Getting Real

Getting Real
By Ivy Integration
In this “Getting Real” series we are diving into the childhood subconscious, expander vision and the breakthrough discipline. Everyone on this planet comes from an environment, ideology, religious influence, conditioned reasoning and responding, self image possibility, auric field capacity and energetic caliber. These installations in the emotional, psychological and energetic bodies write our relating capacity, function and possibility.
Let’s look at possibility. For every human being, possibility is different depending on the above mentioned. Therefore, possibility can be an abundant tool kit with resources for victory, healing modalities, prolific creativity, intellectual capacity to understand a range of perspective/perception and higher energy for trail blazing endurance and consistence. Or a mix with unrealized potential dulled through denied application, ignored or atrophied intuition leading to a malnourished life experience, underdeveloped sense of self, statues quo ego game of pretend and complacent willingness to take the journey of challenge for talents and gifts awakened. In this series we are rewriting our possibility from the source of our spirit and reorganizing ourselves to align with possibility that is inspiring and empowering to relate to.
This does not mean it will not be easy as all visionaries on a quest for deeper impact and greater creative understanding and meaning understand. But with the energetic body, replenished and flexible like the movements of a child, we are able to change quite easily and effortlessly and we can hold the caliber long enough for energetics to take structure in our aura. Once energetics take structure in our aura, we have successfully integrated spirit possibility beyond the mold given from early environment, ideology, religious influence, etc. (as above mentioned) that set the stage for our growth and development.
Now our energetic caliber is created by the mother in utero. A caliber is the energetic hierarchy from ugly poverty consciousness to regal elegance. The caliber is created from the mother’s creative spark, self image based on dignity, integrity and ability to make life happen for themselves and neuroplasticity. A mother with high dignity would upgrade the caliber of the child from collective desperation, low on the energy hierarchy scale and a mother very desperate would lower the inherent access to neuroplasticity or the ability to rearrange perspective/perception to innovate for problem solving, leaving human left to limited more primitive understanding on how to make life happen for themselves.
Overall, we want our caliber to be creative, dignified with healthy neuroplasticity or ability to organize our brain patterns to align with what our spirit wants. That is the game of neuroplasticity. Our spirit has a calling but our atrophied neuroplasticity cannot rearrange its set mold given from environment, ideology, religious influence, etc. (as above mentioned) and calibrate itself to create the energetics for spirit’s possibility to structure the aura.
This is the diagram for the spirit relating to the body and mind. The spirit is infinite. The body is flexible. The mind is finite. The pathway for the spirit integrating its infinite or creative realization is through the caliber. The high caliber creates energetics. Energetics set the aura and the magnetism of the aura, healthy with neuroplastic alchemy the spirit can come through.
The auric field capacity is the mantra of our sound current. Mantra is mind wave and when vibrating high provides healthy neuroplasticity. For those of you still unsure what neuroplasticity is and how it serves the energetics, the aura and our manifestation, Mantra, for example, Ek Ong Kar Sat Sam Siri Wahe Guru, a high vibrating or very cosmic frequency, nourishes the brains ability to stretch its finite patterns opening potential in the brain to receive fresher or more modern pathways of thought. Most of us carry pathways of thought very old and outdated but what has triggered the recaliberation of the brain on this planet for every human is the Technology Age. The information arranged, rearranged and displayed for all of us to see has triggered the brains natural ability to arrange and rearrange for efficiency. The brain wants to invite new and fresh ideas into its self because that keeps the continuity healthy and active. But our energetics comprised of subconscious, unconscious patterning has our brain’s natural neuroplastic alchemy stagnant or unworked for centuries.
Therefore, it is absolutely important we improve the energetics of our alchemy through installing vibratos that rattle and shake our tight, stiff and unmoved subconscious, unconscious stuff into new and fresh arranged patterns. But this is even more challenging because we must go through rock bottom, rut and depression as our energetic state dulls out of the system entirely. Rock bottom, rut and depression in manifestation is the subconscious, unconscious pattern, that doesn’t serve us, trying to make its way out but our resistance is to hold onto what is very old and comfortable for the primitive self to be functional for survival. However, we must let the old pattern in the subconscious, unconscious dull out for an updated pattern to take root in the brain wave.
We can support our auric field sound current by amplifying mantras such as Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru that are very penetrative at updating our brain quickly and strengthening our neuroplasticity or ability to organize our brain avenues to channel energy of thoughts into a wavelength receptive to innovation and creativity required for human destiny.
Now that we know the caliber of the mother decides our energetic state on the manifestation capability scale or hierarchy from ugly poverty consciousness to regal elegance, energetics or healthy glandular system, chakra balance from worthiness craft our aura and the radiance of the aura opens possibility, we can dive into the relationship we wish and want.
The childhood subconscious is the partner that reflects the father and grandfather for a woman and mother and grandmother for man. Many of us go through what we call, “Relationship Patterns” where we keep attracting the same relationship or partner that isn’t what we truly wish or want. This is because we are reenacting the story of our mother’s self worth. Meaning as a child we took on the worth of the mother and grandmother. The only way for us to rewrite our worth is to will ourselves to make a new choice. The pull to keep the worth of the mother and grandmother is strong because it has most likely traveled through several generations and played out in many different ways but overall is the same.
Therefore, we require discipline, more discipline than we would like. But this will get us the relationship we wish and want a lot quicker because we are saying NO to the bullshit and not dragging bullshit out for years and years. What is bullshit? It is the settling we do because our outdated worth from mother and grandmother and the worth of our spirit calling for higher worth has caused fear in our ability to hold the spirit’s calling for higher worth long enough, patient enough for the energetics to structure and the aura to become a possibility not that of the mother and grandmother.
But we are very impatient and resistant to get real with ourselves because we wish and want but do not wish or want the discipline required for such wish and want. Unfortunately, those without discipline may have many relationships but none are the breakthrough because breakthrough discipline is a discipline. Therefore, friends with benefits is not going to invite higher worth unless that is our wish and want to have sex with no responsibility but this does not create energetics for a magnetic aura because a strong aura is a very self-responsible aura. Self-responsible clears out the mood of our entitled, self-important, pessimistic, angry, upset lives and gets clear we decide how we are not anyone or anything. This is the inherent sovereignty that is also our liberation from auric interlock with lack of self-responsibility that dulls the aura. Managing the self is our will to make the self as the spirit intends. Without such management the self isn’t making intents realized.
Many of us wonder, “Why haven’t I found my partner yet?” We pout at not finding the right partner but still fail the test of saying no to the partner that reflects our father, grandfather and the men we’ve had before or for a man mother, grandmother, women of the past. If we are still lingering in our rebound pattern of leaving relationships, never learning the lesson and repeating the same we are not real enough and our energetics are not there. We can consciously say we want the right partner but our energetics and aura needs to command that and a command is a leadership, a discipline that does not settle, may compromise but never lowers its natural joy. Many of us are not commanding our discipline into breakthrough because we are interlocked with the status quo of other people’s lives. We can stun our growth when we compare and compete against other people. We must hold our high worth as a possibility or creativity that is our own because this gives us the joy of visualizing what is not out there but deep inside.
How to break through the childhood subconscious? You need discipline, like I mentioned, to honor your pose of higher worth and the pathway is through journaling. This is how we get real.
I will describe my journaling process and guide you through your own. In the first impactful relationship I decided to not rebound as many people do and to sit patently with myself to not learn the lesson but master the lesson. I decided I did not want to drag out bullshit until I’m thirty five. I wanted to recognize the bullshit and move beyond it. My journaling process took months but the similarities between my first partner and my father and grandfather were very close. Also, an almost boyfriend before my first partner has similarities as well. I write my revelations and breakthrough discipline along the emotional, psychological and energetic pattern.
First partner and his main inner state…
Emotional–insensitive, unable to express his feelings, checked out
My father and grandfather are the same
Psychological–father issues create insecurity, selfishness, low intelligence and inability to be responsible for fears and moods
My father and grandfather both have father issues, financial fear and lack of responsibility for their psychological state.
Energetics–lack of energy, unable to stand up for self and others
My father and grandfather both lack enthusiasm, liveliness or jazz for life.
Looking at the similarities, I can bring awareness to my childhood subconscious pattern and will myself to make a new choice by receiving a partner who is sensitive to other people’s feelings, expressive and attentive to emotions of self and other, has a healthy and happy relationship with father, inclusive of others, expanded or knowledgeable intelligence, responsible for his fears and moods and energetic enough to stand up for himself and others.
You can follow my model and see what you discover. Once you discover the childhood subconscious pattern you save yourself years of rebound after rebound and relationships that do not go anywhere. The reason “those” relationships do not go anywhere because they aren’t meant to. Your spirit’s calling wants you to not just learn the lesson but master it and get to the real wish and want for this incarnation. Many of us reenact our mother and grandmother’s partner for women unconsciously until we decide to hold a new pose and allow that foreign or uniquely hold our own pose to reveal to us the higher worth awaiting our discipline to not allow what doesn’t serve or doesn’t light us up. And what doesn’t light us up is the emotional, psychological and energetics of a partner that doesn’t bring color to our visualization.
Therefore, visualization is our tool towards holding the caliber of our auric responsibility long enough for our nature given to us by our early environment, ideology, religious influence, etc. (as above mentioned) to become the nature that is uniquely our own solidified by the willingness to say no to the rebound, repeat, reenact and yes to that which updates, evolves us beyond the mother, the father and into a new mold more closely connected to the freshness of our potential.
Now the expander pattern is “the one that got away” or the “too good to be true that didn’t work out” or the “I let a good thing go.” An expander partner is an invitation to expand our possibility most likely following an outdated stream of energy and improve our neuroplastic alchemy to receive something uniquely fresh to our generation. Usually, we attract this partner during a time in our life when we are doing something that goes against the outdated stream of energy given from parents, grandparents and step outside our familiar zone. We can either be in college, in a foreign country, somewhere doing something that brings renewal of possibility to our life.
The reason this relationship did not work out is because we couldn’t hold that higher caliber just yet. It was the spirit calling showing us the way towards our breakthrough discipline. The break up isn’t meant to discourage us or return us back to the old and outdated relationship pattern but encourage us to begin our journey of evolving our worth higher. The “impactful creative” I like to call the expander relationship is impactful in the way it inspires us to be unique and creative in the way it asks of us to create our destiny instead of sluggishly be pulled into the reenact of what has been experienced way too much in the generations before us. The impactful creative also evokes soulfulness which is a reminder that we have a spirit calling and that the human soul has a wish and want very real and available. Usually, this partner triggers us to align with a dharma path which is a journey of finding our innocence, joy and purification so that we can reinvent the forever evolving relating to self, other and the planet.
Finally, the breakthrough discipline is finding an expander vision to help us stay the course of our breakthrough. An expander vision is the ideal partner that has the emotional, psychological and energetics that we wish and want. However, an expander vision isn’t a fairy tale. It is a cultivation of intuition, clues towards what is our spirit calling.
Some people have a visualization that is nowhere close to their auric capacity. Meaning they are drawn to a magnetic aura but do not have a magnetic aura. This is the dilemma in having an expander vision. The expander vision is someone we find in a movie, overall a person that is real and gives us joy to receive in our partner. However, our energetics must be aligned to our expander vision. For example, if our expander is very expanded in his or her intelligence and yet we are very confined in our thinking, we do not have the energetics to align to such a partner and should strengthen our open mindedness to improve our auric field capacity to receive an intellectually expanded partner. For example, if our expander vision is someone very creative but we lack creativity. Therefore, we do not have the energetics to align to such a partner and should take painting classes or write poetry, etc. to strengthen our auric field capacity to receive a highly creative person into our life. For example, we could be very playful and silly naturally and our expander vision is someone who is always professionally serious and corporate closed off. Our energetics isn’t suitable for theirs and we may be drawn to them because we do not entirely accept our playfulness and silliness and have a subconscious judgment that feels we must not embrace such things about ourselves. Overall, it is a cultivation of intuition that is the expander vision.
We must remember polarity. Energetics have polarity and our partnerships bring polarity. Therefore, we are not seeking a partner who is everything we are or everything we are not. We are seeking energetics that aligns with our authentic rhythm. Our authentic rhythm may be very serious and that is why we attract playful partners because that makes our authentic rhythm more well-rounded instead of static. We are looking for dynamic and not static. But the fairy tale or fantasy is having an expander that amplifies our wish but we are not cultivating the want meaning aligning ourselves or creating that creative, abundant, resourceful, smart, etc. within ourselves.
As we uncover and breakthrough blocks, the main ones being judgment that leads us into relationships that don’t help us to embrace our natural expression, a BIG one is an unavailable relationship that mirrors our fear of never getting what we truly wish and want – it is unavailable because we are unavailable to ourselves and the spirit calling for higher worth, we get to discover the emotional, psychological and energetics of ourself. For example, my personal mantra is I Am Natural. I Am Creative. I Am Simple. I Am Natural in the way I Am Enthusiastic with High Energy. I Am Creative in the way I am Musical and Poetic. I Am Simple in the way I Enjoy Forest Bathing or Reading Books or Making Tea. These innocent visions of self guide us towards our honest overview of what we truly wish and want.
The energetics and the elevation, upgrade and modification, is alchemy directly from the looseness, wonder and play of our exploring and evolving possibility. Energetics is as simple as changing one thing we eat, adding a five minute meditation every day, taking walks under the stars, yoga in the morning, anything that moves us to be uniquely our own creates the energetics for an aura that naturally attracts what is our spirit calling and our caliber helps us obtain it like consolidating a flame in a candle, keeping the flame protected and directed.
We need an aura to capture our manifestation or our manifestation cannot be grabbed and we fall short to almost or missed opportunity. The expander vision is visualization from the visionary and breakthrough discipline. The vision implies wish. The visionary implies want. The expander implies discipline because to expand anything higher, wider, greater is to stretch the stiff, unmoved and compressed muscles loose.
Our subconscious holds a world of stiff, unmoved and compressed emotional, psychological and energetic states. However, the neuroplasticity of our possibility stretching, rewriting, re-relating, reorganizing is led by our ability to counter pull the pull to be and think a certain way and strengthen our own pull on the energetics of the planet to be a caliber very high in its worth. This is the receptivity of our higher worth and fulfillment in our relating to self and other. It is fresh and the fresher our pattern is the more spacious our auric field is to root our innocence into caliber and caliber into structure and structure into manifestation.