"Sex is not a one time done or a quick fuck with no feelings." It is Endearing Friendship!

Sexuality (Intercourse is Friendship between Male and Female)
By Ivy Integration
Sexuality is an exploration of the self. The expression of sexuality is rhythmic and brings the mind deeper into the heart and the heart expressive to the Earth. Sexuality is being in awe with the body and the Earth. It brings the soul closer to Earth and humanness in synch with nature. Sexuality is a death and rebirth like the menstrual cycle. It moves us through seasons of introspection (winter), intentional creation (spring), assertive creation (summer) and restorative healing (fall). Through each cycle of the self there is a fresh energy revitalizing the self with new forms and potentials.
Sexuality is a capturing of new forms. To be moved, like being moved by jazz, is learning joy through receptivity and inspiration. The empowerment of the heart comes through the expressive channel. Sexuality can be intercourse, one on one eye gaze, art and music, dance, sports, nature walk, Tai Chi, Yoga, etc. Anything that moves the life force lively and rhythmic with the self and the Earth is sexuality. Overall, sexuality fine tunes the mind to follow the heart and the heart more expressive with realized potential.
Sexuality through the channel of intercourse is an exploration of polarity. The self receives and gives collaborative intention to amplify the power of synergy and communication nature has with man, man has with woman and humanity has with Earthling. This collaborative synergy is an expansion of the heart to fully embody the polarity of Earth, yin and yang. Emerging polarities brings a heightened experience of the dynamic range of self and how the self is captured inside another and how others are captured in the self. Sexuality is not avoidance, denial or disconnect with the heart. Such intercourse is not sexuality but confusion within self. For example, sexuality through dance helps the self find its center, rhythm and impact. Similar to jazz music, these forms of sexuality liberates confusion in the self by clarifying the communion with the Earth. However, sexuality can be more confusing than clarifying when the self ignores, denies or disconnects with the heart. There is no closeness with nature, the Earth and the Earthling. Intercourse becomes a temporary sensation of the self but quickly dissipates and settles into the body as emotional confusion. Sex is dissatisfying. Therefore, we seek sex elsewhere in pornography, other people, masturbation, etc. because we are wanting to captivate the body with a rhythm of the heart so fine tune with the body that we expand our heart wiser because of the encounter with polarity. Polarity is designed to help human emerge with humanity so humanity may restore the humanitarian. Apart of the journey can lead to intercourse, to know polarity in a wide range of experience with a close partner. Sexuality is wide and deep like dance has much flavor, contrast and infinite forms of storytelling. We want to explore the many forms of the self to move more closely with the humanitarian who is not this or that but this and that and that and that.
Maturity of human reaches the depths of polarity and gains insight. Like the ballet, there is a strong male and light female. They explore each other’s body, moving around, through, above, below and evolve each other. But, this rhythm is only established with trust, respect and compassion. The male and female led in the ballet are captivating because they wholeheartedly give themselves to each other in trust and courage. Do we give ourselves wholeheartedly to our sex partner? Many of us are attracted to someone like a cat in heat. We do the job and then when we feel no longer welcomed or collaborative we depart.
The ballet is not such sexuality. It is a conversation between bodies that are consistent to friendship that learn, discover and harmonize. The harmony of the ballet is not for the weak as we all know ballet requires a lot of stamina, grit and self esteem. The harmony brings out the best in human potential. Sex like cats in heat keeps the animal consistent but the heart unrealized. The heart is realized in the movement of moving more closely with elegance like surfing, African dance, ice skating, poetry, painting, for all of which, there is a strong friendship. Sexuality is a friendship and intercourse is no different. Without friendship with African dance the rhythm cannot be fully embodied because friendship implies dependability, trust, encouragement, challenge for insight and teamship. Without such, African dance does not have captivation and impact. Soulfulness is the decision to be wholehearted through the challenge, the setback and friction that brings about the ballet after much wholehearted intentional play.
Intercourse is wholehearted intentional play. Play is innocence like children climbing a tree. They are in awe of the tree, climbing the tree because they want to know the tree deeper. Play is a native study like children opening shells in search for pearls. There is wonder and a desire for discovery. Wholehearted intentional play is a reverent bow given to intercourse. This reverent bow surrenders the animal to enliven the heart for intercourse to expand the heart of humanity.
Do we imagine in intercourse orgasm as the amplification of the closeness humanity has with itself? Do we send out a prayer during orgasm, “I pray humanity learns the elegance of polarity”? Intercourse is activational in the plan of deepening man and woman together. Man and woman disconnected is humanity without humanitarian. To be the balance of the scale, the Lady of Liberty, the Buddha, is to transform the dilemma of polarity into a humanitarian able to be captivated by the eyes of all, to see self in other and vibrate the cosmos to Earth. This intercourse is a tantric practice of intimacy beyond male and female closeness or orgasm but a broadcast of the heart to the self, the other and the heart of humanity. Friendship is the balance of the scales because it implies compassion to judgment, sincerity behind encouragement and support to challenge and like an ally sometimes the friend is a Yogi breaking our ego to nothing for something new to emerge, painful and yet necessary.
The sex partner is our friend that breaks our walls and helps us breakthrough our blocks. Without such friend the sexual energy in intercourse is solely physical stimulation but sexual energy is life force that can be used for mental, emotional, psychological and subtle body repair. Many are unconsciously using intercourse to repair their mental, emotional, psychological and subtle body dissilience but end up dissatisfied because it requires wholehearted intentional play between both for such activation. Intercourse is not one time done or a quick fuck with no feelings. This intercourse is boring because it is solely physical stimulation. There is not exploration of the dynamic self.  Friendship is like a community or tribe joining to share, care and include each other for the betterment of everyone. It is reliable and available for discussion and creative solution. Friendship like this with our sex partner is very dynamic because it is full of discussion, collaboration, care and inclusion that support the betterment of the self and the other.
Overall, maturity and vitality is the prerequisite for deep sex. Maturity is the ability to express oneself with respect for self and other, discipline to direct the course and responsibility. Vitality is life force energy healthy and holy. Both maturity and vitality alchemize the sex experience for more than stimulation of clitoris but for penetration of the cervix, heart and throat. This motion upward in collaboration with polarity enhances the balance of man and woman, humanity with Earthling. Such participation brings human out of the animal and into the humanitarian, the wise old soul who cherishes and preserves the Earth through cherishing and preserving the wholehearted intentional play of the self with other.