What the Aquarian Age wants to Reignite within Humanity

The Power of Belief
By Ivy Integration
The Power of Belief is a common New Age term. The Power of Belief rised with the rising Technology Age around the mid 1990s but has been around since the times of witchcraft and mystic secret societies. The Power of Belief has been hidden in plain sight and practiced in secret societies for thousands of years. When the Aquarian Age revolved humanity into the next phase of human evolution, humanity was given a web. There is the internet, a web of information and underneath a web of intellect. We are starting to understand that most of ourself is mysterious, hidden, secret to ourself and others but can be accessed either through meditation, self hypnosis, deep introspection, chanting or life regression. The subconscious is the deep ocean. We believe we know the ocean but it is vast and deep. We like to believe we know ourselves but many never explore the vast and deep. The Power of Belief gave us a tool, a method in learning the mutli-verse of our life. This tool or method is an ability to reprogram the web of intellect.
We are set like setting the frameworks to a house or perspective from the childhood. From 0-5 years old we are most absorbent in our entire lives. We soak up the family life, environment, ecosystem and collective consciousness of our geographic region and judgments of humanity. This organizes our fondational layers to young adulthood and mid age life. As we begin to recognize our bad habits, addictions, neglect, violation, self-hatred, egomania, escapism, denial and avoidance, the Aquarian Age is giving us a way to refine the undercurrent of our habitual behavior.
The Power of Belief is an amplification of our sovereignty to destroy and create ourselves. It is a mystic power forgotten and hidden underneath the layers of our adult lives. It lives with the children. They carry possibilities not confined to the current judgment of humanity. They are the bridge to the unknown like a scuba diver is the bridge to evolved science. They travel the vast deep alone or with a group to enhance the knowledge possibility for creation. Most of the creatures in the pitch black of the deep are peculiar, strange, odd looking, beyond human greatest imagination and yet they are evidence that there is creation beyond human imagination. The children understand this because they sense a multi-verse of human and ecosystem dimensions happening on Planet Earth until judgment switch off their pioneering vision.
Adulthood is looking at life through a pea hole to a door but never opening the door. Humanity is bound to disease, mental illness, old age decay and pollution. The cage humanity lives in is the set intellect but like the web of constellations revolving dynamically, we humans are a revolving door of perception, moving through destructive and creative views. But, in the overview where we are neither bound to this or that, we are possibilities to life interpretation, manifestation and choice. We know free will and that the basic free will choices are love and fear, courage or doubt, victimization or reasonability, entrapment or sovereignty, leadership or follower. We are faced with these choices constantly. This is the battle of Planet Earth between destruction and creation and Planet Earth has faced countless destructive fallings and ingenius risings.
The Power of Belief for the Aquarian Age is reigniting the gift of resetting the mind from illness to health, bad habits to constructive habits, pollution to resourcefulness–anything can be reset in the vast deep of the subconscious web where our 0-5 year old self lives soaking up the world and making judgments about self and other based on the view. But, like the revolving door, there are many views to perceive life, pessimism and optimism, avoidance and innovation and self-love and self-sabotage. The Power of Belief is an amplification of what we choose to participate in every day but for many the habitual life style is unconscious. For example, we have an inner dialogue that induces possibilities for disease, mental illness, bad habits and pollution. The inner dialogue is amplified the more we feed the load.
How do we switch off the destructive nature of humanity and switch on the creative nature of humanity? The amplification of the subconscious through sound or vibration we can reorganize our neuroplasticity to carve out fresher neurological pathways. What this looks like in our participation is routine. Human is bound to routine without routine human is disorganized and unproductive. It is our animal nature to be habitual, human nature to resist the set habitual patterns from childhood and human/angel nature to doubt love and fearlessness. Our reprogramming starts at routine. The Power of Belief is revealed in our routine of losing energy or gaining energy, being self-belittling or self-encouraging. But, the foundation of our alchemy is hidden, quiet, secret and mysterious. It isn’t looking in the mirror and seeing ourselves. It is looking into the sound current of our subconscious broadcast.
The way of tapping into the subconscious basement is resonance. Every word, decision, choice, perceptive, experience and judgment has a resonance. Our radiance determines how constructive or destructive the broadcast is. Creating a harmonic and self-encouraging resonance is vibrating the body with ecstasy through endurance, will power, dignity and innocence. When we watch a dance recital, orchestra concert or opera we are receiving the resonance of their endurance, will power, dignity and innocence amplifying the belief of infinite possibility. There are many pathways of resonating infinite possibility but usually the commonality is heartfelt expression/emergence of endurance, will power, dignity and innocence.
The Power of Belief is vibrating the body and mind rhythmically with joy. When we are vibrating arrhythmic or imbalanced beliefs we are usually heavily judgmental, we lose energy of endurance, will power, dignity and innocence and become more defeated, incompetent, dishonest and scrambled. Therefore, when we are rhythmically aligned with our heart, the center of our lives, the first creation of our being in utero, we are spreading endurance, will power, dignity and innocence to our blood, cells, bones, organs, muscles and tissues. Our heart regulates, pumps our life force and renewals our breath. When it is arrhythmic it is suiting bad habits, addictions, neurosis, destructive patterns that induce disease and illness and setting the body and mind to be malnourished. For example, people in a coma can live in the mind but when the heart stops the body and mind shut down. The heart needs rhythm like dance, jazz, orchestra, laughter, spunk and enlightened stamina. The resonance of the heart is the stronger electromagnetic pulse than the mind. Therefore, when the heart is expanding, revolving the view, learning through movement, the heart is possibility of the child able to reprogram the belief of the set 0-5 year old self with core structures that align with endurance, will power, dignity and innocence. This path revolutionizes neuroplasticity carving out more efficient pathways in the brain and through consistent routine reprograms our rhythm to be aligned with a healthy, happy and holy heart beat.