The Tribe is the Child's Greatest Chance

The Child needs the Tribe
By Ivy Integration
In the not so ancient times, a child was raised in the image of the tribe. The tribe was the teacher, guide and guardian to the child. The tribe shared their talent, skill and craft with the child to help him/her come into the fullness of their realized potential and divine mission. The tribe understood a child is the leader of the next frontier or new generation and took initiating that child into his/her original wisdom very seriously. A child was looked at as a window into the next era and age. The tribe gave the talent, skill and craft for a victorious emergence of the old and the new.
During pregnancy the tribe would perform rituals of celebration to support the spirit baby’s movement into the physical realm. Rituals include chanting, healing, community belonging and creative activity to encourage the best attributes and resolve the karmas of the spirit baby. A pregnant woman was a pregnant tribe. Pregnancy was looked at as an opened gateway to the divine, the veil thin from this physical realm to the cosmic field or the bridge to a multiverse of dimensions on Earth and creation beyond. Do we view pregnancy from this view today?
Conscious conception meant that male and female are an innocence of divinity in sexual intercourse while intentionally downloading into their subtle bodies the light language of the spirit baby. Conscious pregnancy enhanced the woman’s sensitivity to subtle energies and gifted her advanced alchemist coding skill. Pregnant woman are considered regal ambassadors because they carry the nobility, character and creative linage of the generations. Her womb is the richness of the universe pouring through her. There is nothing richer than a rich generation of nobility, character and creative linage. It is revered as the temple of powerful manifestation. The tribe took this seriously and to insure that wisdom and leadership prevail over fear and doubt the entire tribe installed their talent, skill and craft into the child.
Today, pregnancy can be random, isolated, arrhythmic and disharmonious and there is no tribe of wisdom and leadership to prevail. A child without the tribe has to install the wisdom and leadership of generations on their own and unfortunately many do not know how or don’t believe it is possible. A tribe is not just a family with a grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, etc. The tribe implies developed ability of creation. Many members in the family have nothing to give because they have not developed their ability of creation. This awareness comes through wisdom and leadership, following through on the soul belonging into battle and peace. The child today does not know regal ambassador because many families don’t have richness of mind, body and spirit to offer. When a member of the family develops ability of creation they are the finest original cord. 
The tribe is a golden chain and each member by following the soul belonging are brought into an original insight on creation like a fresh era of art or science. This is evolution of the tribe, movement that keeps the tribe vital and genius. The next frontier links to the old generation and together they collaborate for well rounded view or an overview on Earth and creation beyond. The teaching of the elders and the teaching of the originality supports the stability of the visionary quest of the spirit baby. Each spirit comes to Earth as a visionary and architect. The tribe understands this and knows the child has his/her own potentiating revolution/revelation on Planet Earth. But, in order to be stable, balanced and steady the tribe gives the wealth of the creative linage to the child.
Do we give our child as a parent, grandparent, brother, etc. the fullness of our talent, gift and craft either it be musically, financially, artistically or emotionally, etc? Do we before conception learn our originality, authenticity and strength? Today, having a child is a pursuit of having a tribe but the child is not the tribe. The child is revolution/revelation of the tribe. Having a child is not random, with a random partner or in an imbalanced family life. It is Earth’s chance to reinvent itself but that cannot be if a child does not have the tool of wisdom and leadership. Wisdom and leadership is a regal triumph over fear, doubt and low self worth. It brings sublime energy source to the individual and the tribe. Overall, the womb is the portal of the self and the generations. It can be a basement of miscellaneous stuff or a temple of wise invention for the child. The portal determines the sublime energy source of the child and his/her alchemist coding in manifesting their revelation on Planet Earth. This manifesting revelation requires alot of will and apart of the tribe's greatest chance for the child is that everyone offers a command of victory to the child that gives the child a strong heart and gut.