Further Walk through Astrocartiography

Questions to Ask each Planet
By Ivy Integration
The planets orbit through our bio-field giving us nutrients we need to embody the fullness of our dynamic spirit. We are given a road map to our alchemy called the astrological chart and spaces on the planet for us to initiate ourselves into greater wholeness. In the authenticity of our sovereignty we are on the hunt to open possibilities, opportunities and potentials we require to transurf through reality to capture manifestation, realization, fulfillment, teamship, creativity, healing and transformation. When we root near or on the line of a planet we feel nutrients of that planet being pulled up the soles of our feet into our spine, through our organs, blood, bone, all the way through into our auric field adjusting us. We all need adjustments because many of us come through imbalance to arrive on this planet, the imbalance, which is to not know how to alchemize reality.
The lines of planets in this solar system are Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Juptier, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. When we are born or drop into this planet field we create a ripple like a stone in a still lake and those ripples let the Earth know our karma, dharma, destiny and purpose. The resonance of our soul dropping into the Earth interlocks with the field of Earth establishing a web and the lines crossing, intersecting, parallel are the planets of our birth in an energy grid giving us a road map to how we can use the Earth to potentialize our karma, dharma, destiny and purpose for fullness of nourishment.
We are very dynamic and it is revealed to us in our astrological chart. We are dimensions of interaction with avenues upon avenues like a library of time and space so vast and yet organized concisely. Our astrological chart is the library of our fullness in time and space in concise organization. The librarian is our intuition without such we do not know how to navigate through our complexity and get confused or lost in trying to understand such extraordinary time and space we have on Earth and beyond. Astrocardigraphy or energy grid of our birth and road map is the intuitive call from Mother Gaia to initiate ourselves through changing position for renewal such as moving or traveling. Some areas within us yearn to be experienced or played out and that is why we may be guided to geographic areas on this planet because we desire to be initiated into higher understanding of ourselves. Either it be throng Aries-Pisces perspective, we are sending a message to ourselves through our intuition or librarian asking for us to initiate our learning further and deeper. Why do we inquire our learning to be further and deeper? We are evolving through imbalance into balance, misunderstanding into understanding, judgment into compassion, alchemy into stronger alchemy, confidence into greater confidence, trust into deeper trust, joy into fiercer joy, expansion into more amazing heights. We want to experience or play out our victory time and time again through this space that space to be the student and teacher for depth of understanding on who we are, what life is and our impact. Once we nourish ourselves with nutrients we can harmonize and balance ourselves effortlessly by soaking up the energy grid that wants us to adjust ourselves.
Astrocardigraphy provides this flow of renewal. Either it is challenging, eye opening or activational, it encourages us to be responsible for our alchemy and by remembering our responsibility to ourselves we learn how to alchemize reality. We discover our web of resonance across this planet on Astro.com. We type in our birth information (time of birth is important), click on map and watch the complexity of our spider web reach everywhere across Earth. Now, following the road map is listening to the calling inside the self. But, I have organized questions for each planet that corresponds with the zodiac of that planet for contemplation and journaling. Why do we want to know our energy grid? Learning what line we are near or on can reveal the message that is trying to breakthrough to us or the nudge we have inside to activate a part ourselves could be supported by being near or on a particular line of energy.
The companion
What emotions am I being encouraged to unblock/release?
What am I seeking nurture and support in?
What is family/group harmony?
How can I have greater emotional fulfillment?
The Educator
What is my inner dialogue?
What do social groups reveal about my inner talk with self?
How can I articulate my mind in the heart?
What am I perceiving about life, religion, ideology, etc. and is the perception bringing non-judgmental understanding?
The Queendom
What are blessings?
What is beauty and joy?
How do I express gratitude?
How do I embody elegance, integrity and give and receive prosperity?
The Fighter
How do I manage anger?
How do I overcome self-belittlement?
What is passion?
How do I stand up for myself and others?
The Expander
What do I intent to manifest on the planet?
What are the knowledge, tools or methods that align me to synchronicity?
How can I expand my idea of possible and impossible?
The Stabilizer
What is discipline?
What do I need to deconstruct for a better life style to emerge?
How do I manage my health and well-being?
What direction am I moving in and is it leading breakthrough or resistance?
The Seeker
What discoveries am I on the hunt for?
What do I need to liberate in the mind for greater vision?
How can I stretch beyond my belief systems and innovate new possibilities for humanity?
The Mediator
What is my meditative or contemplative mind revealing to me?
What is imagination?
How do I mange sensitivity, heightened intuitive ability?
The Rebuilder
What talents make me feel most special?
What family, childhood, social patterns do I need to let go of?
How can I cultivate wisdom through experiences?
What is radiance and soulfulness, a sense of mission and purpose?
These questions open dialogue for discovering what wants to initiate you into greater understanding. If you are struggling with a certain area of your life, wanting to amplify an area of your life or balance an area of your life these questions can help you solve the mystery of your circumstance, experience and situation for deeper trust in your growing process. For example, Moon deals with family, the unconscious belonging and feeling supported, Mercury deals with self-talk, articulation of the mind with heart and learning, Venus deals with blessing ourselves, integrity and abundance or fertility, Mars deals with passion, anger and our fighting spirit, Jupiter deals with our wishes and wants being realized with command and knowledge, Saturn deals with looking at our life style, stepping outside our comfort zone for greater stability in longevity and honoring the self, Uranus deals with seeking information or technology like advancements in science or math, looking beyond traditional models and tapping into the next frontier, Neptune deals with our psychic mind, our meditative practice and how we handle our dreams/dream state/dreamy realities, Pluto deals with expedited growth or immense leaps into self improvement, birthing soulful purpose and clearing fakeness for non-judgment to emerge.
Again, it is intuition that leads your eyes to the right message at the right time. All you simply need to do is say to yourself, “I allow this download to be received within me!” Every struggle, experience, circumstance and nudge to activate ourselves in new ways encourages balance where there may be imbalance, understanding where there may be misunderstanding, compassion where there may be judgment and what our alchemy needs for fuller nourishment. Either is to be fiercer, calmer, heaver, lighter, stronger, softer, curious, discerning, open, protective, masculine or feminine–whatever the message strikes in us calls us further and deeper for a true understanding which brings clarity.