The Planet Speaks

The Aquarian Age
By Ivy Integration
The moment Microsoft came out during the mid 1990s was the great reveal of the Aquarian Age. The 20th century triggered the next phase of human history, technology. Technology boomed like a never ending lightning storm. The mindset of agriculture and industry turned into lightning fast communication. The greatest technology is our interdependence. The Earth is linked up to a web of contact and this contact shares everyone with everything. This refinement of the human brain and life style craft the frameworks for the Aquarian leadership. Among the rapid contact with each other, we are being asked an even greater question than technology. What is the humanitarian and environmental revolution of humankind?
Technology cannot answer the question but it our navigation system. We’ve been given a road map from Nikola Tesla, Steven Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg on our human evolution. But, the voice of reason isn’t the patriarchal voice of dictatorship. It is the voice of the matriarch that is awakening from the cage where she has been sleeping for thousands of years. The matriarch remembers lifetimes long ago before our accepted chronology of human history and is re-energizing innovative modalities we used to heal the disease of humankind and the planet many times before.
The Technology Age is a gift from the universe. It is synchronistic the arrival of the Aquarian Age because during the conclusion of a patriarchal cycle of living we need a guide, we need a voice of reason to help us understand the message from the planet to humanity. The technology we drip to for identity and structure is not an identity or structure but an inspiration. It calls humankind to advance itself beyond ways of thinking and living belonging to a patriarchal DNA. The patriarchal cycle brought about city states, diplomacy, ideology, organized religion, architecture, science/math, language, writing, institution and government over thousands of years. 
In the hierarchical supreme society we learned courage to defend ourselves, forgiveness to resolve conflicts, peace to mend our suffering and leadership to preserve our sovereignty and dignity. The patriarchal age built us to be empowered humans. We survived diseases, decay, genocide, hate, discrimination, slavery, destruction to our self worth and resistance to our inherent personal power and yet we as a human race are still courageous enough to hold a wise vision for humankind. We have been initiated into a fierce self empowerment we need now. Among the disease, mental illness, physical decay, cold depression, neglect and malnourished intelligence, it appears many are giving up on nature and surrendering to an ecosystem of 9 billion people living engulfed with plastic and trash polluting our water and televised business filling our minds with products to improve the economic status of the creator.
The Aquarian Age has a deeper message than what the eyes read. It is the spiritual leadership we are igniting. This leadership is the ancient past remembered by the matriarch of Earth. We are reinstating foundational natural laws that have gotten convoluted by belief systems. We humans are capable of greatness. Each human being has a multi-verse like the internet has secret societies embedded in its code. There is mystery to our lives few learn. This mystery is alchemy. We know how to rewrite human history. We know how to take destruction and redirect the timeline. This is our spiritual leadership. When all is stating disease, decay, overpopulation, pollution, our spiritual leadership has a commanding voice. Our spiritual leadership is the revolutionizing voice, like Lady Liberty, Joan Arc, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohammed Ali, that steadies the course on victory for humanity. Without such spiritual leadership, people who decipher the message of the age, humankind would not reach the next phase.
The Aquarian Age doesn’t speak to few or those who listen she is broadcasting loud and clear to all of humanity for every human being to be a spiritual leader over reality because this is the age of interdependence and contact. We are linked up to a multi-verse of information shared with each other freely for the message to be understood by all. We are reaching the next phase and this quantum leap requires a spiritual leadership like none other. It requires the development of our genius brain to invent a pathway through our imbalances into an identity and structure that is a humanitarian and environmentalist, the Aquarian leader.