
By Ivy Integration
What is resonance? Many of us believe if we affirm it, the desire appears but this is a spiritual bypass. Affirmation without resonance does not have the caliber or container to obtain that which we desire. We wish for great wealth but if our caliber or container is stained, cracked and leaky, wealth is draining. No matter how much we obtain, our caliber or container isn’t efficient at keeping the continuity lively, resourceful and innovative.
We affirm wealth but are not lively, resourceful or innovative. Without such practice of being lively, resourceful and innovative we do not have the sharpness of a blade to cut through the excess, randomness and negativity of our opposition, delay and set back in the mind. Affirmation with doubt is a desire without risk or manifestation and therefore, lacks impact or momentum/experience to develop itself into a caliber capable and able to hold that which it desires.
The caliber for a momentum of positive habits is liveliness, resourcefulness and innovation. Lively, we have the energy to overcome, surmount and slay our greatest obstacles in the mind. Resourceful, we are cultivating talents and gifts that expand our perception, understanding and give us a teacher, an ancient knowledge that connects us to the wisdom of abundance, clarity and intuition. Innovation, we have the creative flexibility to rewrite our fate and decide our destiny.
Affirmation is an introduction to the path like the first day of school. We are rarely given a lecture, assignment and study on the first day but an overview of that which we will be learning, growing and understanding for mastery. Affirmation is very much like this. It is an overview of that which we want to learn, grow and understand for mastery. The work begins when the student receives lectures, assignments, study and of courses tests and our passing and failing determine our caliber. A good caliber is capable and able to maybe not receive an A++ but is lively, resourceful and innovative enough to pass. But we don’t want to listen and be attentive to the lecture. We don’t want to be given beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons we must pass before we can move forward. We don’t want to put in the contemplative, journaling, discovering and deepening work from study. We want to affirm our desire while doing what we’ve always done which properly has nothing to do with risk or manifestation but doubtful opposition in the mind.

We want our affirmation to prove it is real before we begin our journey. Many of us affirm for weeks, months or years what we want and are frustrated, angry and confused. Why hasn’t it come yet—I’ve been affirming? But we haven’t begun our journey. It’s like attending the first day of school with high hopes of succeeding but then spending the school semester waiting for long term proof that each lecture, assignment and study has benefit and therefore, instead of diving into the joy of learning we are out of the experience daydreaming about the last day and stun our growth. We all want expedited growth because we get what we want faster but that only comes from deep observation, attentiveness, deep contemplation, journaling, discovering and self-awareness. And this requires being lively, resourceful and innovative. It is a velocity we ride when we are lively, resourceful and innovative. It is like Nikola Telsa who can take the first day of school and turn basic learning on the subject into a full education because of the capacity and ability to learn by pre-cognitive understanding through deep intuitive knowing and doubtless trust. If we had a very tried and true intuition, creative intelligence and self esteem we wouldn’t spend most of our semester seeking proof to the relevancy of the experience and more time using the experience to expedite our growth.
When we are ready to apply affirmation, we begin a journey of lecture, assignment and study with tests to pass. This establishment of resonance decides the caliber and its capacity and ability to hold higher energy. This is what desire is, energy, and we are on the hunt for energy because without it we cannot hold the space long enough for the energetics to alter the energetics of our field. Either it be love, wealth, health or happiness, the inner resonance is affirmation in the practical and we cannot daydream what our body commands as practical into reality until we change the energetics that command what is practical and not practical for us. Therefore, we can say I Am a Thriving Artist but if our energetics command that is not practical than receiving that in our field is not as easy as a person who has the energetics commanding being a thriving artist as more than practical.
The saying “fake it until you make it” encourages application to affirmation even though affirmation isn’t quit believable to the energetics that command our affirmation is not practical. The lecture, assignment and study are the risk and manifestation of our experience, the experience we require to expand our energetic capability and ability to invite newer patterns of energetic practicality. The lecture is the listening, attentiveness to the teacher or expander. Assignment is developing intuition from liveliness, resourcefulness and innovation. And the study is applying talent and tools to our progress. This path is our own and comes naturally to the doubtless and changeable/moldable.
In the following, I am providing the essence of resonance and how you can dissect yours to uncover ways you can refine and improve your resonance to be an impactful and commanding resonance instead of an out of date, hand me down and daydream affirmation. Like I said, it is a velocity we ride when we are expediting our growth to be student and teacher, learner and master simultaneous. This is the deep—we must evolve into in order to conquer, balance and manage the many aspects, personalities, unconscious patterns, parental patterns, life style patterns, relationship patterns, self esteem, self worth, deserving, practicality, inner realities, talents,–we are very dynamic and require deepening work to meet our true desire and the resonance.
Now, keep in mind lively, resourceful and innovative because this is our foundation for the flexibility of our energetics to expand outside the set expression of itself. There are four elements to resonance––discipline, life style, environment and radiance. Discipline is the daily practice of self talent and self respect. Talent involves expression of emotions, creative outlet, discovery of thought forms and their origins and unknotting self from collective self for authentic glow to grow. Respect is self-worth, dignity, patience, tolerance/endurance, self-responsibility and self-control. When we are working on a talent we are learning our emotions, creative niche, discovering the thoughts form encouraging and discouraging and their origins with self-awareness, unknotting ourselves from collective practical and establishing “our” practical. “Our” practical creates an identity based on a growing talent that helps us craft self-worth through progress, dignity through trusting our niche, patience/tolerance/endurance by deepening our practice and self-responsibility and self-control by taking ownership of our consistency and commitment to our inspiration.
Lifestyle is our daily ritual of reverence or blah. A ritual is either a disruption or greater understanding. Many of us live a lifestyle of blah meaning our daily life doesn’t bring us greater understanding, deeper meaning/knowledge, and breakthrough experience. It becomes a stale piece of bread. True ritual brings reverence, victory and expansion or inspiration into our daily life. Therefore, we must find a ritual that gives us a feeling of pleasure, enjoyment and balance. Either it is kundalini yoga in the early morning 4:00-8:00am, morning herbal tea, morning journaling, writing or painting, anything that makes the body feel easeful and youthful, the mind positive and the aura glowing with creative expression. Again, this is your path to discover and master. A good life style creates a momentum of good feeling, attitude and perspective and can affect your understanding of self and impact on the world.
Environment is a person, place and thing that either gives reverence or blah. We need to ask ourselves––what objects in my house do not expand or inspire me? What places do I visit that do not expand or inspire me? What people do I spend my time with that does not bring out the best in me? It is time to get real. This is the most challenging because we are creatures of habit but the resonance is greatly affected by person, place and thing in our field. Think of a person, place and thing as something in your aura. Do you want it in your aura? Does it clog, drain, weaken, discourage or bring blah into your aura? Let’s say our corporate work place is blah we can invite a magical plant to bring freshness, or a painting of Lakshmi for creativity, or a rose quartz for softness or a painting we drew for self-compassion. We need to do the same for our home. Our home is not some place we crash at when we’re tired like a motel. It is our temple, sanctuary, haven, bridge to the divine, healing place of self-compassion. If it is not such thing it is time to eliminate and invite ancient practices of beauty and grace into person, place and thing. As well as friendships should never be an interaction with our uninspired or bored self but lively, resourceful and innovative self.
Lastly, radiance is clearing the toxins from body and mind that dull the inherent right to be radiant. A big part of resonance and caliber is our capacity to hold a lot of energy. Energy level is equal to radiance level. The more radiant we are the more energy we have. However, the toxins we invite into our body and mind are stains in our container and acidic burning in our container walls leaving weak patches. Our field needs to be consolidated in a healthy physical, mental, emotional, sensual and sexual body (7 chakras and 10 bodies). But we all know what we’re inviting into our energetics. We pretend we don’t know what we are doing to ourselves because we allow oblivion to be unreached. This may sound brazen to those with addiction to food, drink, drug, person but our will is our strength given proper nourishment and instructions and the command we must have for desire/energy to lead our making. Our radiance is influenced by our discipline and our greater understanding through the study of self and the responsibility of self destruction and creation and how we create a positive momentum/experience for caliber capacity to hold higher energy. When our caliber or container is weak we cannot hold any higher energy and are at the mercy of circumstance but when our caliber is nourished and instructed by the ritual of reverence and supporting person, place and thing we are the inner environment of our own and this creates a consolidated caliber that is resonating on a velocity of one’s own narrative of victory.
Overall, the resonance we desire is our affirmation. We affirmI Am Beauty. I Am Grace. I Am Love. I Am Joy. I Am Healthy. But our resonance is our discipline given to beauty, lifestyle given to a ritual of beauty, environment of beautiful people, places and things and radiance inside that glows beauty. I Am Beauty is resonating at the essence of beauty which is taking our natural talents and courageously applying them to our daily practice of self respect for our energetics to learn, grow and evolve into that which we give to ourselves in the body, mind and field. Essence of anything is essence of the self, the soul and the innocence and command to evolve back to what is resonance of lively, resourceful and innovative enough to honor life through the honoring of self, self in other and the lecture, assignment and study of all things, student and teacher.