Stagnation sends a Message

By Ivy Integration
          Stagnation is resistance to face the judgment that is blocking a renewal of self. Consistently we are receiving nudges, pushes, a yearning and calling to renew ourselves but judgment delays, drags out or stalls the progress. Resistance is tension in the body and mind and overtime through continued avoidance of the tightness can cause a rock bottom or rut. We are designed to be fresh, radiant and clear headed. We have a heart to enliven our blood, cells, bones, muscles, tissues and brain matter, a breath to purify the total system, movement to massage rigidness limber and clean in the body and mind and charkas (glands) to refine the body and mind. This is the basic function of our vessel given to us to release dullness and receive freshness.
Resistance for many is unconscious. It becomes an impulse to have sex, drink alcohol or fill all our time with people. These impulses are to persuade the inner nudge, push, yearning or calling “Everything is good! I am fine!” and yet we are belittling ourselves by keeping it small. The nudge, push, yearning and calling is to expand our lives. Resistance latches to status quo to maintain a level of security and comfort. However, many do not feel secure or comfortable but complacent. Security is a luxury given from the richness of life experience. Comfort is established roots with an authentic identity. We view security and comfort as a wife/husband, large house, possessions and credentials but are without ecstasy, expansion or higher, wiser understanding of the self and other.
          Our soul wants to live a luxurious and authentic life because we are material and spiritual beings. It is the regal character we are encouraged to capture from life. With a regal character, dignified and innocent, our ability to move forward in life becomes fearless. However, judgment must be faced or it lives unconscious while we live out its paranoia, anxiety, self-doubt and delay initiating ourselves wiser through asserting our sovereignty into new territories of the multi-verse called the self.
          Overcoming stagnation is practicing authenticity. The further away we are from our authentic rhythm the more challenging and difficult it is to follow the nudge, push, yearning and calling. When we begin to realign with the authentic rhythm we start a journey of self-discovery through play. Play brings the inner child to the forefront. Play, either through playing the piano, dancing, singing, surfing, climbing a tree, forest bathing or learning a new language, it reestablishes the learners mind of the child.
The learners mind is our authentic rhythm before judgment and confinement of possibility. Children understanding failure, mistakes, progress and quantum leaps as a process. They do not shame themselves for failure, mistakes or place themselves above others because they reach great progress in their studies. Children know progress as collaboration and inclusion and quantum leaps as concentration and a joy for learning.
Adults have a fixed mind and are easy to shame for failure or mistakes. We are easy to put ourselves above or below someone else by our accomplishments. We are not collaborative or inclusive. We are competing through belittlement. Children are not this until adults install it. Children are enthusiastic and courageous. They are willing to experiment, explore and evolve. They are never stagnate, in ruts or stuck because they have a pioneering spunk that finds a way. How adults open new possibilities is learning. When there is a joy for learning life is open. When there is a fixed mind life is closed and we are out of creative solution to refine reality.
Freshness in the body and mind is play. Play moves the body in new ways and encourages the mind to learn new things to grow wiser. Play initiates us into a deeper self-trust and inspires us to be unique. Play is the philosopher, engineer, teacher or astronaut who is seeking creative solution to bring a fierce self-confidence. Play is the sovereignty that uses sensitivity to trust the body and mind to be constructive. Either we have strayed from authenticity for months or decades, we can realign with our authentic rhythm through play. Depending on how destructive and arrhythmic we’ve been determines how much fear we must overcome to offset the imbalances of our life. Regardless, dignify and innocence, is a fearless path of getting straight. Children are straight forward. Life isn’t a scrambled mess of miscellaneous pursuits of approval. The child is a seeker of a clean and clear path and creative innovation to clean and clear the path.