The Inner Child is the Constructive Ego
The Inner Child, The Ego
By Ivy Integration
ego is honest, dignified and straight forward. The ego is our character and
personality. The ego is manifestation of our universal mind on Earth. The ego is
our inner child. Many of us do not connect the ego to the inner child because
the adult ego is aggressive, defensive and paranoid whirling through commotion,
dilemma and fantasy and children are playful, open minded and energetic. The
commotion for the adult ego is not having the attraction to refine reality higher
and wiser. The dilemma for the adult ego is not having the self-trust to
organize reality into clear understanding. And, the fantasy for the adult ego
is not having the sensitivity to uplevel the body and mind into more creative
and impactful experiences.
inner child is our foundational sense of self. When we are a child our
character and personality is natural and unique. The adult ego is like a
factory belt of the same/same repeat. The bridge that connects the inner child
to its sense of self is self-trust. Children may not have strong boundaries or
discernment that come from experience and life lessons. But, they have a
stronger navigation system. They have self-trust. This intuitive and sensitive awareness
is a strong navigation system then the adult ego of boundaries and discernment.
They know people for their honesty, dignity and authenticity. They determine
the level of trust for a person by how strong the amplification of these
qualities are.
understanding is different than the adult interpretation. Life is a journey of
honesty, dignity and authenticity because it is the vibration of miracles.
Children are creators of miracles. They may not be aware of what miracles are
in the adult language but they are crafting miracles through their soul resonance.
The soul resonance is behind the character and personality of the inner child.
It is the light that shines through the vessel of character and personality. The
adult ego uses commotion, dilemma and fantasy to compensate for how out of tune
they are with their native rhythm. The adult ego can lack heart and therefore,
loses its impact. Without soulful impact we are not captivating or interesting.
The adult ego would do anything to be captivating or interesting because then it
is attractive, magnetic and a creator of reality. With this miraculous sense of
self the adult has a majestic presence drawling the Earth to itself naturally
without imposing on anything to dominate. Children have a mystic power. We are
drawn to children. We smile when we see children. We are happy when we greet
children is because they are majestic and true to possibility the adult ego
contained when judgment and fear override the self-trust from the inner child.
The inner child tells
us how honest, dignified and straight forward were being with ourselves and
others but the further we stray from the voice of reason our inner child
provides the more we ignore, deny and shove to the side. But, without amplification
of honesty, dignity or authenticity we lose our uniqueness and find it
difficult to innovate reality. Without innovation of reality, it is easy for us
to feel stuck, stagnate or in a rut with reality.
Reality is like a puzzle.
The creator is our higher self. It wants us to solve the puzzle because then we
learn the perspective of the creator but we need innovation to pass through the
many layers of progress or we get stuck. Apart of innovation is self-trust. For
the adult ego, solving the puzzle is trying to distort the puzzle, change the
pieces to fake the game. But, this method does not learn the creator’s mind.
The creator’s mind is
the inner child because he/she is infinite in the creativity of nature. Its rhythmic
intelligence is open minded, learning and creating. But, the adult ego can
place itself above or below others making a disconnect, while, the inner child
sees everything through learning and creating. Nothing is better or worse but a
process of innovation unfolding. The inner child is a problem solver and uses
its sensitivity to enhance creative understanding. Sensitivity to the adult ego
is emotional suffering, nostalgic grief or anger. Sensitivity is overwhelming
and intensifies our journey through memories, decisions and life lessons. Therefore,
sensitivity is shutdown to the adult ego. The adult ego does not have the
creative solution to know what to do with such amplified experience on Earth
because self-trust is lost when fear and judgment override the self-trust
system. But, without creative solution adults struggle to grow and mature
wisely. The saying, “You are the same person you were decades ago,” reflects
the adult ego. We are stuck on a portion of the puzzle and cannot find the next
phase of our education on our learning and creating. The saying for the child, “Wow,
you are vastly different than you were a year ago,” reflects the self-trust
system. The inner child wants to learn and create as much as possible. The
inner child travels through many styles of itself because it is
multi-dimensional or spherical in nature. This gives the inner child a
well-rounded character and personality. Character and personality is not a
stick or same/same repeat. It is like the sun, rays of rainbows opening many
doors to the self. The self is dynamic and universal to the inner child. To the
adult ego, the self is set and fixed until death.
Children hold the frequency
of deathless, therefore, every day is an experience of eternity. The adult wants
to capture immortality because the adult is worn down and unable to solve the
puzzle. Without vigor of the body and strength of mind the chance is gone. This
is the great dissatisfaction or unfulfillment of humans, to die and never solve
the puzzle and learn the creator. We all want to master the creator of our reality.
We have many incarnations to learn this but when we spent decades stuck in a
portion of the puzzle the grief of caging our inner child for too long is our
greatest disappointment in old years. We need the inner child to learn our
creation and destruction and recreate our reality again and again to enhance
our innovation on Earth. We need self-trust or our honesty, dignity and authenticity
is weak and easily seduced into habits, patterns and perspectives that disconnect
ourselves from the native sense of self and others.
The loss of heart
impact on the self and others is the struggle for the adult ego. The adult ego
compensates for the lack of impact they have on the heart by thinking and thinking
creation higher and wiser or using sexuality to procreate energy higher and
wiser but it is the heart that makes us smile when greeting children. The child’s
heart is majestic and universal. There is no distance, judgment, separation or avoidance.
The heart of the child penetrates into the mystery of everything and everyone with
total acceptance of the dark and light of human nature. The heart of the child
is able to view our character and personality through the perspective of the
universe. The heart of the child shows us the dimensions of ourselves and Earth
and how it is all connected through the heart. When the adult ego losses its
touch of universal possibility, the heart is a tiny spot to a vast wholeness of
possibility and this does not lead spiritual or material leadership.
We must practice the
inner child everyday as an adult to keep our heart native to the first beating
of our heart in utero. Every heart has a rhythm that is unique but as an adult
our heart begins to beat like a herd of sheep. The native rhythm is our doorway
to a realm of possibility to our reality. When it is open we have self-trust
through intuitive instinct. When it is closed we have limited awareness through
fear and judgment. We need the door to our inner child open to innovate reality
higher and wiser or we get caught in the matrix of confinement. We must know
creative solutions to recreate, rewrite and reprogram our reality consistently again
and again to keep our sovereignty active.
We practice the inner
child when we play! Playing is the voice of reason to all our seriousness,
anger and irritation. Play is how a child solves a difficult problem because
play opens perspective and invites innovation. We must play every day with our
thoughts, expression and body to vibrate the cosmos, to know self and other and
amplify uniqueness–the door to the creator we all yearn to invite in.