Self Worth!!!

Self Worth
By Ivy Integration
            We get to learn our self worth in relationships. Relationships give us an opportunity to evaluate the amount of sabotage and breakthrough we have in our self worth. For example, unfulfilling relationships reveal that we carry sabotage in our self worth. For example, loving relationships reveal that we have breakthrough in our self worth. Sabotage in a relationship is dwelling in a relationship. Dwelling implies no movement, growth or evolution. It is impotent or seeming stagnate. Breakthrough is the opposite. It is lively, growing leaps and bounds and supports our flight.
          We cannot escape the self worth given to us by the childhood. It decides how we care for ourselves. If the parents have low self worth we are bound to repeat similar patterns until we evaluate and reinvent ourselves. A relationship is to provide extra support to our house called the self. A relationship is NOT to be our support. The person we love is not the framework to our house. Our self worth is the foundation to our house. A relationship is simply additional support. For example, in tribal times when a woman gives birth the whole tribe comes to support. The woman is more than capable of giving birth with her and her mother/grandmother. The extra support provides more energy. Where there is more energy there is greater chance of breakthrough. A relationship is energy and never a dwelling. Co-dependency isn’t fuel to our balance. It is a temporary sensation of balance that always comes down like a house made of hay. Energy isn’t latching to each other for balance. Energy is like the collaboration between the sun, Earth and moon. The sun is whole, the Earth is whole and the moon is whole. Each of them have their own space to be what is natural for them to be, interaction to inspire the other and rhythm to keep each other harmonic.
          We all yearn for a relationship that fits our high self worth like the sun and Earth fit each other very well. The sabotage and breakthrough in our relationships is the path to higher elevation of self worth. No one wants to dwell in a relationship that seems impotent or stale. We want to orbit each other like the sun, Earth and moon because this harmonic rhythm brings life and we want LIFE, energy to create and elevate. We want our relationships to be lively, which gives us fresher and fresher growth rather than a dwelling that is slowly settling into stagnation. The sabotage is low self worth. Breakthrough is high self worth and we get to discover both in a relationship. The more sabotage we have the less enthusiasm and play there is a relationship and more confusion, dilemma and misunderstanding. The more breakthrough we have the less “trying to make it work,” dishonesty and fakeness and more jazz/wit, playfulness and willingness to grow through honesty. We have to decide what relationship we want with ourselves first before we can be real in a relationship.
          The mother creates the sabotage and breakthrough for the son and the father for the daughter. A man views a woman through the lenses of the mother relationship as a child. A woman views a man through the lenses of the father relationship as a child. If the mother has low self worth and dwelled most of her life a man’s view of a woman is more sabotaging than breakthrough. He doesn’t think highly of women because his mother didn’t move herself into a higher altitude of self worth. A man thinks what is possible for him in intimate relationship from the mother. For example, if the mother used the son to help her pay bills as a boy what is possible as a man is a transactional relationship or relationship that is based solely on money/security. For example, if the mother is every adventurous, a public speaker, a man’s view of a relationship with woman is active, energetic and forward.
The same applies to women in relationship with men. For example, the father dwelled in resentment towards his ex wife. What is possible for a woman is a man who has inability to let go of past wounds. For example, the father controlled his little girl and never gave her freedom to find her own way. What is possible for a woman is a man who clings to her and needs her to fit his image. Self psychology is vast but women view men through the lenses of the father relationship as a child and men through the lenses of the mother relationship as a child. If you are a woman looking to date a man learn about the mother. Learn the mother’s self worth. Is there more sabotage or breakthrough in her life? A woman can learn what is possible for “this man” in relationship with her. Also, a man wanting to date a woman should learn the father to see what is possible for her in a relationship with him.
In learning the psyche of the mother, a woman can learn the relationship “he” has with women and the same for men and a woman’s father. It is no secret sabotage in a relationship. The lower the self worth the more relationship dilemma, confusion and misunderstanding there is leading to disharmony. Sabotage shows up as a very immature person, a person who cannot speak up, express his/her feelings, jump in and out of relationships and overall, drama that is dissatisfying in the way it leads nowhere but back to the same root sabotage, which is very unfulfilling. Recognizing the sabotage in a person we want to be with, we gain knowledge on what relationship they are participating in, sabotage or breakthrough. Breakthrough shows up as a very mature person, a person who communicates, wants to learn, grow and understand, honest and available. This person is in touch with their creativity, spirituality and security and is seeking harmony not drama. Drama is exhausting because the relationship is very stagnate. Fire of creativity or heated discussion is motion that moves the relationship into new areas of exploration. This is the difference between exhausting drama and heated discussion.
When we are working through, as a woman, our relationship with the father and the root self worth we have we are expanding our possibility in a relationship. We are reinventing the lenses on what a relationship is by finding our wholeness within. Wholeness is taking the childhood imbalance between mother and father and reparenting our possibility to overcome sabotage and breakthrough low self worth. This is a practice of taking care of the self. When we take care of the self in ways maybe the parents did not we are elevating the altitude of self worth. By following our joy, leading our joy and overcoming the negativity to embrace our joy we are healing generations of stale relationships.
By becoming our own father and mother within we are giving ourselves a chance to decide for ourselves what is possible for a relationship. No longer are we looking through the lenses of the parents subconsciously. We are overriding the parent relationship as a child with our sovereignty, which is leading our joy. This isn’t easy because sabotage is heavy on most people. Sabotage is dense and makes our relationships dense. Breakthrough is light, lively and movement. In a relationship we are working on both. But, it requires participation in self worth from both people for a relationship to overcome sabotage and breakthrough into a more playful and harmonic union. Participation in self worth is a person who is open, willing and able to be true to themselves. A person who is not a participate in self worth is closed, unwilling and unable to listen, care and share themselves honestly and, therefore, there is no self worth improvement in the relationship only the same sabotage and same level of breakthrough. No one wants to deal with the same sabotage and same level of breakthrough in a relationship for years on years. Relationship is relating to the ship or course of life. We want to be on a journey not in a dwelling.