What is Courtship???

By Ivy Integration
          A woman wants safety from a man. She wants to be admired, supported and encouraged by her partner. Woman is creative, divine and nurturing. Her true nature is high self worth. When she is low self worth creativity, divinity and self-care is incomplete and unfulfilled. A woman incomplete and unfulfilled within her own creativity, divinity and self-care is a voice of reason mute. A man cannot elevate or rise into a heartfelt man with a mute woman. Man cannot provide shelter to a woman with self-expression unavailable because he is looking to bring her the land for her to design the land into the image of her creativity, divinity and self-care.
          When woman is beauty of the universe, creativity, divinity and self-care restored and regal, she is expansion within human consciousness. Her vision, visualization, prayer dance, mediation and visionary intent summons the universe down to Earth for collaboration, evolution and maturity. Woman is the maturity of man. Her emotions are deep. They carry the weight of this dense world, full of shame, grief, lose, trauma and joy, laughter, wonder and passion. When woman self-soothes she does for an entire nation. When woman empowers her thinking she does for an entire generation. When woman balances the body she does for the strength of humankind.
Woman is worthy!!! The beauty within woman earns the respect of man. The creativity, divinity and self-care earn the courtship of man. Man understands there is no greater purpose then to protect and preserve the beauty (creativity, divinity and self-care) of the woman’s voice of reason because such voice of reason grants him the abundance of land. Man wants to conquer land. Woman wants to interpret the sky. Together woman gives man the insight, intuition and knowledge of prosperity and man gives woman the empire, authority, to establish a fruitful land. Man without a voice of reason is a man who cannot vibrate the heart and balance the animal. Man is restless, reckless and compulsive without a voice of reason from Mother Gaia, grandmother, mother, sister, wife or woman. Man bound to land is flesh. Man connected to Spirit is a noble man using the land to fulfill a deeper emotional/spiritual/material purpose.
          Woman has been trained to believe she is not worthy to be courted by a man. Woman has been broken down into a sexual creature. She has been beat down into a shameful person. She has been discouraged into a weak vision. She has been caged into an unauthentic self-expression. Woman is the beauty of the universe. She is poetry, philosophy, wisdom, music, talent, self-expression of the most majestic creative, divine and self-caring energy. But, she needs to empower her weak life line to return majesty like an empirical eagle to enliven the men on this planet and to awaken the wiser potential of the generation.
          What is courtship? Firstly, a woman must protect her high self worth by setting boundaries and filling her holes in power with creativity, divinity and self-care. The radiant, intelligent and independent thinking woman is the real woman. She is able to resurrect her real essence and in doing so return clarity, wisdom and ingenuity/passion for mastery back to humankind. A man is not a victim. He is self control!!! Man must be the master of his making to be generous and strong. Man is protector to woman. He is her shelter but a man without self control is an easily seduced and ego confused person.
          She wants a man who is dependable, reliable and consistent. She wants his passion to be her. She wants his goals to be her. She wants his ego to be the mission they have together. She wants his presence to be in awe of hers. She wants his heart to be enlivened by her heart beat. She wants his accomplishment to be the prosperity they envision and establish on Earth. She wants the wholeness she is to be his muse. She wants his balance to awaken the depths. Courtship is playful! Courtship is sweet! Courtship is youthful! Courtship is friendship! Courtship is looking someone in the eyes and recognizing the emotions of the other with attention! Courtship is slowing down to be aware! Courtship is listening to the heart of oneself and the other! Courtship is deciding to be endearing, authentic and loyal to oneself and then extending that lovely passion for the self into another!