Healing Childhood Anger
Childhood Anger
Ivy Integration
When we are denied our natural and native rhythm, shamed,
judged, ridiculed or belittled for being our natural and native rhythm as a
child we step outside the authenticity and sovereignty of the Inner Child and
take on the conventions of the parents, society, environment etc. This separation
with the Inner Child distances us from our inherent ability to manifest creative
reality on Planet Earth. Without craftsmanship of the Inner Child to be wise we
cannot alchemize our experiences, circumstances and situations evolutionary and
become Earth bound, bound to the social, economic, mental, emotional, etc. dilemma
and lose our power of innovation and creative problem solving. It is most
frustrating to not know how to be wise with life. The childhood anger is the
Inner Child out of reach. We view manifestation as intend, “go get”, prayer, meditation,
reflection and betterment of self. Manifestation is rarely thought as the will
of the Inner Child. Many adults are out of touch with the Inner Child. The
Inner Child is the vision, vision quest, leadership and authentic character to the
adult’s creative reality. The Inner Child is the manifestor!!!
Every human being wants to ignite
creative reality. The childhood anger is the disruption, inference and cut in
the childhood that became our unsafe, uncomfortable, insecure and ungrounded sense of self. Manifestation
is trust. We cannot have trust without feeling safe, comfortable, secure and
grounded in our lives. Trust is the Inner Child who envisions and executes creativity. The Inner Child is the closest version of ourselves to
God. The more we step away from the Inner Child the more difficult it is to
trust in ourselves, to have intuition, faith, courage and divine awareness. We
become more and more Earth bound and are less able to mediate the soul and the
soul in a human body.
The Inner Child is our window into creative reality. The closer we are to the Inner Child the wider the window is
to creative reality on Planet Earth. Unfortunately, the window is closed to
many people. Many adults can no longer look into the window of creativity and
become more and more bound to the Earth and less open to the infinite flow of
divine creation. Childhood anger must be healed for the Inner Child to return.
Childhood anger is most destructive. It takes denied native rhythm, shame, judgment, ridicule
and belittlement from the childhood and creates a pattern of sabotage or low
self esteem. The Inner Child cannot be received as long as sabotage prevails. Sabotage blocks the inspiration, enthusiasm, charisma and vision of
the Inner Child. No matter how encouraging the Inner Child sabotage
always prevails, UNTIL, we heal childhood anger. The Inner Child prevails over
sabotage when we take care of ourselves, mind, body and spirit because the
greatest sabotage is to neglect body, mind and spirit. When we neglect
body, mind and spirit we are unavailable and closed to the Inner Child because
we don’t have the vitality, clarity and soulfulness to trust. Trust is a
practice of healing the body, mind and spirit. Without such ritual trust is
Childhood anger stores in the pelvis and
the tension from denied native rhythm, shame, judgment, ridicule and belittlement from childhood becomes the ridged movement of the body. For this Ivy Integration we are massaging the
stiffness in the pelvis. The pelvis is our window to creative reality. When it
is closed we are closed to creativity. We find it difficult to execute creative
reality. We do not feel safe, comfortable or secure when the pelvis is
locked and do not trust ourselves. Insecurity lives in the locked pelvis. By
massaging stiffness and unlocking the movement of the pelvis we are aligning ourselves to a pilgrimage able to reach the depth and apex of creative reality.
Pilgrimage requires strong and agile mobility, our will to be moved and movement forward but with a
locked pelvis we are unfit to follow through on the Inner Child’s command. Healing the pelvis liberates
the childhood anger. It sets free the built up of creative energy ignored, denied
or caged in the pelvis and returns our liberty of movement to climb, walk,
stride, leap, swim, glide, surf with freedom.
For this Ivy Integration we are releasing the tension
everywhere in the shape of the body by shaking the body shapeless for what is
true to reshape us and what isn’t to shed off the body/mind. We are creating
heat of transmutation and purification by shaking beastly to burn the
shape of denied native rhythm, shame, judgment, ridicule and belittlement from
the childhood for the shape of authenticity and sovereignty to reform tissue, muscle and bone back into freedom of the Inner Child.
The medicine is a Kundalini Yoga 2
part series. Part 1 heals the pelvis and part 2 reshapes the body.
Meditations included are to liberate the creative reality and balance the
center of our universe.