The Inner Child is the Key to our Fulfillment

The Inner Child is the Key to our Fulfillment
By Ivy Integration
            Vast majority ignore the Inner Child. The Inner Child is caged in the basement of our lives. She/he is left in the childhood unresolved but the Inner Child is our fulfillment. We believe childhood has nothing to do with our adulthood success and failing. More and more people are beginning to realize the childhood has everything to do with our success and failing. The childhood either supports the authenticity of our true nature or neglects. Either way the childhood sets up the stage for the story of our life. We decide sabotage or breakthrough. These are the two choices we have. The childhood can be our greatest sadness or our greatest liberation.
          The Inner Child is locked away when shame, judgment, harshness, negativity and trauma is too destructive. The Inner Child wants to play, have fun, be free, let go, learn and grow but when the childhood doesn’t support such nature the Inner Child begins to walk away from us. This is very upsetting and frustrating for adults because without the Inner Child we lose our spirit, jazz and liveliness for life. We lose our charisma, will, intuition and soul self. We are bound to the Earth instead of elevation to the Earth. Elevation gives us perspective, freshness, clean air, closeness to the stars and meditation (trance). To be bound is to be burdened, unmoved, fixed, low to the ground.
          The Inner Child is the wings that want to know the creatures of the Earth and the voyage that makes a person wise. We can achieve, succeed and accomplish many things but without the Inner Child it is cheap, harsh and never true. With the Inner Child we are bold, brave, energized and real. Therefore, accomplishment is the joy from leadership. Everything we achieve, succeed in, accomplish requires leadership. Every achievement, success and accomplishment elevates our confidence, self-trust, intuition, self concept and worthiness. But, what sets us high is gratitude. Gratitude can’t be faked, lied about or a façade. Gratitude is taking off the human matrix of the mind and living more fully in the wise heart where perspective, freshness, clean air, closeness with the stars and meditation (trance) opens our soul. The Inner Child lives in the heart. We express rage, anger, agitation, frustration a lot because the childhood neglect of the Inner Child caged us into the standard or appearance of life and didn’t set us free to learn sovereignty to reality, a intuitive knowing children 3-5 have.
          Unlocking life needs a key. The Inner Child is a talent/gift that unlocks energies. Energies are bound to “what is” until energies are elevated. Then, energies take on new shapes and flow in new ways. Elevation is the child climbing a tree to get a higher view. At the top of a high tree the child feels free because elevation reminds us how vast creation truly is. Creation isn’t bound. It is free flowing!!! Human mind is only bound and cannot let it in.

Speak out loud in the following activation!!!
I allow my Inner Child to speak!!!
I embrace my Inner Child as the key to accomplishment!!!
I learn to play like the Inner Child!!!
I NOW welcome the Inner Child as a warrior to my life!!!
I understand the Inner Child caged in my basement yearns to be free!!!
I allow myself to be heartfelt!!!
I embrace the creativity of the Inner Child as my immense grace!!!
I learn to transform as the Inner Child does fearlessly!!!
I NOW welcome sovereignty of the Inner Child to take back my power to be ME!!!
I understand the Inner Child denied as a child is not my parents fault!!!

My service to humankind is to serve the Inner Child and heal, purify, extract, release and transform all sabotage from the childhood into breakthrough that gives me space to ignite a flame of assured joy. This is the manifestation of my heart on Planet Earth. This is my colorful radiance and fierce faith now and forever powerful and wise!!!