The Journal
Legacy for the Aquarian Age
By Ivy Integration
Apart of becoming our authentic self is
rewriting our legacy. What is our legacy? It is the many generations before and
after us. We all know the planet is going through a point of death or rebirth.
We sense death in the accumulation of trash clogging the rivers, suffocating
the oceans and choking the air and sense rebirth in the nations using renewable
energy such as wind and solar. The generations before and after us decide our
epigenetic. Our epigenetic given from our parents and grandparents mold our
emotional, psychological and energetic field. Yes, our emotional, psychological
and energetics create fields that well very interact with each other. The
emotional field is at the heart which is the biggest field. The psychological
is the field called the mind which receives messages from the heart and places
them into a database called memory, understanding and processing. The energetic
is the psyche, archline diving into the auric field. The archline is above our
head like a rainbow and the auric field is our spherical or fifth dimensional
contact. Each of us has a spherical 360 degree contact with Earth. In ancient
times, we had 360 senses that are from the primal instinct at the reproductive
gland to the esoteric understanding at the pituitary gland and a range of
expressions that we can access or deny. Through many generations our expression
has been limited into a concise linear expression, 5 senses, which focus on
primal and basic creative with a concentration on time being finite, enclosed,
rather than infinite, open.
With each generation there is an
access or deny. Basically, a generation can access new genetic codes or deny
new genetic codes. What are these genetics codes? When we look at ancient times
we recognize that there is an expression vastly different from us now because
the genetic code was altered by the expression of the senses. We view our
ancient past through the eyes of our concise linear expression and see cave men
because our primal and basic creative focus cannot imagine higher then itself.
But with the expression of senses beyond the 5 our understanding of the ancient
people evolves. This is why current history is rewriting itself quite rapidly
because we are expressing senses beyond the primal and basic creative.
What has sparked this epigenetic change
is the Technology Age. The Technology Age has triggered neurological pathways
that are in contact with an expanded expression. This expanded expression is
opening our enclosed possibility giving us more avenues in which we can express
our lives. We didn’t have such avenues before but the Technology Age has opened
them for us. This is why the many generations before and after us is changing
very drastically. The generation now (2019) has an expression that appears
peculiar to the centuries of generations before and the generation (2050) will
have an expression even more peculiar to the centuries of generations before.
But we haven’t seen such epigenetic change for many thousands of years. We’ve
seen cultural, religious, ideology changes like the rise and fall throughout
time but there has been a constant human genetic code following the concise
linear expression. Now the epigenetic of the emotional, psychological and
energetics are being stimulated in such a way that is opening the enclosed
areas which allows more expression to channel through us.
Why are we being pressured to rewrite
our legacy? We cannot function at the concise linear expression any longer. The
Technology Age has evolved us out of the Neolithic expression. The legacy of
farmers and builders is now transforming into a legacy following the expanded
expression. This expanded expression takes us back to the ancient past before
concise linear expression where there is a focus on intuition, wisdom, esoteric
science and miraculous healing. These genetic codes are very much embedded in
our DNA but are switched off. However, our expression of new senses opens
genetic codes such as intuition, high imagination, etc. that is switching on
DNA sequences that follow the expanded expression.
Now the pressure of this age on our
legacy is forcing us out of our family lines and moving us into the open fields
where we can recreate our bloodline by interacting with people that open the
genetic code of our forward moving legacy. The old method of living our lives
simply doesn’t work and we know this but the resistances comes from trying to
keep the status quo of our primal and basic creative expression. This cannot be
any longer. We must make the journey of opening our enclosed expression because
the forward moving generation requires it or they fail to manage the planet.
This is where our fear comes in. We sense the death from our waste, toxins and
chemicals but we do not know how to evolve. We don’t need to know how to evolve
because it is already happening. We simply need to go with it and not resist by
maintaining a status of expression that is not for us any longer. It may be
natural for older generations even people born in 40s-70s to have solely a concise
linear expression but those born late 90s and onward we have to expression
ourselves differently to satisfy the epigenetic triggering from technology.
Leaving our family pattern is
difficult because we do not have a foundation to grow from. We think of our
parents, grandparents as a foundation to grow from but for many people on this
planet this is not the case. Our parents and grandparents simply do not have
the foundation we require for the new genetic code integration. Again, these
genetic codes are our spherical or fifth dimensional 360 degree contact with
Earth opening. The struggle for many of these people is the journey of starting
a new legacy. We’ve gotten used to continuing what is before us and handing it
down to those after us. But this is ending. We are being pressured now to reinvent
our entire expression from the basement (subconscious) of our lives and
function from an expanded expression. This creates an entirely different model
for our past, present and future and is more experimental rather than a steady
generation emerging into the next into the next. We are the experimental
generation (2019) and that means the death and rebirth we sense is our ability
to such our epigenetic flexibility to alter the DNA giving us new genetic codes
that are more aligned with the Technology Age and the expanded expression we
must become.
Simply, when we express ourselves
beyond the 5 senses, for many in meditation, we are opening the enclosed
avenues of thought, emotion and creativity giving several generations before
and after us a major improvement. And this is what we require for the health of
planet Earth. We need a major improvement in our legacy because farmer and
builder model can’t keep up with the ingenuity the Technology Age demands.
Therefore, we are being pushed out of our family dynamics, basically thrown out
of our homes to find genetic codes within ourselves that can jump start a new
legacy able to keep up with the fast moving ingenuity. And how we find these
genetic codes is through the epigenetic stimulation from mediation, yoga, inner-reflection,
basically the pressure to up root and re root ourselves into a legacy more
closely related to those of shamans, healers, geniuses and wise humans. This
may sound odd because many of us do not have a family closely related to what
I’ve listed above but what all these legacies have in common is vital usage of
energy and that is the pressure we cannot bypass. The waste, toxins and chemicals
simple reveal we aren’t vital usage of energy. And this is our evolution as
humans, to open our expression to teach our cells how to create vital energy.
By Ivy Integration
intentional command is a language we embody. The intent is our direction and
our command is our propulsion. We do not know direction clouded by the clatter
we make trying to demand a domain. We know direction in the presence of our
How do we obtain magnetism? It is in the
declogging ourselves from impurities that gives us a glow. We know toxins and
chemicals. We know toxic mind and toxic body. Vitality is good health but
clogged by the clatter, clutter and chatter of ourselves there is no
spaciousness for light to travel through. The more open our field is the
clearer the light penetrates but when our field is cluttered with clatter light
cannot penetrate as strikingly.
The Aquarian Age is not a conquest without
intentional glow. The intentional glow implies vitality. Vitality isn’t a cheap
win, a dirty deal, a hidden agenda, a deceitful propaganda. These things belong
to the Piscean Age of disillusionment but we are no longer disillusioned into
action, thought and self-image. We are on a quest for our integrity because the
conquest without intentional glow does not lead the planet any longer. Those
who conquest without a intentional glow fail to the cheap win, dirty deal,
hidden agenda, deceitful propaganda that they can no longer hide. This is the
unraveling of disillusionment. We are no longer seeing intention. We are seeing
if intention glows because vitality cannot be faked because the energetics of
ourselves reveal the elusion we present and the integrity we know or do not.
Therefore, the intentional command is the
status of our lives. In the Piscean Age we viewed status as how much a person
obtains in material but the Aquarian Age is how much vitality can we cultivate.
The Technology Age has us drained not by the mainframe of the computer but the
mainframe of our own mind. We do not know how to distribute our own mind and
emotional matter for velocity of living. The velocity of living is our ability
in the Aquarian Age to carve avenues into our mind that gives us access to what
is most fresh. Our mind is bogged down by all that isn’t fresh in our minds. It
gets heavy in our mind because our distribution of thinking and patterns can’t
replenish through an avenue most refresh. We have thinking and patterns traveling
through avenues that are murky that murk our potential to think and pattern ourselves
in a more original way. That is why the Aquarian Age conquer isn’t conquering
land because land is already conquered. It is conquering the intentional glow
because the Technology Age is on a quest of finding ingenuity and methods of
success. But this success isn’t the Piscean Age of seducing but commanding the
pathways in the mind to form the position of vitality.
Tensions must go
By Ivy Integration
our century old tension is moving our body through new forms. Our bodies have
held stiff in subconscious interlocks that do not alleviate the tension but
cause the buildup. All of us are constipated by the tension we’ve held onto for
centuries. Either it is anger, frustration, mental enslavement or negativity. There
are tensions we need to unknot for our enclosed areas to loosen its formation
for a higher vibration of ourselves to enter and reorganize our basement. This
is what is taking place currently for everyone. The basement is being rattled
and shacked and all the tension is being lubricated, hydrated, decalcified and
swept out. But where does the tension build up go? It is pulled up the entire
charka system and out of the crown of the head into the original state everything
eventually returns to which are acceptance and compassion. It is a bow of
reverence that ascends our mistakes and progress into grace.
The tension can no longer be held. It
is being pushed out and that is why our bodies ache and are minds are off
balance. The propulsion of our basement light is being turned on which is the
fire of higher genius but we cannot rocket off into higher dimensions with
heavy spiritual debris. No rocket scientist would bring into space excess
anything because it would increase the level of danger and make the ship heavy.
We do not need danger from our tensions falling ontop of us during lift off or sabotaging
our lift off. We need our container or human vessel to loosen the tension for
streams of new energy to enter and reinvent ourselves. We simply can’t function
in the century old tension in the Aquarian Age because “she” demands rebirth of
human expression. Human expression for centuries has been a struggle with
acceptance, forgiveness, compassion and higher understanding. Now we are
rocketing into an authentic science of ourselves and require the resolution of
all our lack of acceptance, un-forgiveness, lack of compassion and lack of
higher understanding.
The planet calls for a life style or
generation of humans that lift off from the basement with an original state of
mind and emotion. The runoff of debris will gradually clear out its habit of
stuffing, tucking and shoving its self into hidden corners when human loosens
tension burrowed in muscle, tissue, posture, illness, genetic makeup and cell
vibration. Yes, cells vibrate. Atoms vibrate too. They vibrate frequencies arrhythmic
and rhythmic depending on the potency of instrument that attunes the cell
and/or atom. Our basement with anger, shame, hate and blame vibrates cells and
atoms into arrhythmic forms that model the body, mind and energy field.
The movement medicine is our matriarchal
guide that has returned to Earth to help us. She is the Lakshmi vibration deep
within human history that is revolutionizing our planet because the tension
build up leads to a future timeline unfavorable for all Earthings. With the
unraveling, unknotting and loosening of tension we reach revelation from
realization that comes from the experience of forming ourselves through a
multitude of expressions. When we realize how dynamic we are we become well-rounded
instead of static or lop sided. This is our wholeness, to move in ways that
loosen our tension and awaken our life force. This life force is our joy to be
on Earth and courage to create our lives in Earth’s true intention which is for
us to know our fresh, original, wise and healed embodiment.
The healing we forgot in the centuries
very rough on the freedom of spirit but now is resurrecting because we can only
hold so much tension before the buildup must spill out into our environment.
What we see is just this? Our basement build up is spilling over into our
excess clutter, clatter and chatter stuffing our planet. That is why the
movement medicine is returning us to an organic and original before all the
anger, hate and unforgiveness. This state is called intentional glow where we
are very impactful in magnesium and remember our miraculous transformative power
of our soul’s mantra.
Ivy Integration
Many of us carry
attachments we’ve gathered from past lives. These attachments are blocks that
keep us in a loop or repeat. Attachments are usually related to as negative
entities, lower energies, bad habits, addictions, sexual distortions–overall
obstructions that hold us back, stun our growth and cause stagnation. These
attachments are formed when we shame or deny a part of ourselves or humanity.
The part of us and in humanity we shame, deny and hate creates an Earth bound attachment.
Attachments are unresolved energies that linger in the basement of our psyche.
We placed them in our basement because we didn’t want to see, hear or know that
part of us or in humanity. But whatever is in our basement still has an energetic
pull on our house.
Everything has an energetic pull on our house. That
is why we feug shui our energetics through reconstructing ourselves by having
lifetimes that drawl out our hidden fears and blockages so that we can work
through the tension. Tension in our psyche causes limitation in our receptivity
because tension isn’t free energy. It is knotted. Knotted energy is limited in
the way it isn’t easy for it to free up space to reconstruct and receive.
The reason we experience immense pain when breaking through
blocks is because the weight of what has been left in our basement has sunk
deeper into the ground, rooting deeper into our subconscious the more we
neglect and avoid. We experience pain because the part of us knotted and left
tense is the part we do not entirely love or accept and therefore doesn’t feel
worthy to be free and returned back to joy. Everything shamed, rejected, hated
and neglected has become a block towards joy. Left alone, unloved and in the
dark these parts of us and humanity have been told unconsciously or consciously
to go away, “I hate you,” that they don’t feel good enough to fly out the basement
open window to be free.
Releasing attachments is calling out to what is
hidden in our basement. Everything we avoid, suppress, deny and shame is
brought to the lantern light of our inner reflection or meditation. We bring
that part of us to the sunny open window and give love, acceptance and
forgiveness as we call in angels to help us free the attachment that has
lingered in our energetics grieving, lonely, lost separated and unwelcomed.
Told it is unwelcomed and heavy judged it appears as an enemy or evil entity.
It chose that reality because of its belief that it is too unworthy to be free
and loved. It created the reality of evil because of compassion’s neglect. In
bringing our tension, enemy to the light of joy (sunny open window in the
basement) we are loosening the reality of that part of ourselves and humanity by
telling that part it is worthy to join with the Holy Spirit for immense healing
and unconditional love. This turns the Earth bound tension into a spasm and as
we breathe deeply into the ache we loosen the tension and set energy free. This
is tension, energy not set free. Freeing up energy is breathing into the spasm
that reveals the held back or held bound energy and the opening.
When society, environments, childhood and culture
shames, judges, neglects our authenticity we begin to shame, judge and neglect
ourselves and create the reality of darkness or “the enemy” that isn’t an enemy
but raised up to be an enemy because of our shame, judgment and neglect.
Bringing a lantern light to the hated, unloved, unwelcomed, unaccepted is
allowing our original and authentic nature to prevail and potential for reconstruction
to resolve and remedy our tensions.
The strength of humanity isn’t our ability to
dominate but to prevail as well. In the patriarchal timeline we’ve seen much
domination but no true prevalence. To prevail is to maintain the authenticity
of mankind. To dominate is to manipulate or obstruct the natural rhythm. But we
require both for the continuity of our authentic evolution to prevail. The barrier
of compassion is the bridge bringing domination and prevalence into cosmic
resonance. Where we see revolution even war with a target to offset what is out
of order or imbalanced but with the prevalence of future balance for all.
To dominate and prevail is to hold the authentic rhythm
of humanity to know love, joy and freedom while understanding the manipulation
and obstructions that are apart of our ever-changing matrix in the mind. By understanding
both the authentic and obstructed we know strength of duality, opposition and friction.
This strength gives us the gift of knowing the resistance and revolution with a
radiance that has both the obstruction and authentic movement captivated by the
mighty intuition.
What is Joy?
By Ivy Integration
is the soulful remembrance that aligns us to a playful and supportive nature.
It amplifies our native archetype and heals, balances and awakens our life
force giving us charisma, enthusiasm and tolerance. Joy encourages us to be
self-responsible, honest, talented and true to the essence of our organic
expression/essence. With joy we experience purpose, clarity, direction and
authenticity. It unravels us from the past and future and grounds us in the alchemy
and rebirth of the present and is our regal existence. In joy we are expansive
enough to use our friction for ingenuity.
be magnetic is to know joy. It’s subtlety
of innocence that makes us extraordinarily unique and dignified. In the
practice of joy, we bless ourselves and humanity. In the ritual of joy we give
reverence and potency to our evolution and that of humanity and the Earth. Joy
is our drive and command to bring good health to Earth and prevailed harmony to
our failings. It endures the harshest, most toxic and imbalanced phases of
humanity and asks of us to conquer and master the enemy inside (judgment
without compassion) by raising our worth to the stars and deep to the timeless
Earth bringing cosmic/soulful resonance to our embodiment.
In joy, we are lively, inspired and
innovative with a mind uninflicted by the conditions and fixed energies of
humankind and opens our destiny to strength and impact. As difficult and
challenging as it may seem to be human, at times joy is the liberty to suffering,
remedy to pain, freedom from purgatory and the miracle we require to know our
majestic potential.
By Ivy Integration
The rough, ridged and animalistic
penetration of pornographic sex turns men into violators of women and women
into slaves for men. Many of us look to porn for a release and control. We all
know porn isn’t healthy for the psyche but our self worth is too low to make a
better choice. Porn is a big business because sex is our closest and fastest connection
to creation but porn is our fake sense of creation. Creation isn’t domination
or submission, a dumping of anger onto another, a frustration brought into
pounding or an animal needing to capture the fertility of women for power to reach
victory over the planet because victory is a reverent leadership and not low
intelligence. Such things are the impulsive, reactive, disruptive and unemotional
human self. We play out our neurotic animal conquer, seduction, manipulation
and deception for the goal of obtaining a power but this is not power because
it cannot hold its self worth divinely true to a authentic grace.
For men, porn is a false attempt at
developing an ego by dividing persons into master and slave, domination and
submission. This separation puts an illusion that power is a taking and not a
deserving or mastery. It is a game of who imposes the most gets the throne. Porn
is a tension between liberation and stagnation within the psyche that is too
dense to know deserving or mastery to maintain an ego. When an ego is non-existent
or poorly developed we feel we have no existence or impact on the planet. Not
having an impact makes us restless because our subconscious is entrapped in
Powerlessness is a toxin many of us
carry within our epigenetics. It places heavy stagnation in our ability to know
creation, access creation and mirror creation. We get so twisted in the
polarity of grace that our smoke mirrors only reveal the images of low
intelligence and where there is low intelligence there is no life force to transform
life and that is the real powerlessness, to have no life force to integrate the
embodiment we require for divinity to be restored.
Those who have the life force know
divinity and its polarity and how to move and shake possibilities refined and
masterful and this is our higher intelligence that is the ego. Without ego we
do not have the self worth to hold our inherent access to creation to endure
and excel and are left with low intelligence to empower our lives. This is a
broken awareness of higher cultivation of self that cannot enliven the life
force and energize the divine embodiment, which is our highest cultivation and
authentic manifestation/uninflicted reality that reaches the true height and
depth of our pure energy–a source wise enough to know reality and power as divinity
restored and practiced in many dimensions of self.