only a torch called faith. Most do not make it to the other side because they do not have a strong enough power source. There torch burns out and they either turn back or do not know how to continue on. The Ivy Integration medicine will give you the power source, your torch of faith, to face and embrace your shadow of bad habit, addition, negative pattern, overall, self sabotage or self neglect for immense transformation as well as heal the childhood. Those who experience immense transformation internally through liberating the shadow are very skillful and knowledgeable. Transformation is wealth because it brings strength to human making.
The childhood lingers in the same lair our shadow does. The shadow and childhood are very much in conversation with each other. Usually, the shadow is born from the childhood. The childhood decides our self esteem, assertive courage and self care. If the childhood is harsh, full of conflict, mother with low self esteem, father who neglects his mind or body, classmates who belittle our radiance, as a sensitive child we shutdown and hide our self esteem, assertive courage and self care to fit in. A child is NOT meant to “fit in.” A child is the pioneer with the power source of a 108 suns to voyage across the entire universe beyond our known space to retrieve visionary creative insight for humankind. But, when parents, care takers, classmates, etc. shame, judge or belittle a child does whatever he/she can to preserve its radiance. As an adult this shows up as radiance buried so deep that it appears non-existent. Our life line becomes weak, brittle and drained by lack and poverty. Lack and poverty manifests where there is no radiance because radiance attracts the wealth of the universe. Where there is no light, a strong life line, there is no magnetic attraction and therefore, adults have difficulty alchemizing abundance into their life.
Healing the childhood is actively reinstating imagination, wonder, play, enthusiasm and optimism back into daily life. As a child, we express this communion with spirit usually through attraction to nature. This shows up for children as spending a lot of time outdoors, collecting shells, painting pictures of trees seated beside a tree, dancing in dance class and learning rhythm, learning a instrument, writing poetry, overall, recreational activities that are tribal in the way they activate a strong life line. The childhood can dull our life line, especially, because we are sensitive and very open. We soak up the shadow and unresolved childhood of the parents and environment and slowly begin to “fit” ourselves to that but never feel free.
The child is our liberation. When we liberate the Inner Child we have the self esteem, assertive courage and self care to alchemize our life according to our soul sovereignty. We are not the parents, the childhood, the shadow introduced to us from parents, culture, ideology, past life, etc. We are the torch called the Inner Child able to breakthrough. The Inner Child is the power source able to respond to the shadow, childhood and direct the ship towards authentic and liberated. As an adult, carrying much shame and judgment from the “sin” of shadow that isn’t real but feed to so much it has a giant belly inside our mind, we deny the Inner Child because we rather “fit in” than take the pilgrimage and discover our unknown potential. Fitting in can be a major block and distraction from healing the shadow and childhood because we are not concentrated on fitting our native rhythm but fitting something or someone else. This imbalances and confuses us because overtime we lose a magnetic attraction and become a dirty soaked sponge by the world.
The provided medicine can allow the Inner Child to resurface and a stronger life line to reactivated. Through applying the soul medication the radiance of the Inner Child will begin to shine through and return our magnetic attraction. We think magnetic attraction is forcing our energy onto the environment, as many people do all the time. Forcing our energy onto the environment is draining of self and other. Magnetic attraction is the Inner Child and has enough energy to alchemize the universe to itself and does not require cheap ways of making life happen. When the Inner Child is lively within our adult life we have the torch we require to cross through the darkness of uncertainty with faith and trust. The Inner Child is our immense faith and trust to transform and without such we are weary of transformation.
The shadow and childhood is our greatest life lesson, test and mastery and many take the challenge and liberate and many do not and dwell. We are not dwellers! We are the evolutionary soul on Planet Earth to embody a authentic and liberated course. Now, on Planet Earth our divine course of vibrating the cosmos with our soul can be a pilgrimage that requires great strength, persistence and will, depending on how imbalanced and confused we are. This Ivy Integration is a formula to shedding the self sabotage or self neglect for radiance of the Inner Child to provide a torch of immense light called faith and intuition to transform our dwellings into velocity of skillful knowledge, a divine mission.
I prescribe the medicine for 3 up to 31 minutes a day but 3 minutes is perfect. I prescribe the self hypnosis after waking up from sleep around 4:44am or 1 hour to thirty minutes before sunrise and before bedtime when the sun is crossing into darkness.