The Trenches of Karmic and the Chariot of Dharmic

By Ivy Integration
            Many want to know, what is a karmic situation? People find themselves in relationship patterns that tire the spirit, lower the energy and exhaust abundance. Overall, there is a dilemma or appeared block in receiving and giving the highest love. There are high levels of love and prosperity on this planet. However, vast majority must cross through karmic situations and come out clean in order to reach high level of love and prosperity.
            Many people are upset about their relationship situation. They aren’t getting what they want. They are unfulfilled. They are bored. They are stagnate. They are confused. They are defeated. Why, they ask? The relationship situation leaves them less of themselves, less confident and more fearful. Everyone must cross through this shadow realm to enter dharma, where the true, omega prosperity is, mind, body and spirit mastery.
            Karmic patterns reveal to us our holes in power. We all want to be whole within ourselves and not have to deal with low vibrational experiences such as unreciprocated love, abandonment, rejection, lust turn into hate, overall, imbalance or dilemma in giving and receiving higher love. No one wants a karmic pattern that doesn’t elevate, inspire or empower us to dream BIG but holds us down. But, we have holes in power.
            The holes in power come from childhood. When we are young, 0-5 years old especially, we are a sponge. We soak up everything in our environment and the blocks from our partners, care takers and ancestors, as well as our own past lives. These blocks create our earliest self concept and depending on the self concept of our environment, parents, care takers, etc. we develop a relationship pattern. The holes in power are doubt and discouragement. These two heavy concepts lead to karmic patterns of seeking approval aka dumbing ourselves down, imposter self and “I am not good enough” syndrome. We all carry these karmic patterns but to what extend depends on the early development of the person.
            Holes in power attract major life lessons, karmic situations, for repair. In the pain and dissatisfaction we wonder, “How is this repairing me when all I feel is destroyed by this person, life lesson?” In order, for us to be ready and available to realize the BIG dream, we must experience the karmic situation to heal the shadow part of ourselves that is seeking approval aka dumbing ourselves down, creating imposter self and sabotaging with “I am not good enough” defeat. True, omega love and prosperity isn’t for the weak mind, body and spirit easily brought down by doubt and discouragement. True, omega love and prosperity is an opportunity ready and available for all but vast majority are not ready and available to dream BIG and believe without overwhelming doubt and discouragement.
            Where there is doubt and discouragement there is a karmic situation to feed into that. The experience of a painful relationship that leaves us less confident and more fearful is the universe’s way of revealing how we are not ready or available for true, omega love and prosperity. True, omega love and prosperity cannot awaken the fullness of our BIG dream as long as we are seduced into doubt and discouragement that leads us into low self worth partners that tire, exhaust and weaken our energy. Karmic situation feels blocked in the way creativity is small. No one wants a relationship that thinks, feels and acts small. This is our greatest test we must cross through to reach the other side of human destiny, dharma, which is more about being fearless, concentrated, direct and bold rather then being fearful, confused, indecisive and low vitality.
            The universe wants to surprise us with true, omega love and prosperity but we have to be willing to cross all the way through the smallness of karmic patterns that truly tire our spirit and step into largeness of honoring, loving and believing in the BIG self, who is protective over their energy. Our energy isn’t freeing given to whoever. Our energy is given to those who earn a doorway to our energy. But, karmic situations is confusing in the way we freely give our energy to whoever and end up confused because the person we interlocked with fed our doubt and discouragement but did not feed our BIG dream. When we protect our energy we are looking at the BIG dream. We ask ourselves, "Does this relationship feed my doubt and discouragement, the part of me seeking approval aka dumbing ourselves down, imposter self and “I am not good enough”, or does it electrify my creativity, awaken the greater potential in me. There is a BIG difference many realize and begin to take steps towards getting clear on what they want and build that up because of this inner authentic conversation.
            First, the BIG dream must be built up within us. There are many people complaining why they keep participating in tiring relationships and want real love but are doing nothing to build themselves up. Where there is doubt and discouragement there must be a stronger vibration of courage and encouragement to prevail over sabotage thinking. There is no energy in complaining, over thinking, obsessing, second guessing and attaching. It goes nowhere and does not build us up but keep us as we are. Expansive relationship is expansive person and expansion isn’t a do nothing and let it happen. Doubt and discouragement can be so heavy many times that we cannot simple do nothing and let it happen. We must be an active participate in the reinvention of our mind. A BIG dream challenges the matrix and the limitation in the mind. Therefore, it takes BIG participation in believing in oneselves when so many people rather be small than step up and be tall. Participation is deciding the level of self worth and creating the life style that protects it. For example, if a person wants self worth to receive an abundant partner than the life style this person must lead is abundance either in mind, (knowledge), body, (beauty), spirit (depth) or all of the above. This person protects their decision by setting boundaries and not going for Tom/Dick or Harry types who have nothing to offer except maybe sex and flimsy emotions. Self worth must be protected and if it is not our true, omega love and prosperity is not protected.
            Karmic situation is not a curse, bad karma, bad luck or demonic interference. It is the holes in power. Of course, there are negative ties, attachments and limiting beliefs that will seep into our energy through the holes and disrupt our readiness and availability to receive true, omega love and prosperity but we know this in coming to Earth. Therefore, we prepare before we even arrive on planet Earth. It is up to us to heal the holes in power from doubt and discouragement by deciding our self worth and protecting it. Decide your self worth and protect it! Major tests will come in to seduce us into smaller ways of thinking, feeling and living such as seduce us into a relationship like our mothers or grandmothers, etc. that isn’t whole with the fullness of love and prosperity. It is our duty to remain protective over our BIG self worth by participating in a life style that gives us BIG energy. A higher love gives us BIG energy not lower energy, tired energy or confused energy. Higher love gives us greater power. But, higher love requires BIG energy from a person and if we are still interlocked with low energy, tired energy or confused energy in karmic situations we won’t have the BIG energy to attract higher love and are more likely to have more low, tired and confused energy orbiting our energy. Until, we say NO to the low self worth and YES to protection over our power.
            Overall, our power isn’t given to whoever. Power given to whoever is dangerous. When we are in a relationship we are emerging our power together with theirs. Therefore, we must ask ourselves, “Do I want a piece of me with them and a piece of them with me?” When in contemplation we feel less energized and more burdensome then it is a NO. Again, our power is earned like a diploma is earned through consistency and intelligence.
Many people are desperately trying to fill their holes with the power of another person and attach themselves to a person or obsess over a person or have unreciprocated love. This is heartbreaking to realize the holes in power cannot be filled by another person. It must be repaired through protected self worth. True, omega love and prosperity may not seem worth it in the hard road of building ourselves up from pain into wholeness but manifesting a relationship that is whole power, BIG energy is the greatest victory in love but few experience it. It is more private or secret then publically known because few people have the energy to cross through the trenches of karmic patterns to reach their healed power.
Finally, how we align deeper with our protected higher self worth is to say NO to the “filler” relationships or unproductive habits and YES to the pilgrimage of healing through creativity, mediation and play that uplifts the energy higher and wiser. The wasteland on this planet is intense. Therefore, we cannot align deeper with our protected higher self worth when our psychic energy is cluttered by the noise or soupy intelligence of people, places and things. The psychic energy is our clarity, vision and authentic self. When it is scrambled by noise or soupy intelligence we cannot see clearly who we are in the bigger picture, Akashic Record BIG energy. We are lost to the noise or soupy intelligence and end up nowhere, stagnate, emotionally immature and restless, seeking psychic energy in people to fill the holes in power. Without psychic power we cannot envision, visualize and become visionary. To envision, visualize and become visionary is the foundation to having a BIG dream and BIG energy. Psychic energy soupy is a foundation without solid ground or wisdom, self-knowledge to navigate planet Earth. Wisdom, self-knowledge wants to come through to help us advance, enhance and refine our life but wisdom, self-knowledge comes through the psychic energy of a person. Therefore, keep the mind clean, keep the body strong, nervous system strong and keep the spirit very much alive!
            BIG energy is what we need to repair and heal our holes in power. BIG energy isn’t a person, place or thing we grip onto but a BIGGER person, place and thing we become to life. Do not fight the karmic situation that wants to play out. Let yourself see and hear psychically! The moment we see and hear psychically into our karmic situation only then do we begin to sense the holes in power from doubt and discouragement that has us standing small, thinking small and small energy. Karmic situation is standing small, thinking small and small energy and a karmic relationship drops us deeper down into small self worth. Therefore, protected self worth is the visionary building themselves up by targeting the holes in power through seeing and hearing psychically into the life style, thinking habits, feelings to repair and heal with a strong projection/will to believe in the BIG dream. BIG energy then becomes our higher vibration but BIG energy isn’t give to whoever. BIG energy is a person built up by the psychic energy, projection/will and protected self worth aligning life style into a vessel for the universe to come through in the timing of the greatest success of the person.