able, capable of extraordinary ways...

By Ivy Integration
          Why do we hold onto our pain? Why do we carry our pain from life to life? These fears, buried talents, insecurities and judgments are not me! I come to Earth for what reason??? Am I here to take on the weight of the world and lose my footing? Earth is for a brave heart. Earth is for liberation. Earth is the mountain only the willful take. Time and time again humankind does not make it but many times more humanity is reborn. Naturally, we get attached to our way of thinking, feeling, relating and living. But, those who take the mountain to learn their extraordinary making transcend it all to know the essence that birthed true human potential. Human is capable of great destruction and ingenious creativity. We’ve experienced desperation, survival with chaos, division for control, disease, dysfunction, low intelligence, manipulation, discrimination, entrapment and numerous more traumas that bind us to the Earth. We’ve also experienced spiritual growth, creative harmony, immense healing, miraculous wisdom, high intelligence and numerous more doors opened to greater human potential.
Many yearn for their belonging. Many are lost to generations of poverty, low self esteem and didn’t make it into their awakened potential. This belonging isn’t to dwell with the repeating stagnancy of human oblivion but to reform the life clearer to what is extraordinary. SO many people set out to claim their sovereignty but in coming to Earth lose their strength to be original confused by mental limitation. Release, the heart commands!!! The heart requires release for something brighter to transform the human mind but release isn’t for the easy. Release is for those ready to take the mountain and understand ascension of the spirit on Earth. Those doors are everywhere but few take them. It is cold, isolating, challenging, deeper than deep and many times paramount to our thinking ways. In shedding the weight, layer by layer, the stagnate ways of existing on Earth that leave human naïve dweller, dwelling with no light of energy to awaken the spirit of ancestors, ascended beings or masters, we move into a authentic code.
The authentic code is our mission. The authentic code is the Akashic Record we must obtain to truly grow all incarnations into one wise destiny. To be wise is to be free! We yearn to be free and are frustrated, angry, resentful and depressed because we are not free. The weight of the world isn’t our breakdown. The weight of the world is our breakthrough into higher levels of wisdom. The weight of the world pushes us down, down, down. Everywhere there is a message to downplay ourselves, to destroy and belittle our own minds into demise. This is not the Earth. This is the dilemma not for human confusion but for human liberation. Without liberation the dilemma holding the human dull and dormant we are disabled. Many are disabled but with empowered gratitude to liberate the generations and uplevel the path towards true human potential we are able, capable of extraordinary ways.