What is Authentic Love???

Authentic Love
By Ivy Integration
            Authentic love is unity. It is healing! It is freedom! This journey is not for the faint of heart. It is a path of liberty. We carry the unhealed generations within us. We know shame, judgment, hate, rage and misery. We know poverty, injustice, grief and aggression. But, we are exiting the patriarchal age. The patriarchal age was rough, full of discrimination, attack and egomania. Our mother’s were weakened, caged and oppressed. The womanhood of dignity, self-love and self-worth was broken down.
Authenticity is created through womanhood. A mother gives character to her son. A mother gives beauty to her daughter. However, womanhood is atrophied, mute. It has been kept from us and that is why women do not love themselves enough to manifest authentic love and settle into unhealed ways of relating to self and other.
          Men follow the lead of women in relationship. First, boys follow their mother. When a mother does not love herself, she disrespects herself. Her son learns disrespect of woman. A daughter learns self-worth from their mother. When a mother does not love herself, self-worth is brittle. Her daughter learns weakness of woman. Authentic love starts with women because a woman is artistry. Men are led by artistry! They are inspired and educated by artistry. It balances their mind, expands their heart and raises them to be noble.
          Authentic love is kindred, soulful and sincere. It is a passage into a creative destiny. Authentic love is a yearning to heal the unhealed generations let down by shame, self-hate and poverty. Authentic love is creative expression, a desire to experience inspiration and prosperity. Again, it is not for the faint of heart. It is for those raising their vibration wiser and stronger to water the dry generations, barren from radiance and good health.
          Authentic love is raising our self-worth beyond dilemma, issue and sadness of love. Authentic love is dharma, joining hand in hand with someone who challenges and expands us to be greater. However, we must feel worthy because as long as we are unfeeling (unworthy) we are out of touch with ourselves and happiness. Authentic love gives us radiance, a glow of freedom and adventure. It is courageous and supportive. But, we ourselves must be authentic because the ways we distract, avoid, ignore and excuse ourselves from healing leaves us in a dilemma. We falter, deny, are irresponsible and lack self-awareness without self-worth. We are weakened by our mother’s misfortune, our societies restrictions and intensifying change. The higher the self-worth, the more adversity strikes, emotions awaken from their slumber and deep grief arise. We are not to be unfeeling without discernment, self-trust and intuition. We are not to be in partnerships that dull our creativity, divinity and intention. We are to heal these interactions through self-awareness. We are to have family love––family that is authentically bold and native.
          We are at the threshold of reform within all family bloodlines. Those reading this are at the forefront of renovation. Atrophied womanhood is relinquished! Womanhood that is a practice of leadership, divinity, intuition, self-worth and creativity is returning because women and men need spiritual fulfillment. Authentic love without spiritual fulfillment isn’t. Spiritual fulfillment is the magnetic pull that brings the sun and moon into harmony. We have been trained to hustle and hassle for life’s approval. We have dumbed ourselves down, judged ourselves and others for gain and lie to ourselves and others again and gain. Emotion bankruptcy is what we are. We need spiritual fulfillment to resurrect our honesty, care and nurture for our heart and soul.
          When we are satisfied by our own soul and confident to live soulfully, we are growing spiritually and healing emotionally. This is our home, a place for us to beacon out to Earth a resilient joy. We drawl in our pod of dharmic friends through the lighthouse of our empowerment. We do not settle, dwell or deny ourselves spiritual fulfillment in love partnership. We stand tall for our voyage of becoming a person with powerful intentions of creativity and divinity. We stand out for our voyage of becoming a person with prosperity and good health. We stand assured that our voyage on Earth is a chance to heal, grow and excel beyond trauma, heartbreak and greed. Authentic love is the breakthrough in our burning desire to be native and free, expanded and creative within our manifesting reality.
          How do we cultivate self-awareness to heal the dilemma? We must be 100% honest with our feelings. The dilemma arises when we live unfeeling. We make a lot of mistakes unfeeling and create emotional burdens. Self-awareness is growing intuition. Self-awareness is developing creativity not for gain or approval but for freedom. Self-awareness is fung shui, a tool to making our life more beautiful and less disorganized and unproductive. Fung shui is a Chinese medicine as self-awareness is a human medicine. It helps us clear away the person, place or thing that dulls or muddy our natural beauty. Self-awareness is fung shui to the mind, heart and life. It is renovating person, place and thing for our energy to be beautiful like the snowy mountain meeting the rolling green into the scent true beauty. However, we are unfeeling for too long and overtime, our dilemma strips us of original beauty. In learning to be authentic we are practicing the art of original beauty.
How do we receive authentic love? First, we must get in touch with our spiritual fulfillment. We must learn, grow and study our own artistry! We must become the magician, arts and scholar to our own spiritual fulfillment. To receive is to be well watered. There is nothing more beautiful and authentic than a snowy mountain joining the rolling green with the scent of spring bluebells sprouting from the well nourished soil. We must water our soil with artistry. Why artistry?! Artistry is the foundation for all life’s intentions, expansions and establishments. Artistry is the muse who dreamed up the world and then told a story of what is possible given the chance. Artistry gives us jazz and soul. It feeds us positive expectation and helps us transform fear, anger and low self esteem into a work of art. Artistry is our self-mastery. Those who are devoted to their artistry, their path of cultivating original beauty like butterflies in their early moment of exiting the cocoon, are extraordinarily masterful at fine tuning their life. In the connecting with someone special, we are seeking collaboration to enliven deeper levels of our own artistry. We do not seek to settle, dwell or sit in a relationship that does not water our land. We are looking for enlivenment for more creative life to grow within us and to do the same for our partner.
How do we raise our self-worth? First, we must grow fond of spiritual fulfillment. We must honor and respect our artistry as a tool to happiness. Then, we must accept the challenges of life with courage. We all have low self-worth, coming out of brutal patriarchal age. We don’t trust ourselves, listen to ourselves and are taught to escape ourselves but in clearing out the low experience of enlivenment we must trust ourselves, listen to ourselves and respect our beauty. If the partner doesn’t water our land, that is a no! If the partner doesn’t inspire us to expand, that is a no! If the partner doesn’t give us bigger energy to grow, that is a no! We are soil that needs water. We water our soil with spiritual fulfillment and artistry. But, a partnership should provide us a bigger flow of water to our garden not less.
Finally, how do we become spiritual fulfilled? Spiritual fulfillment is a journal of joy, forgiveness, peace and adventure. It is courageously opening up to life without fear of challenge or let down. It is creatively awakening! It is hunting for more creativity! And, it is surrounding ourselves with creative muses that encourage us to be wiser, stronger and more compassionately driven to develop our talents and gifts as well as recognize our beauty and continue to grow our original beauty.