Somatic Shake

Somatic Shake
By Ivy Integration
Somatic shake is a daily practice of releasing and healing deep emotions trapped within the body. Somatic is a breath therapy for intentional release. Somatic is self-soothing, self-loving and gentle relaxation. Somatic shake includes massaging, rubbing, tapping with speratic, rhythmic, beastly and liberal movements.
The body harbors trauma, pain, tension and grief. Many times the trapped emotions can cause arrhythmia within the body. The body requires circulation but the buildup of emotions stored in  the body can interfere with the natural circulation of chi causing blockages, agitation and toxins. The heart is the movement that reorganizes, replenishes and heals the total system. The heart represents emotions. Emotions are meant to be circulated and never held onto. The heart never stops. It changes the pace but continuously moves.
When we experience an emotion such as sadness, grief, loneliness, disappointment, etc. that has a belief system attached to it, “I am weak to experience such emotion. I must not feel this emotion.” We suppress the emotion and cause arrhythmia in the movement of emotional chi. Emotional chi never stops. When it needs to cry, it cries. When it needs to dance, it dances. When it needs to relax, it relaxes. The belief system is what disrupts the natural process of emotional chi vitality. Without daily emotional release, we can become emotional imbalanced because the emotional chi isn’t circulating properly and causing buildup, blockages and tightness. Overtime, this causes painful stiffness in the tissues, hips, shoulders, mind and heart.
Somatic shake works with the rotation of the hips, shoulders and pelvic floor. It shakes the emotional chi and lets some of the buried dead chi stored in the body out for release. Somatic shake includes breath through the mouth. Heavy, stressful, emotions release through the open mouth. Somatic shake uses sighs, yawns, shouts, chants “har” and powerful sounds to allow the throat chakra to declog the buildup of unexpressed emotions. Somatic shake also uses pounding of chest, back bends, upper body rotation and chest, breast message, rubbing and tapping to allow the heart chakra to release buildup of grief, disappoint, guilt, regret, etc.
Somatic shake is similar to ecstatic dance, except somatic shake focuses a lot on shaking the body beastly to move out the held down dead chi. Dead chi is simply energy that wasn’t moved through the system. It got caught in the system and now is stored in the system. Chi is movement. Chi is pranayama, life force. Pranyama is not about holding it in but letting it go. The more we let go the more life force we have. The lighter the load the more movement we can create. The pranic body is about obtaining higher energy to manifest, alchemize, metabolize and harmonize density of the body finer.
Somatic shake strengthens the pranic body’s ability of refining energy through opening the mouth and sighing, shouting or chanting “har” in a powerful exhale. Somatic shake twists, turns, bends, stomps, jumps, leaps, rotates. etc. like rinsing out a dirty towel or washing emotions clean in the giggling, spinning and turning washing machine. Emotions come up, there is space to receive emotions and then emotions pass through the hips/shoulder, heart and throat to be let go of. Many people during or after somatic shake may feel overwhelmed, nervous, insecure, emotional and yet feel ease to know the sensations of dead chi are leaving. This gives a person more emotional energy for play and less sentimental, sympathy, self-pity, grief and nostalgic emotional energy that causes sluggishness, tiredness and anger. Where there are unexpressed emotions there is anger. Where there is dead chi in the body there is sluggishness. Where there is numbness in the body there is tiredness.
Somatic shake invites play, wonder and free flow to awaken creativity, divinity and sovereignty. Somatic shake encourages a person to “beat the drum of liberty.” Movements can be a calm lake, a wild sea, a swaying tree, a humming bee. There is no limit. Imagination and a sense of surrender are encouraged. Somatic shake is a desire to shed the skins of memories regarding hurt, pain and lose, release traumas out of the hips and shoulders (the two largest channels for emotional chi as well as spine) and shake out the dead chi by elevating the energy through the pranic body.
Overall, somatic shake is a therapy of getting all the tightness out! Somatic shake is for overcoming the belief system that keep a person held back, held down and held afraid of their own emotional power. Somatic shake is a desire to liberate the experience of life and awaken self-love. Somatic shake is a blessing for the body and a farewell to fears of feeling. Somatic shake is a journey of feeling because to know feeling is to master feeling and to master feeling is to manifest feeling. Vast majority have been trained to live unexpressed and are sluggish, tired and angry because of such imbalanced emotional life. Emotions are water and water needs to be moved or water becomes dense. Water too dense is swampy, dirty and full of toxins. Water is a powerful force. When it is clean, there is joy. When it is flowing, there is calmness. When it is constantly moving, there is vital emotional chi. Life is not meant to be lived in the past or in a unexpressed feeling that loops through the same pain. Life is movement. Life is a journey of feeling because to know feeling is to master feeling and to master feeling is to manifest feeling.
Sat Nam