Development of Intuition

By Ivy Integration
          Intuition is the walk way to the divine. We must access the divine to know our making. Intuition provides insight, direction, energy and vision. Without such we are unsure, unclear and uncertain. Life is equilibrium, balance and finding one’s center. There is stillness to chaos and chaos to stillness. This is intuition. Intuition is the driving force, will, to activate the soul and awaken the dream. Each human carries a seed of light, a dream for life. This is our vision as a soul. It is most lively from ages 0-9 because our intuition is most lively and applied daily. Our sense of soul is wildly known as a child but then our vision blurs with the standard common on Planet Earth. We dumb ourselves down, lie to ourselves, deny ourselves, take on facades and ignore ourselves to fit inside the standard intelligence, creativity, life style, etc. The soul is beyond. The soul is the painter painting evolution into what it means to paint on canvas.
          We humans carry this seed of light our entire life and many die with this seed of light unawakened. This seed of light is to grow within ourselves not to sit in the emptiness unrealized. The seed of light is our calling, mission, purpose, destiny, great manifestation, authenticity. There are many words to describe this seed of light. Overall, it is joy brought to Planet Earth. Of course, living on Planet Earth where we are unsure, unclear and uncertain is a pilgrimage few take to know insight, direction, energy and vision.
          The moon has two sides, light and dark. What is light reveals and what is dark uncovers. What is unseen is the authenticity beyond this Planet Earth reaching us from the darkness of mystery. It is mystic and extraordinary. What is seen shows us the impact our magnetism has on the inner and outer reality we create. Intuition is tapping into the darkness to uncover an authentic choice for ourselves to improve the magnetism of the inner and outer reality we create. Without intuition we cannot uncover the darkness of what mysteries want to transform us and how our light creates the inner and outer reality we project onto Planet Earth. We cannot know our will to summon vision into visionary or beauty to enrich our reality. We are unsure, unclear and uncertain. Intuition known as insight, direction, energy and vision gives us an edge necessary to think, believe and realize beyond the standard. Human fits the Earth but the Earth does not fit human standard. Planet Earth is a fertile ground for souls with a seed of light. Earth is a pioneer!!! Human is the child of Earth. Human is meant to be as the Earth not as the matrix in the human mind. The heart is the closest rhythm to the Earth. It is strong, fierce, rhythmic, adventurous, energetic, charismatic, fearless, healing, cooling and soulful. The heart is the energy for the soul. The mind and navel is the fuel for positive projection of the self on Planet Earth.
          Connecting to the heart is transcending the mind, the matrix of humankind. The heart is the Inner Child, the version of ourselves 0-9 with the strongest intuition. When we are unsure, unclear and uncertain we are always brought back to the heart in meditation, movement and self reflection to summon authenticity to improve our lives. The seed of light calls to everyone but few answer the call and fertilize vision on Planet Earth. Vision is a dream of equilibrium, balance and finding our center. Visionary is developing intuition to maintain and sustain equilibrium, balance and center. Why does human need equilibrium, balance and one’s center to realize the dream??? Without such, human does not have the assured embodiment to realize the dream. Human is easily unsure, unclear and uncertain without assured embodiment because human doesn’t have the will without equilibrium, balance and one’s center. Will is the ability to stay true to the Earth.
          The seed of light is a gift or talent we have within, native and natural, that is provided by the soul to help us serve ourselves and the Earth. The seed of light grows and we grow. When the seed of light sits we sit unsure, unclear and uncertain of our making and the power of our creation. We sit for too long and our body and mind begins to fit the matrix of humankind rather than the majestic and vast Planet Earth. Humankind is one species our trillion. Planet Earth is the knowledge of those trillion species. Growing the seed of light is trust!!! TRUST is a prayer, ritual, practice, journal, positive self concept, yoga, sacred celebration, liberty, justice, finding the way––finding equilibrium, balance and one’s center where dark and light, what is unseen and seen, are moving beyond judgment that confuses the accomplishment of the soul. The soul has a talent and gift visionary in nature but denied in judgment. Human wants to manifest the dream and needs intuition to enrich the life experience.
          How do we develop intuition??? First, we must recognize the Inner Child is the voice of our intuition. If we’ve denied, ignored, shamed or out casted the Inner Child our intuition is very distant from ourselves. We summon the Inner Child, the version of ourselves 3-5 years old. We summon the play, magic, ritual, soulfulness, authenticity and vision of the Inner Child. We heal all shame, neglect, judgment, denial and harm placed on the Inner Child. The Inner Child is free of all negativity and harsh energies that try to separate ourselves from the Inner Child. We now and forever recognize the Inner Child as the true self. We are available and ready to be the true self, the version of the self connected to Mother Gaia. We allow the dream, insight, direction, energy and vision of the Inner Child to guide us back to our talent/gift that brings us joy and freedom. All entrapment, lack, poverty, aggression and sadness gripped to the Inner Child from childhood neglect we parent ourselves now with Mother Mary and Jesus Christ. We care for ourselves as Mother Mary and Jesus Christ does. We give to the Inner Child! We give adventure, positivity, support, strength, accomplishment and freedom to be the Inner Child. We are NOW reunited and creating a daily ritual of Inner Child healing, joy and freedom to awaken the vision and strengthen the visionary able to transform reality into the will of the soul.
So, it is!!! Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!!
          Second, we must strip ourselves clean of all the doubt, second guessing and stagnation that has us ignoring, escaping or judging the intuitive insight, direction, energy and vision that is calling to us very moment. We are together with Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael as we cut all the dense cords we have to the human matrix. Archangel Michael’s royal silver and gold sword with burning gas stove blue flames cuts through our aura setting to blaze all doubt, second guessing and stagnation that inhibits us from fully trusting our insight, direction, energy and vision. We are clean of avoidance and neglect of the intuition. Archangel Raphael places a cooling emerald green robe around our shoulders, gold crown above our head and a citrine and amethyst staff with an opal sphere at the top. We are embracing our imaginative and creative divine self. We are joining hand in hand with the Inner Child 3-5 years old inside. We raise the high vibrational staff to the sky and strike it down to the ground like lightning. We strike down all belittlement, shame, judgment and neglect done to the self and return our spirit to enthusiasm to deflect all harsh energies that live inside the matrix of humankind. We are in the tall grasses of a meadow surrounded by a vibrant lively forest of tall trees with Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael. We return our spirit back to Mother Gaia. Mother Gaia is our teacher, parent and guardian. Mother Gaia protects us with the mantra mantra Aap Sahai Hoa Sachay Daa Sacha Doa, Har Har Har. This sacred mantra baths us in a royal gas stove blue shield of immense protection now and forever. So, it is!!! Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru!!!
          Finally, we take full ownership of our sovereignty to lead. We accept becoming the authentic self is a challenge that requires the will of soul. We are available and ready for such challenge. We trust the process and practice of our talent/gift to fully develop. We are concentrated on being the original self and cleanse our senses of the human matrix. We return our senses to Mother Gaia for immense purification. We bath in the crystal clear lake by the snowy mountain in a forest of winter. We all the cold waters to release all mental, emotional, psychological and physical anxiety, frustration, agitation and neglect towards initiating ourselves into our authentic self. The cold waters jump start our spiritual awakening. All burdens such as fear, low self worth, childhood trauma, etc. drop to the bottom of the lake to break down into crystallized sand. We are feeling lighter and more open to higher vibrations. A gong plays in the deep forest. The gong rings out all lower vibrations within and around us. The gong reprograms our thinking, believing, sensing and self concept into a healthy, happy and holy thought, belief, sense and self concept. The gong sets our energy free like the owls, hawks, bears and all creatures of Mother Gaia are intended to be. So, it is!!! Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru
          With this activation and purification we have now opened the golden double doors to our insight, direction, energy and vision. We are imaginative, creative, clear headed, trusting of the self and practicing our talent daily. We are getting real with the authentic self, the Inner Child and learning the way the Inner Child has set up for us to succeed in our authentic code on Planet Earth!!!