We Are Pioneers

We Are Pioneers
By Ivy Integration
          Humans are voyagers. We take the pilgrimage to enliven our spirits. Empowerment, inspiration, motivation, the diction we use to describe the alchemist is assertive visionary. These words, alchemist, manifestation, revelation, transformation are impactful in the way they challenge humankind to breakthrough into unknown territories. Human may be bound to the Earth and the sky but humanity has an interconnection with the spaces beyond the common mind. Humanity is the rose window into the multiverse of human making. Dimensions and ascension is a walk way not a settlement. We climb the mountains, valleys, sail the ocean and ride the river to strengthen the human connection to expanded possibility. We establish a settlement and make our home on Earth but never is human a dweller. When human dwells for too long energy dulls into madness because we humans are pioneers. We invent, reinvent, innovate and strike forward on the hunt for the universe. Human is boundless when human takes the journey of cultivating the universe.
          We cultivate the universe through the ages and eras of science, discovery, art, history and reason. We develop, destroy and deliver a new kind of human decade to decade, generation to generation. We are constantly transforming the culture and life of humanity for human to learn the multitude of the universe. The universe is a gorgeous mandala full of much color, brightness, contrast and diversity. Life is outstanding energy always realizing its shape and shapeless. When human dwells in the shape we are a mountain afraid to break off, roll down the side towards the ocean to become sand. When we hold tightly onto this shape this pattern this understanding we lose our access to the rose window, the universe of possibility. Manifestation, determination, epiphany, victory are all apart of the rose window we look through to know evolution. This grandness many fear because the attachment to the shadow of sabotage and childhood restraints bind us to assumption, illusion and confusion on worthiness to excel.
Without self worth earned through the breakthrough called the life movement, we  settle in a story of our lives that has no apex or depth of retrieved soul. To touch the universe is to bath the depth and apex, to expand, amplify and gong the cosmic rhythm with reverence. Harmony is not peace. Harmony is chaos and peace, movement and stillness, revolution and reflection. Peace is strength to view life beyond duality into the home where everything is a play of form like the mandala watchfully receiving colors, patterns and forms to enhance its rhythm. Everything enhances the rhythm of soul when human is a pioneer. Resistance is pressure that deconstructs stone into sand. We are faced with resistance as a test to pressure our making to get wise, wiser, aware for the rhythm to challenge the offbeat, weakness, sluggish pound to improve vigor required to keep going with the harmony of the universe. This harmony is evolution, a storm of chaos like Planet Earth when a young child, all is harsh and uneasy, and the meditation of review like human becoming aware of a healing power to sooth restlessness.
Human is the Creator of the individual and collective mandala. Humanity is the Earthship to the universe of wealthy nutrients. Human co-creates with humanity to strengthen the rhythm of the individual and collective rhythm to more closely mirror the essence of who we are. We are Gaia!!! We are not the ages and eras transforming with the passion and reflection of humankind. We are the steadiness of acceptance that can face the darkness and lightness of human making with strength of color. The radiance of color in the mandala is the balance of form. When human evolves judgment and the attachment to a shape, form, pattern and idea humanity has an opportunity to be moved in a new way. The prisoner can be moved in a new way. The priest can be moved in a new way as well as the teacher, student, parent and child. We are moved by each other and sometimes the movement directs a course for destruction or creation. When human reviews the mandala from the fullness of its wheel, human is not fear of non-attachment but welcoming to it because only then can human reinvent ANY course. No matter how far offbeat, confused or disruptive the human can be with the mandala of vast color seen through the rose window humanity is a pioneer searching the depth and apex for a new way to be moved inside and out there in life bringing us closer to the steady acceptance called rhythmic harmony able to walk the intense and striking universe.