Express Yourself!!!
By Ivy Integration
Expression is our alchemy, to remedy,
harmonize and resolve our lives. In life our destiny is to conquer our
imbalances, misundstandings, judgments through expression and come into the fullness
of our magnetic power. What is magnetic power? Magnetic power comes from the
wholeheart, a heart beastly courageous, dignified and honest. But, our weak
expression dulls our courage, dignity and honesty into shame. Shame for our
imbalances, misunderstandings, judgments can form a prideful ego to ignore or
deny the confusion of our misalighed view on life or cage our brazen creativity
and never vent free the messages in the heart and like birds they carry a tiny
note with a tiny message that tells us our heart’s yearning. Our heart yearns
to express but when our mental projection is larger than our heart expression,
we are ruled by the mental intrigues that create dilemma, commotion and fantasy.
It is difficult to express ourselves when everything is interpreted through
complication, when words, feelings, thought forms, ideas and assumptions are
filtered through dilemma, commotion and fantasy. We cannot capture the simplicity
of human nature, come into the subtly of the heart and express the overview of
the heart’s yearning Instead, many of us express the fragments of doubt, fear,
confusion, paranoia, insecurity, confusion. In the overview, where do all the dilemmas,
commotions and fantasies join for clarity? They emerge at the heart, when the physiology
of our synergized, synchronized body/mind pours into the spirit or haven for
our soul. Only then, do we allow feelings to speak instead of rallying against
the spirit in all the undervalued mental projections streaming through pride or
Expression is our Godly gift to remedy,
harmonize and restore our lives. It provides the opportunity to make amend,
atone our misunderstandings and judgments and alchemize our creative knowledge.
Creative knowledge comes from the experience of expression, when we learn to articulate
the heart constructively, correctly, creatively. Articulation of the heart is a
practice as humankind is still bound to the dilemma, commotion and fantasy in
the undervalued mental projection. But, the more we indulge in the undervalued mental
projection led by shame the more meaningless our actions, feelings and
relations become. We become impulsive, desensitized and unavailable to ourselves
and others.
The realm of the heart is subtle,
meditative, receptive and innocent. It yearns to be emotionally fulfilled! But,
our prideful/shameful ego or emotional denial rejects the opening of our
expression for messages to fly out and speak to us with courage, dignity and
honesty. Prideful/shameful ego or emotional denial rejects courage, dignity and
honesty through self-importance “I am right! They are wrong!” self-judgment “I
don’t need to say or do anything!” over-thinking “It’s too far gone, the person
doesn’t care; I’m upset!” All emotions are valid but when we over indulge in
self-importance, self-judgment and over-thinking we are scrambled by the mental
projection and have no overview to see from a higher view beyond our human
nature to separate, categorize, disarray feelings and fragment ourselves.
How to practice the Godly gift to
remedy, harmonize and resolve our imbalances, misunderstandings and judgments
is practicing courage, dignity and honesty in the physiology. What this looks
like is exactly what the ancients practice daily in ritual! Through song and
dance, prayer, meditation, morning/afternoon ritual, the natives liberate the
body/mind collaboration by getting grounded/rooted into the rhythmic heart beat
of Earth. The natives would root their mind out of space into the body through
the fierce heart beat moving with a rhythm of nature. Through mimicking the
river, tree, stone, fire and gleaming moon, the natives found innocence at the
heart and clarity to the spacey mind. When the mind is anchored in the heart
through liberty of physiology, the body becomes an instrument for messages to
come through. We think messages come through the mind because we’ve spent many
centuries focusing on the mind through science, math, technology, building and
establishing (patriarchal model) but the mind is a filter and the heart is the organizer.
If we solely live by filters we are
always separating, categorizing and assuming but if we stream through filters
with an organizer we are polarizing our imbalance with balance, misunderstanding
with understanding and judgment with compassion giving us magnetic power to
unify our mental intrigues into a subtle entity called the expression of physiology.
It is native and vibrant, the heart and not a dilemma, commotion and fantasy
one after the other after the other leading us through constant ache of
confusion and emotional unfulfillment. Those who practice body/mind movement
through song and dance, Chi Gong, Tai Chi, Kundalini Yoga, anything that gets
the mind creatively emotional and available to grounded emotion have strength
to express their needs, intentions, commands and boundaries. Resonating at the
heart fully with fullness of the wholeheart, mental indulging detaches and
returns to a subtle experience of being fully in touch with the body. Those who
are not fully in touch with the body are usually captured in self-importance,
self-judgment and over-thinking trying to think, think, think their way through
remedy, harmony and resolution but end up thinking, thinking and thinking.
Those who are not fully in touch with the body are easily irritated, irritable
and obnoxious by all their self-importance, self-judgment and over-thinking and
lead no one nowhere monumental or to the paramount of the overview.
The heart leads to the paramount of the
overview. This paramount of insight, discovery and alchemy is through the physiology
of the body/mind embodying the Earth. When we look out the window of our
largest chakra, vortex or electromagnetic circuit, the heart, do we see that we
must express fun, laughter, joy, innocence NOW through forgiveness, acceptance
and compassion to bring ourselves out of spacey la la land into the fullness of
our touch on Earth. Only then, do we have the courage, dignity and honesty to
lead our heart open, wider, bolder and our body stronger to support the authenticity
of the heart’s rhythm.